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Biografia : Debodified

Debodified first started in late 2001 as side project amongst to musical advocates. The project was supposed to first start as a blasting black metal project just to do something different. However, both counterparts Jordan V and Chris B knew that death metal was the pulse of what they believed in writing, so the transition was easy. Both members wrote 8 tracks for the Utopia in the Eyes of a Beast album put out by Comatose in the hopes of catching an audience that wanted a good slam groove, yet blasting well composed album. The lyrical content is all based on the Iraq war that is happening and our music goes out to every fucking troop member of any brigade or sanction that protects our beings in the United States. Debodified started to recruit some new members and things just fell out of place with band duties, so the band departed before it even had a chance to shine. People still to this day ask, "what the hell happened to you guys?" However, Debodified is no more and will remain that way. I Chris, will keep this page going to stay in contact with people and help promote my new material under a different name. Thanks for the support always! Jordan and Chris

Source : http://www.myspace.com/debodified