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Biografia : Demolisher (FIN)

Metallurgy from Helsinki since 2005

As a prelude, the whole thing started in 2005 with Demolisher entering Hellhole studios to record "Deformation", a three-song compilation of thrashy death metal. The debut established the essence of Demolisher's sound – brutal and raw. But it was all about to evolve.
Brand new blood in 2006

In 2006 the band hit studios again to revise a new assault. This time four songs were recorded, but only one of them was released. The single track "Red Flies" however was a welcome recruit in Demolisher's production – it got accepting reviews from the listeners.

The summer of 2006 predicted changes. The session members were finally replaced with dedicated musicians, and Demolisher was re-born with a completely fresh line-up. As this was the first steady and complete crew during the short history of Demolisher, the band started to rehearse like hell itself. The group found a common tone immediately, and composed a lot of new material.
Entering the suffering of 2007

The urge was real, and soon Demolisher played their first gig at On The Rocks –club. The ice was finally broken in 2007, when "Enter the Suffering" -EP was released. It got tons of good reviews (i.e. "release of the month" by Finnish Imperiumi) and was played in several radio shows - both in Finland and worldwide. Up to date all the reviewers, whether an old school purist or a modern fucker, have praised the record. Go see it yourself in the media section of this site! The release recorded in 2008 is ambitiously continuing the victorious path of "Enter the Suffering". This time the pace is both faster and darker than ever. It's pure modern death metal!

Source : http://www.demolisher.net/bio.shtml