Woodtemple : The Call from the Pagan Woods

Pagan Black / Austria
(2004 - No Colours Records)
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2.The Battle Of Eternal Hate
Dark fog came up, from deep down the woods,
when thousands of warriors where drawn to battle,
to defend their people.
They nether knew regret nor pain,
hate at the enemy was growing mightier.
It was time to draw the swords, to begin a new war.
The sky was darkening, when the hosts crashed together,
only hate, fire and cold steel dominated the happening.
Signed from the battle the enemy tried to flee,
but there was no escape.
Last cry's for help could be heard,
in a battle where hope was lost long before.
The ground was covered with dead bodies,
and earth was drunk with blood,
so it was called, the battle of eternal hate.
No light of the world should see this place again,
The only thing that was left,
was a shadow full of sorrow and fear.

3.The Call From The Pagan Woods
In the middle of winter, frost freezed the hearts of many humans,
They hate coma, the warriors of Wotan.
Armed with sword and shield,
they crossed the cold and dark woods,
There swords where thursting for blood,
blood of the enemy.
The time of steel and war had come,
there hearts where burning with flaming heat.
Only their will forced them up from battle to battle,
to victory or death.
They knew no pain,
there was no escaping and no hope.
The fire and cold steel of war dominating the happening.
Darkness and shivering cold enclosed the battlefield.
The enemy was defeated,
and so again the draw there swords,
and followed the Call of the pagan Woods.

4.The Realm Of Eternal Loneliness
Darkness and loneliness enclaved a warrior,
when he was on the way to leave his realm.
To forget what thyey have done to him.
His despair has led him deep into the woods.
Exhausted he crashed at the cold soil.
The pain was huge and broke his proud.
Eternal silence came in,
at day and night.
He could not realize anything,
only the eternal sky.
Shivering cold enclaved him.
No hope, no way was in sight.
Waiting for his death,
in the Realm of eternal loneliness.

lyrics added by Faceofcuir - Modify this lyrics