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Biografia : Resuscitation

Resuscitation was formed in 1997 under the name Rapture by Bob Ceyssens, the guitarist, Kurt Straetemans, the vocalist and Eddy who played the bass. After a few months Resuscitation found their first drummer in JP and started to create their first songs. Later on JP left the band because of medical reasons. Thereafter the band found their second drummer Stefan and second guitarist Jurgen who therefore played keyboards in Celebrant. The name was changed to Resuscitation because there were already several bands existing who had the name Rapture.
In 2001 Stefan decided to quit with Resuscitation as did Jurgen and also Eddy who exchanged for Celebrant. Now Bob and Kurt are the only two original members left. Since the very beginning it was hard to find a stable line-up. When the second drummer quit, we decided to record the songs we had written and rehearsed for the last 3 years before starting with a new line-up.
The best 5 songs were selected and we recorded the demo " Injection of Insanity " at Brotherhood 66. While recording we used a drumcomputer, but all the drums are 95% the same as our former drummer used to play.
After " Injection of Insanity " Wim joined Resuscitation to torture the drums so it could give birth to more neck-breaking death metal without compromises. Fast, furious and deadly ! ! ! When the time is right Resuscitation will feed their first full-length album to the world.
In may 2004 Resuscitation parted ways with drummer Wim Geers due to differences in musical taste. Resuscitation however continued their path of death metal madness to reach a new level, which has been accomplished in 12 new bloodofferings to the realm of death metal. The new material shows more aggression, madness, obsession and ripping gore-craving blasphemy! To make the songs complete in order to invoke the death metal insanity, a new drummer was needed. First Baruch came into the picture, since he also helped out with the demo "Injection of Insanity" in 2001. Due to lack of time on the behalf of Baruch this co-operation lasted only 2 months. In september 2005 Resuscitation made a pact with "SatanMark", appearing from US-style death metal force Skullcollector & the dark souls of Celebrant. The ultimate goal was achieved, a drummer capable of summoning legions of demons joined Resuscitation on short notice to do the drums!! By this time 8 songs are finished - 5 will be finished by the end of august - september 2006. Next step is to record all written material and to release a debut album. When the next level of rotting has been reached, we will again open our tombstone releasing the stench of unheavenly death metal upon you!

Source : http://users.pandora.be/noc/enter.htm