Nozukidaira Io

Imię Nozukidaira Io
Data urodzin 25 Marzec 0000
Państwo Japan
Miasto Tokyo

Broken By The Scream

Od 2017 Strona zespołu

Nozukidaira Io is member of Broken By The Scream.

Stage name : Nozukidaira Io (野月平イオ)
Nickname : Iorin (イオりん), Ioneki (イオネキ), Io-sama (イオ様)
Birthday : March 25th
Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan
Zodiac : Aries
Blood type : A
Height : 158 cm
Member color : Orange
Hobbies : Playing with animals
Skills : Many types of voices available
Strong points : To be defeated
Weak points : Short tempered
Weaknesses : Cold
Things that you don't want to lose to anything : Excitement
Favorite food : Maze Soba, Abura Soba, Meat, Sushi, Ramen
Least favorite food : Nothing special
Childhood dream : Fly in the sky
If you had to compare yourself with a animal, what should it be ? Delicate gorilla
Favorite words : Strongest (最強), God(神)
Speaking habit : Saikyou (最強)
Anime or manga recommendation ? Tekkon Kinkreet, Devilman
Inspiring person : Marilyn Manson
Favorite bands : Marilyn Manson, Korn, System of a Down, Dark Funeral, Deicide