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Biografia : EchoSoul

EchoSoul is newer Metal Band, formed in 2019, formerly made of a collaberation of known and newer artists. Founded by Lead and Rhythm Guitarist Guy Hinton.

Music style ranges between Witherfall, Fates Warning, Obsura, Nevermore, Iced Earth, Disturbed, and Judas Priest with New day sounds, a touch of all the artist that have influenced this work.  The first album had a couple big hitter guests including Tim “Ripper” Owens from Judas Priest and Iced Earth and Samus Paulicelli.

The first album started as a pure collaboration project and quickly became a band after the songs quickly took on new life. With vocalist Rob Lundgren coming in to do the majority of the vocals, the excitement brewed through anyone that got to hear the debut.

Guy writes all the songs and does almost all the guitar work. According to him, the primary drive for writing is inspired through true life experiences. Speaking to the struggles and the victories, and the deep layers of humanity.  

No songs are on short and you will hear everything from melodic build ups you get from an orchestra , to complex riffing and double bass gallops of gigantic proportions.

Since premiering the first album with basically zero press and during the Covid season with no live touring, it managed to make Album of the Year in Germany and Top 10 all through Europe. What a blessing for an unknown band  

Eventually when Covid slows and time allows, EchoSoul hopes to get a push in the US market(home).  The first album was released independently with no record deal and very little push, yet Internationally managed to make album of the year.  After receiving a couple huge reviews overseas, they managed to ink a deal for physical distribution but still market the digital Independantly . 

Their live and current member line up includes Guy Hinton as guitarists and songwriter, Chaz Bond on Vox from BioGenesis, Randy Walton on bass, Tyler Witte on drums. Rob Lundgren did sing again on some songs that Chaz did and we plan to release them as well due to the fan fair from his performance on the first album.  

If you have any specific questions, feel free to write or call.

Guy Hinton
[email protected]
Taking Music to the Next Level!!

Available everywhere digitally:
Apple Music-Amazon Music-Spotify
Available Physically:
NoDustRecords.com (international)
AnimatedInsanityRecords.com (US)

Quote by Guy:
Music has always been a catalyst for healing the soul. I try my best to write lyrics from the soul. If I can achieve that, then I can rest well knowing my words may inspire others as well. “

Source : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5W3aUIqgkPOyk9JJdSymBS?si=wJ2SxKYDRlubMSTb-YbPCA