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Biografia : KHMP

After singing and composed in various Hard Rock / Heavy Metal like Van Guard, Ashbury, I decided to start Kergo Heavy Metal project (last name of Scarecrown's Heavy Metal Band) and assured me not to waste my time with musicians unmotivated because generators loss of time and energy.

KHMP born therefore in view of achieving a conceptual album about serial killers very typical Heavy Metal.

In April 2010, three months after the start of this new adventure, released the CD single "Evil in My Mind" intended to canvass the labels and know about this project.

Following the completion of the album, the next step will be to recruit musicians on stage to defend. You can support Kergo Heavy Metal Project by buying the single to the ridiculous price of 5 euros including postage. Cheers!

Source : http://www.myspace.com/kergomusic