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Biografia : Lair Of The Minotaur

Emerging from the caustic burrows of Chicago comes the monolith of metal called Lair of the Minotaur.

Formed by Steven Rathbone in spring of 2003 on the heels of his band 7000 Dying Rats saying farewell to their infamous live performances and vowing to only release studio recordings. He enlisted Donald James Barraca (also from 7000 Dying Rats) on bass and longtime friend Larry Herweg (from Hydra Head Records drone masters, Pelican) on drums.

With the line-up set, LOTM recorded their self produced six song debut EP in 2003, which eventually found it's way over to the Southern Lord lair. The impact was immediate and the deal was done, LOTM became the newest edition to Southern Lord's goat farm!

The intent is to make crushing heavy metal, each song telling a different tale from Greek mythology. With a nod to the forefathers of the genre: Black Sabbath, Celtic Frost, Venom and Slayer. Lair of the Minotaur takes their vision of barbaric sonic aggression and redesigns the mold. Their focus and direction is crystal clear.

They display a passion and determination to annihilate audiences everywhere with this "sonic colonic" known as Lair of the Minotaur.