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Biografia : Violent Night

Violent Night started in 2003 after an awful short stint to attempt to create a metal group ended. Giddeon Quinn featured, Chris Shur on Vox, Vic Stown on Guitar/Backing Vox, Wayne Holocaust on Guitar, Marshall Law on Bass, Oberlin Joe on Lead Guitar and, unfortunately, the band never could find a drummer before we called it quits, only lasted no more than a month or two at the most. It was Vics first group he'd been invovled in since he had graduated. He wasn't about to be done. Wayne worked for a local pizza shop delivering pizzas. One night in 2003 he happend to deliver to Vics place of residence. Vic had been waiting for the oppurtunity to speak with Wayne. The conversation was short and went something like "We should hook up and jam."... "Definitely." Thus Violent Night was born.

Vic recruited his younger brother Jesse for drumming. It was a real rag tag team. The boys weren't very good. They adopted the name 'Revolver', but dropped it a month or so later feeling too many groups already had the name. They then decided Snowyt (pronounced Snow White) was far more appropriate, after close friend Jason Nehls had mentioned how twisted it would be to have a sweet name and play metal. The guys liked the idea. So phase one was complete. Snowyt featured Vic on Lead Guitar/Lead Vox, Wayne on Lead Guitar/Backing Vox, and Jesse on Drums. The boys cut one demo, on their own, in this period. It was to help them let future recruits know what they were about. It featured: Thrash 'till Ya Pass Out, Love It Or Leave it, and Snowyt (Vic also laid down the bass tracks for the demo). Half way through 2004, close friend, Erik Kataklysm joined to play bass. The band was set. They cut another self produced demo which featured: Six Foot, Killing Spree and Tight Rope. Vic had always felt his solos to be very weak compaired to what the band ought to have. The boys never gave up looking for a taleneted enough individual that could handle such shredding skills. A fellow who went by the name 'Rez' tried out, but left shortly after due to his job.

The year 2005 was upon the band. Having only played one show and slowing down for a year to catch Erik up took a toll on the moral of the group. They had enough material for a full length. It was time to cut an album at a good studio. The boys selected Harvest Studio near Kent. Whilst they were cutting their album they happend across a young man who seemed interested in lead guitar duties. Mikey B. Lial was recruited (about five seconds after his try out). This made the band whole. Funding ran out for the album, so an EP, Gift Of The Nile, (which never was released) was cut instead. Around this time the band changed it's name to Violent Night. No one could figure how to say Snowyt (Snow White), as well as the new name was more fitting. Shows came and went. The band decided to let Erik go, for personal reasons and that Vic ought to step down as vocalist and let Wayne have at it. Wayne was already singing a few of the songs Violent Night was playing out. Vic agreed to it. Unfortunatetly Wayne would never get to try out his new role. Not long after Violent Night crumbled. Mikey and Vic had countless arguments on the direction of where the band should be headed. Finally, Mikey quit, and for the core boys, it was the final nail in the coffin.

Three years and almost nothing to show for it, had worn on Vic and Wayne. A break was needed... and short lived. Mikey would almost seamlessly start Neon Black. Vic a few months later would recruit Wayne, Jesse, and Marshall Law (who had just left as vocalist from the black metal group Black Trinty). They would call themselves Vindicator. Wayne would quit for personal reasons. Vic has since taken Vindicator into his own hands. Wayne again has the urge to thrash as well as Jesse. Together they have drafted Erik Kataklysm as their bassist as well as adopted the name Evil Star. It was a long and, ultimately, painful road. But it was a learning road, and well worth the pain... "Pain is the reason we're here."

Source : http://www.myspace.com/violentnight