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Biografia : Mencea

Mencea stands for groove oriented, intense modern metal that bends the listener's perception of the various genres of extreme music. Formed in the beginning of 2004 in Athens, Greece, Mencea went through a period of experimenting with various formulas in order to develop their present unique musical identity. Their music oscillates in between fast, aggressive moods, melodic hooks, and is executed with punishing precision. Big and spacey melodies, over raging riffs and extreme drumming, ear-grinding vocals, and atmospheric passages, demonstrate the band's songwriting skills and technical prowess.

Having raised the eyebrows of some well known European, as well as U.S record producers, their pre-production demos also reached the hands of Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, In Flames, Soilwork, SYL etc), who instantly expressed his interest in working with the band.

With two very talented upcoming metal producers in their ranks, Mencea entered 210 Studios in Berlin, Germany. Stamos Koliousis and Vangelis Labrakis took up engineering and production duties for the band's debut release "Dark Matter, Energy Noir".

"Dark Matter, Energy Noir" was mixed by Daniel Bergstrand at Dug Out Studios, in Uppsala, Sweden. Having previously worked with the likes of some of the most prominent bands in the modern metal world, he took the band's auditory assault to the next level.

Finally, the band received the great honour of getting their album mastered by the legendary George Marino (Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, etc) at Sterling Sound Studios in New York, giving the finishing touch in what may soon be cited as one of the best produced debut albums to have been released on this side of the Atlantic.

With "Dark Matter, Energy Noir", Mencea aim to join the movement of other forward thinking contemporary extreme bands such as Gojira, Meshuggah, and Opeth to name but a few..

Source : blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=41105964&blogID=439952627