Kazuki Sato

Imię Kazuki Sato
Data urodzin 07 Marzec 1989
Państwo Japan
Miasto Osaka

Trans-Siberian Symphony

Od 2015 Strona zespołu

Kazuki Sato joined Trans-Siberian Symphony in early 2015 before the start of the making of their "The Wizards of Winter" album and tour. Sato born in Osaka on March 7th, 1989, he is one of the oldest members of the band but is one of eight to represent the country of Japan. Sato has writing credit on five releases from Trans-Siberian Symphony and later helped Trans-Siberian Symphony founder, Matt Hendrix form "Oblivion Sacrifice" as a side project and released their debut album "Death of the Phantom" in 2018.