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Biografia : Amarna Sky

Karl Sanders: "The CD is beautiful. I think you guys did an incredible job with the packaging and liners and art and everything. I really like the its got some great heavy doom feel and a special, interesting musicality."

Erol Unala: "The CD itself turned out to be really good IMHO, so many great ideas are packed in those songs...respect! And Karls leads are top notch too! I hope the CD will be a success!"

"Amarna Sky is a project of the drummer Deni G. Pierroni - a Metal scene veteran from San Paulo - the man that created all the music and atmosphere of "Rising Heresy", showing an excellent musical technique. The album is very heavy, with a lot of great guitar riffs, featuring still with the more than specials appearances of Karl Sanders (Nile) and Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost guitarist)..." – Rock Hard Valhalla

“Devastating as the sands of the Sahara Desert, claustrophobiating as be prisoner inside a pyramid, frightening as a mummy leaving a sarcophagus! Travels with Rising Heresy reading the book The Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton. Still featuring the specials appearances of Erol Unala (ex-Celtic Frost and Apollyon Sun) and Karl Sanders (Nile)! Delight yourself with this unmissable release!” 9,0. Rock Underground Magazine

“It would be able to be said that we have here an Avantgard Metal with references Doom/Folk/Ambient/Prog/Epic, more or less in the line in that acts the big Summoning. The difference is that, in Rising Heresy, the (strong) baroque inclinations remit us to the Ancient Egypt. More than inclinations, goes. The old Egyptian culture consists, in fact, in the nucleus of all the thematic inspiration and full spring of the present exotic elements in the sound of the Amarna Sky - fact that generates several deliciously unusual passages. A big revelation of the Brazilian setting! 9,0 Novo Metal Magazine

"... What we encounter upon listening this debut album is a Doom Metal of high quality with influences of typical melodies and rythms of Oriental Music. No doubt "Rising Heresy" is a inaugurating of respect to Amarna Sky and gives us a great expectation to a next release." 8,0 Roadie Crew magazine

“The evocative cover of Mattias Noren and the references of the texts to the ancient Akhetaten (now known like Tell-El-Amarna) contribute to the growing mystical to which comes submitted entering in the dark landscapes doom of the band go through of time in. The group made use of precious collaborations to raise the technical rate of the disk. And a matter of Erol Unala that you will remember in the Celtic Frost and in the Apollyon Sun. Its the solo of the title track. Considered the references to the culture and to the egyptian story did not be able then be lacking Karl Sanders of Nile that illuminates with its scornful competitive ardor 'Beyond The Horizon'. Ignorance is a dark cloud that hides the sun”. Dagheisha – Italy

“Mattias Norén having created the artwork of this nicely produced debut means: no worries here. All this means that Amarna Sky have made a promising impact in the Doom-world as „Rising Heresy“ presents multiple beautiful, atmospherically charged moments for Doomheads.” Obliveon Magazine – Germany

On May, 29, a episode of Zaans Metaal was air at Zaan Radio (Holland), around 22:00 hrs CET, and Amarna Sky was featured with the track "Rising Heresy".

Source : www.myspace.com/amarnasky