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Biografia : Wideyedaze

Wideyedaze began with Nick Johnson(Drums),Alexus Murfin(Ex-Bassist) and Rusty Johnson(Lead Guitar) as a Jam band/Black Sabbath cover band.After a few years and recruitment of Brandon Sutton(Ex-Vocals) to begin the formation of Wideyedaze.After a few months they recruited Sebastian LeQuire(Rhythm Guitar) they buckled down.After about 7 months Alexus Murfin left the band.The band got a hold of a temp bassist and continued writing and doing shows.Two more months passed and Ex-singer Brandon Sutton left the band.Through much trial and error,Wideyedaze found lead singer, Danial Elrod.Danial's motivation and talent further pushed Wideyedaze's sound and made Wideyedaze seek out a permanent Bassist.After MORE trial and error Wideyedaze found bassist, Lyn Williams, further completing Wideyedaze's overall sound.
After awhile Rusty Johnson left Wideyedaze on good terms in order to pursue his own passions.Wideyedaze sought out a new guitarist and stumbled upon James Ponder.
Now fully complete the band sets out to bring Death Metal back to the south and eventually take their sound to higher and better places.

Source : http://www.facebook.com/WideyedazeTN