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Biografia : Evidence One

The story of EVIDENCE ONE starts in early 2001, when DOMAIN vocalist Carsten "Lizard" Schulz and AOR HEAVEN boss Georg Siegl hook up at a KANSAS show in Munich. When Georg tells Carsten about his plans of releasing a solo album of FRONTLINE mastermind Robby Boebel, the singer, as a long-time FRONTLINE fan, immediately catches fire and a couple months later, while DOMAIN and SHAKRA are touring Germany on their Melodic Return tour, he gets to hear the first couple instrumental demo songs. To make a long story short, in late November 2001 Boebel and Schulz start writing material for this solo album. The collaboration becomes amazingly productive: At their first meeting they write their first two killer tracks and even manage record all guitar and vocal parts in two days. Both musicians soon realize that this is more than just a solo project. They decide to form a new band, and as quick as the songwriting emerges, they have together their new band, named EVIDENCE ONE

Originally ment to play the bass parts on his solo album, they ask Robby's FRONTLINE band mate Thomas "Hutch" Bauer to join in, and quickly find the perfect match to complete the line up with SHAKRA powerhouse drummer Roger Tanner, who Carsten knew from their co-headlining tour.

Within only a few sessions at his own studio Robby Boebel produces an album with EVIDENCE ONE, which can definetely be called one of the Melodic Rock hightlights of the last years. No matter, if it's Hard Rock headbangers like the title track "Criticize The Truth" or the cool "In The Beginning There Was Fire", epic, but melodic tracks like "Trust Vs. Heart" or "Fool's Gold", or even solo guitar-driven blasters as "Like Never Before", it almost seems, like the guys have naturally been producing and playing together for years.

Not every so called all-star-project can proove, what the main bands do promise, but EVIDENCE ONE simply sets new standards.

Finally, in January 2003 EVIDENCE ONE hit the road for their first European tour as supporting act for Metal legends SAXON! After Roger Tanner already left the band, with this tour the guys then introduced their new line up featuring Rami Ali (FRONTLINE) on drums and Wolfgang "Schimmi" Schimmer as second guitar player. Later this years, the band had the very fortune to perform at Europe's most important AOR festival, the famous "Gods of AOR" (also featuring ROYAL HUNT, TALISMAN, BOB CATLEY, STAN BUSH etc) as the first German act ever, as well as the great "Earthshaker Festival", together with the likes of TESTAMENT, ANNIHILATOR, DORO and PRETTY MAIDS. Finally they were invited to play at the worlds biggest Metal fest: "Wacken 2003"!