XTRUNK : Not in Vain

Death Thrash / France
(2008 - Manitou Music)
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Look at the dawn scoffing at the damned

I never feel I'm in my place
I always feel that disgrace
I'm not in my place

Another question in my mind
Another mistake I will find
Crushing the senses of the blind
Are we really two of a kind?

I never feel I'm in my place
I continually feel that disgrace
I never feel I'm in my place
I will never kneel down
I'll never kneel without a moving

Bliss dismissed, short of breath
Bearing my disarray without a word
The game is hard, the fight as well
Bearing disarray

I pray not to betray
Enduring that decay
I always see the grey
And finally I fall away

Let the sun rise over my head
To feel some warmth on my deathbed
Let the sun rise over my head
Yes feeling, just feeling that warmth on my deathbed

Just tears with lots of doubts
Only devout


During all these years I wondered
If I really believed it
If my feelings were spontaneous and sincere
Or on the contrary forced and acted
The answer is on the lips of lie

Afraid by this pain… Only forsake
I am not constrained… Everything is fake

During all these years I wondered
If I really believed it
If my feelings were spontaneous and sincere

I don't run after absolution and lust
But after certitude of the good choice
I wanna cry like a child
At loose ends without fastening
The affection you give me is not enough
The more you're close to me
The more I feel far away

I will try to stay 'til the last day
I will try to stay
The real face behind my eyes
Only wrench in this drama

I yield to temptation
A captivating melody
A bad situation
Unfeeling, reasonable I can't be

I hate the moments when you tell me
You're cold and you turn your back
Is it time to turn over a new page?

I don't feel anything anymore
Nothing else to tell, just banality
Do I really want to bring together a strewed life?
Desire is so deep and intense
Human being is weak
Incompetent to take a road
And to stay on it forever

I will try to stay 'til the last day
I will try to stay
The real face behind my eyes
Only wrench in this drama

Afraid by this pain… Only forsake
I am not constrained… Everything is fake

My real face is hidden behind my eyes


Every living day I wake up
Thinking it was a bad dream
But you're still present in my head
Screaming things I don't want to hear
You really think I'm gonna look down
My own exhaustion
All that rage, all that hate can only be devastating

You will count with me from now on
Every word you say makes me stronger
I will rise up hard as a rock
You will count with me from now on

All that blood will never be in vain
If you don't wanna be with me
You have to disappear
If you don't wanna follow me
You have to disappear

Every living day you plague me
Perverting my every thoughts
To turn tail ain't a solution
Twin brothers facing will take place
You really think you will stare me out
My own exhaustion
All that rage, all that hate can only be devastating

There is no place for both of us here below
I'm gonna stand up in front you axe in my hand And I'm gonna cut my truth in your lies
Never to see you in my eyes again
Henceforward these tears ain't more mine anymore
Light is more intense and warm at the end of this dismal corridor

Look!! It's hard to suffer a setback
A bitter taste remains


How can I define?
How can I've much time?
To say all I feel, describe what I leave
We can't pass by our life
By whose growing sweet hope
The beginning

One to one with the unknown
Reading between the lines

How can I write?
How can I carve?
I just can trust my damned faith to serve
By soul temptation
For our self decisions
Leading our convictions
For future redemption

One to one with the unknown
Reading between the lines
Down on him the false permissions
I can see the weak purgation

How can I write?
How can I carve?
I just can trust my damned faith to serve
By soul temptation
For our self decisions
Leading our convictions
For future redemption

Understanding fear's coming
Slaving domination's starting
Society march… “Price must be paid”
Hacking liberty truncated
Manipulate the masses
Exploited sorrow, troubles often used


From my head can't escape
Through my tears need to claim
From my head like a train
Anger's running through my veins
From my jail can't erase
Through my tears dilute the pain
From my jail like a train
Running through my desert's rain

Something belongs to you
Hidden inside, deep inside
Addicted love…

I can't get an overview
I can't do it for you
I can't allow this place for you
You won't get it…

From my pain want escape
Through my wish run away
From this day like a plane
Anger's day can fly away
From my jail never back
Through my dreams full of lies
From my jail by a train
Tears and cries must go away

I can't get an overview
I can't do it for you
I can't allow this place for you
You won't get it…

You have to go far away from this place
I don't wanna be addicted to your shape
Your real face is painted on the ashes
I don't wanna be addicted to your love
I don't wanna be dictated


I don't know where you go
All the paths look to be the same
And even if you arrive in Rome
You won't find the answer of martyrs
It's easier to sustain pain than to feel fullness
Not kidding yourself would be a good thing I guess

Because restarts need too much efforts from yourself
Then you live your life in the wrong way
As if all will be OK
Carved in the flesh, closed in a shell
You are lost in a cell without corners
All is round, all is slick
Without sake listen to vacuum

You tried unwillingly but you tried
Light and noise don't disturb you
When you fall asleep in your mediocrity
The epicureans are so weird
You don't get their rites, is it a code?
Or a decoy for the traitors

You can't find a way throughout your secret it's running down on you
You can't find a way with a blindfold
It gives you the feeling you're cold
You can't find a way throughout your secret it's running down on you
The walls look like menacing vice
Of your mistakes you've to pay the price

Hear the rumble of storm
Hang overhead the torment
First time I saw you, I felt this alchemy
Second time I saw you, everything was already rotten

I don't know where you go
I think you neither know
No answer on the Coliseum yet
Search well between the pages of time
If one hasn't been pulled off
Remember you the moments
When everything was made with iron

'Cause the past is indispensable
To make the future, your future
Where you won't be abandoned anymore
Carved in the flesh, closed in a shell
You are lost in a cell without corners
All is round, all is slick
Without sake listen to vacuum

You can't find a way throughout your secret it's running down on you
You can't find a way with a blindfold
It gives you the feeling you're cold

This energy not well concentrated
Is to overcome a lack, a blank
The rest of your life to forget it
To replace it or regrets forever

These failure don't have to be a doomsday
You decide what has to happen until the last day
But beware in the future
Your spirit will never be pure


Another blood injected
To join a line infected
Burying euphoria with one blink
And changing the color of our ink

I will not be the sheep in your flock
You've put your entirety on the block
Such a river against the grain
Crushing any movement

You want to crave the pain
You have rewrote the shame
Greeting avidity, greeting stupidity

A rust blade running on my tong

You want to crave the pain
You have rewrote the shame
The scars of gall are carved on the wall

A rust blade running on my tong

You can't pull strings to feel superior
And have a really vicious behavior
I wanna pick up my destiny
To live in harmony

Time cauterizes injury
But still remains the fury
Such a lethal attack
You're off the beaten track


Open your memories for the sacrifice!!

Cold blade tearing my chest
Things bleeding me up
Over the feels, over the tears
When you left, evil came back to me
Stinging my mind
Testing faith in me

No matter the strength of desire
I don't know what's around the corner

Her face carved deep in me
Sweet lips on my neck
Graze of my keepsake
If I was proud of my way
Nowadays what I feel freezing all my senses
Leaves me away!

Sometimes when I sleep
Strange thoughts come onto me
A taste of loss awakes me hard

No matter the strength of desire
I don't know what's around the corner

Cold blade tearing my chest
Things bleeding me up
Over the feels, over the tears


What strange dream tonight
Like the devil soaked in my blood

Checked up through the mirror
This morning I won't see anyone
Carefully dressed, my face is pale
This morning I can't remember anymore
Today cannot be the same
Cause in this damned morning
I can't feel anything else but
That pain in my aching veins

All comes to an end
Night overcomes and
I can't rewrite the game
It's my black curtain

Dark clouds overrun my mind
And now I would like to say
This state of fear for the unknown
Is an estate of solitude and disillusion

All comes to an end
Night overcomes and
I can't rewrite the game
It's my black curtain

Today cannot be the same
Cause in this damned morning
I can't feel anything else but
That pain in my aching veins


Even if you don't show people a thing
Beads of sweat run on your forehead
A smile to wipe out the grieves and dry the tears
Your pride and guts are reflections of your reserve
No flaw is visible but in the end…
You are afraid!

Death is not really terrifying
The hardest part is for people who stay
It becomes unrefined
It never strikes down at the right time
And the right person
There is something rotten in paradise

Death is blind and unfair
It always hits below the belt
The countdown has begun
The dice are loaded

The countdown is engaged from the moment we're born
We're survivors at the very last minute

The countdown has begun
The dice are loaded

The wheel's spinning but always the same way
It always stops, I think we're attached to it

The countdown has begun
The dice are loaded

Don't leave too quickly ripping your pages out
You deserve to rest in the Valhalla

The countdown has begun
The dice are loaded

No substitute will absorb our despair
There is really something rotten in paradise

Lyrics geaddet von giljack - Bearbeite die Lyrics