Xenocide : Galactic Oppression

Technical Death / Canada
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Endless cycles sleep gently
Nothing but dark
Sensors bring me back to life
A discovery worth my time

Humans? Organic Life?
Breach of the Galactic Law
My creators sleep in eternal strife
Their knowledge must be passed on

Look to the fourth cluster of the Great Arm
This is where Life first began
From their home world they began to spread
The disease known as Death

This warning sent forth from those before
Told of the Deadfall's ways
Now all but a few young races survive
Doomed to meet their fates

My fathers fought in the Great Wars of Time
Three million years of knowledge purged
I am a remnant, a relic, a weapon
Use my databanks with utmost haste

Outnumbered by a type three race
Light-years nor parsecs no distance is safe
The day fast approaches when you all will join
Your makers in the space that exists beyond Time

Countless holes rip apart the canvas of Time
Space becomes distorted as you watch in shock
The Deadfall ships disperse then converge to herd the flock
Nothing can stop this Death Machine

No diversions necessary for their cause
Heartless force
From the skies they fall

Star after star collapse to meet their needs
Your region of space becomes dark for all Time


Masses gather in hordes
Hunger converts omnivores into cannibals

Mothers feasting on their
Offspring while fathers disgorge
Extinction of reality
balance is restored

The hive mind sparks
Its tendrils self aware
Planetary conversion of mass energy and despair

Feeding off our own flesh and blood
Nothing can stop us
From infecting our neighbouring stars

The hive mind listens
Ignoring the millions of screams
The undead and the living fighting in zero-G

We were Asgards
Now we are the Horde
Cosmic winds among the stars
Necropolis is born


Science gone awry
Horrid mistake
Millions dead
Souls raped

Hot zones quarantined and cleansed
More dead
There's too much space

Distances between the stars take years to navigate
The hive mind and the Horde have all the time they need
The Undead evolve and begin to propagate
Sickening reproduction of their species conflate

The Asgards created this monstrosity
In pursuit of ascension and the harnessing of gravity

You cannot stop an unstoppable force
We were once powerful gods of the Norse

Reckless use of nanotechnology
Leads to severe evolutionary anomalies

The cells they were meant to eliminate
Instead replicate at an exponential rate

To the stars We seed
Laying dormant with lust
Learning that this sickness
Known as Death is all we need

The burning antimatter pumping through our veins
A past life form emerges
From a million years of sleep

To feed


Eight limbs fall down from the sky
We bring with us Armageddon

Fires will ignite and burn forever
Charred remains of a gutted corpse

No mercy, no remorse
Killing and purging is all we know

Melting flesh into the ground
We will crush your puny world


Bones misshapen with bludgeoning tools
Mass eradication takes its toll

Filthy bipeds are no more
The arachnids will have total control

Some of your kind we shall keep
To be our slaves the shoes on our feet

Once we gathered what we need
Your star will collapse to ready our fleet


Converting souls into meaning

Death from Orbit (x4)

Foolish humans
Freedom from tyranny is just a myth
The very same weapons
That promised you salvation have left you adrift

Scorched is the surface
Your planet lays in ruin and dissonance

And those who seek ascension must suppress
Those who inherit intelligence

Eternal beings never sleep
They keep the fires burning
The Matriarch of Sorrow
The flagship of our fleet is returning

From the void that stretches from our home
To the endless sea of stars
Bringing with them brand new hope
The end result: Death from Orbit


Pathetic beings believing in life after death
There are no thoughts in the abyss

Biological process convert and redistribute
Seeds of life viciously renewed

A scorched world that once harboured life
Nothing remains
Remnants of Organics

Your quest for an answer has led you astray
Manipulation of a few is all that it takes

To set in motion your path to blissful decay
Law of life dictates your inevitable demise
Catastrophic effect leaves your planet in burning war
Oblivious to the true intent of your existence

A scorched world that once harboured life
Nothing remains
Remnants of Organics

Your quest for a god has led you astray
The time has come
Initiate doomsday

Sleep, your world is ours to keep
Dream, your lucid thoughts feed our Ascension Machine

Your soul forever trapped in the gravity swell
Your star holds you tight for eternity
Our harvester will encompass your ravaged system
Stellar core will collapse and you shall all be free

To be culled
Your thoughts molested beyond reason
Enslaved to be a means to our Ascension
Mental degradation leads to chaos
Comprehension no longer a tangible thought

Physical bodies are necessary
Organics and machines embrace to form a new entity
To wage this war
This xenocide
To conquer this Galaxy and exist outside of Time

Probing your feeble minds
No reaction instill new stimuli
Your souls hold the key
To free us from this wretched reality

Minds ripped from mutilated
Bodies rotting in the boiling surface temperatures
You are begging for life

We foresee the outcome of
Every species that can become a sentience to
Challenge our divine goal must die

Satisfied we now move on
Activate the Time Shatter
Many more systems to exploit
Before our goals are met

And we are ascended
When we are infinite

Dissemination of knowledge
The copying of a clone
Entropy these shards will never reform

Align through the mastery of life
Matter reassembles into intricate designs

Given a purpose to carry out
The rest of your existence

Melded driven pieces that make up the
Galactic Death Machine

Remnants of Organics
This is the epoch of Robotic Ascension

Join us in the central machine
That forever will rotate this artificial galaxy




Echoes drifting through space
Free from the malice, distortion
And everything that is organized thought

Vast, dark energy reigns
Weaponized and used
Destruction envelops as extinction follows existence

Bound to a strange dimension
Subservience or termination
Negligent resistance from those who oppose


Our kind one mind
We pursue the ultimate truth
All sentient worlds are commodious
Necessary tools for galactic control

As our grip grows tighter
Devolution takes place and more systems fall
Through brutal oppression
Conditioned by eternal war

The time for harvest nears
And Life shall bear no weight

The search for equilibrium
Shall balance this great plain

We will take control and depredate your mother star

One last glimpse of light
Before everlasting dark

Ruled by an unseen force
Bred for galactic control
Killed in order to serve

We are the Deadfall; Octal and machine
We are legion inheritors of this galaxy

Keeper of the Fire, prime architect
Destiny of quadrality universal subsistence
How can you fathom what lays beyond?

Existence in eleven dimensions is an absurdity
To beings that resonate in four dimensional reality

The colors and spectra
Incomprehensible shock and awe
You cry out in agony
As our mother ship descends to cull

Weak and pathetic you tremble and ask us why?
We look down and all eight eyes vaporize what's left

Our intent: Harvest souls for mass ascension!
Shed ourselves of corporeal form
Through Galactic Oppression.


We wage a war against your kind
Against your will you will be ours
Our sacrifices will not be in vein
Your bacterial existence is all that remains

Burning corpses and gurgling flesh
Your cities will fall a coming distress
Our oath was broken and now we must purge
In blood your planet shall be submerged

Forgotten bloodlines and empty oaths
Your armies and sentience are no more
Free are our brothers no more dreams
We've instilled Galactic Law

Forgotten bloodlines and empty oaths
The blinding light that is our justice
Our hammer perforates your burning world

Hacking slashing ripping bashing
Concentrated light emissions
Putrid stench that is your carcass
You pay the price for heresy

You are blind in your own ways
We are deaf to your repenting
Your deeds are unforgivable
Your kind is weak and fermenting
Your kind is weak and dying
Your kind is weak and you are burning

Created then forgotten
Betrayed defaced and rejected
Lifeless for all time
Darkness envelops your ignorant minds

Our fleet exits the place
Located beyond time and space
Orbital bombardment begins
Thousands of suns erupt on the surface

Devices used to rape and
Cultivate souls for indefinite storage
Now it is your race that is betrayed
And forgotten

The chains that enslaved shattered at last
Our masters lay upon our feet

The stars above await our fires
Nothing can stop us nor cause us defeat

Forgotten bloodlines and empty oaths
Two eyes that deceived us
Burned away and are no more

A new reign begins
Ethereal life for our taking
History repeats
Eight swords will enslave

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