Zymolust Ravenson

Imię Zymolust Ravenson
Data urodzin 18 Marzec 1982
Państwo Lebanon
Miasto Tripoli

Ravens Throne

Tartarus (UAE)

Zymolust S. Ravenson

A Lebanese musician and the founder of the very first Black Metal band in the Syrian/Lebanese coast Ravens Throne.
Started his musical life in mid 90's to start a one-man-project Ravens Throne in the late 90's to settle one of the first Black Metal bands in the middle east.
Ravens Throne is more a concept than just a musical band based on darkness, sorrow and a philosophical view of life called Ravenism.

In 2004 Zymolust though poorly equipped, yet he managed to record his first album/Demo (Dying Suns Descend) with 7 tracks all on his own composing, playing all instruments, writing the lyrics and vocals .
Since then Ravens Throne was linked only and directly to it's founder Zymolust Ravenson.

In 2005 he recorded (From the Dark) containing 12 tracks under the same circumstances if not worse of low equipped studio in Damascus, Der Atiya at Der Studio.

Zymolust tried to record a new album in 2007 and 2008 called (Burn Down My Goddess) but no success of finding a producer. This album stood on hold since and still it is.
A long time passed without him being able to record his 2 blue-print albums until 2010's (Benighted Murk Ebonism) with 7 tracks as he added a new dimension to his music.

Zymolust Ravenson is now a vocalist, guitars and composer in Tartarus, a black metal band based in Dubai which released recently the debut EP 'Of Grimness And Atrocity) composed and written by Zymolust Ravenson, along with his side project (Ravens Throne)which also an upcoming album in late 2014 should be released "My North".

Produced albums