Nikos Felekis

Imię Nikos Felekis
Data urodzin 01 Grudzień 1990
Państwo Greece
Miasto Thessaloniki

Distorted Force

Od 2008 Strona zespołu

Nikos Felekis is a Greek guitarist, composer, poet & writer. He was born and raised in Thessaloniki (Greece).
Nikos formed the progressive metal band “Distorted Force” at late 2008. Since then, the band has released 2 full length albums, 2 EP’s and 2 demos.
He had also participated in other musical groups, like Acid Splashed, Thanos Pallides Project, Think a Name, liveD and solo.
Nikos Felekis has written 5 poem collections and for the last years, he is working on his first novel.