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Biografia : Shargath

After "Memento finis", the first album released in January 2005 under
Twofatmen (dutch label), the band decides that 2006 would be the year of
improvement and involving in new songs, and in a fresh new concept to
enhance Shargath more and more. The learning of new tools, of computing
programs, and the purchase of auto-producing units take part of it. Early
2007, the new project's recording begins. A new website that works on
basis of an idea of free music releasing and distributing is built up.
"Bowel Sounds Of A Deaf Man" was released in the second '07's semester.

Shargath has already played around in Belgium, France and Switzerland.
They've shared the stage with such bands as Gojira(fr), Spylown(ch), as
well as a massive amount of belgian bands (Code 314, Recidiv, The Guild,
Pneumatic Head Compressor...) with just as many varied styles of music
(hip hop, experimental, hardcore, metal, electro...).

Shargath is now promoting the album and it's also massively in search of
new gigs anywhere they can. The band is fully used to play by now and its
performance convinces the most pessimists. Positive energy, confidency and
heavy powerful sound are its main characteristics and the audience follows
it with enthusiasm.

There have already been several thousands of MP3, as well as more than 700
albums in .WAV format downladed in less than a year wia our website.

We hope you will be able to considerate Shargath with interest and find it
a place within your next gigs programed. Heavy sensations and good
atmosphere guaranteed.

Listen and download "Bowel Sounds Of A Deaf Man" freely on our website :

The band is currently working out the next episode towards a new album
promised to be more harsh and powerful again. A new drummer has come to
join the band and the future makes us dream.

Thanks for paying attention and good listening.


Source : http://www.facebook.com/business/dashboard/?ref=sb#/pages/Shargath/24309020142