Wizzard (FIN) : Songs of Sins and Decadence

Black Heavy / Finland
(2000 - Gutter Records)
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1. Sins of a Past Life

Nobody knew what had engendered
The phenomenon around the 11-year old
The sudden appearance of a poltergeist
It began with sweets and flowers
And went on with hurled around stones
Waking up with her clothes on fire

The fires of Hell were glowing
Waiting for her soul

She could never walk away
Wherever she would go
She would never be left alone
The mass of futile prayers
Paved her way to the down below
Alluring poison the seal of her soul

The holy spirit proved to be helpless
Against the power of Hell
The prayers only enhanced her torment
A circle of seance was formed
To break through the evil spell
By whom was the curse sent?

"The depravity and evil... The misery and pain...
You have to pay for the sins of your past life"

2. Temple of Elemental Evi

Your sombre eyes they pierce my soul
Your flamboyant lips for a prey they prowl

The night we met in that low-lit room
Fullmoon, wolfbane bloomed
You prepared me to break the chains of time
...to break the chains of life

I can't but adore you
My mistress conceived of demons
Your body is my temple of elemental evil

Your mind a labyrinth where I forever wander
Your beauty eternal tears me asunder

Cataclysmal was our flame of love
When we walked the ruins of Byzantium
For you I balanced on the edge of thorns
...until the end of the world

Just before the dawn of day
One can see two souls on their way
Across the borders of time they fly
Beyond mortality, away from the light

Together we fill our souls with silent melancholy
Our earthly lives washed away by the evening tide
As shadows we are free to ride clouds in astral skies
No death can break a love with a bond of blood
A love that can never die...

3. A Midnight Rendezvous

Once I had a dream
That inexorably
Returned to me night by night
Leading me to an ancient fantasy

I sensed the warmth of the subtropical air
Once I had risen out of the dreamworld abyss
The heat of the sultry night was adorned
By the gentle curve of her hips

Midnight - when moonlight and shadows danced
I met this dream from my dream
Midnight - under taciturn stars
I was under the spell of her beauty

I handed her a black rose
As a symbol of an everlasting commitment
Its thorns gently pierced her soft skin
Embellishing the sand with a sombre ornament

Holding her hand I broke the silence and said
No love could last forever even in a dream
Down from the cliff we were standing on she fell
A rain of red rose petals sealed her faith for

Midnight - when moonlight and shadows danced
I bid farewell to this dream from my dream
Midnight - under taciturn stars
Forever only mine... her beauty

The moonlit minarets they stood still
Watching me disappearing in the desert horizon
...her memory haunting in eerie winds

4. The Fire of Volcanus

To the web of sorcery we bound ourselves
In this ancient dome at midnight hour
To the voracious flames we sacrificed wisdom
Out of the chaos smoke solidified infernal power

The formula of the universe
A cult devoted to Satan

Redemption - of the concealed science
Resurrection - of the dormant spectres of Hell
Realisation - of the ever-lurking doom
The shorn lamb will be slaughtered under a bleeding

Visitation - to the servants of god
Celebration - for the ones strong in dark faith
Conflagration - set the ancient spirits free
In the fire of Volcanus breeds the fountain of sorcery

5. Angel de la Barthe

At dusk she always disappeared
The neighbours had no idea where
They only knew what people talked
After sin and lust they said she walked

For years and years she could keep the secret
Before some nosy parishers found out
Why she had been shunning light
For almost three years

Angel de la Barthe - she was a devil's whore
Angel - his offspring to this world she had borne
Angel de la Barthe - she was a Satan's tart
Angel - her perversions had been fed with blood

Into the woods she had wondered
Night after night lust she hungered
To taste the platin horn she could
Do what few women would

For two years the monster son
With a wolf's head and a devil's tail
Had been alive feasting
Upon the flesh of babies

Angel did you know where all this would lead?
From the moment of passion into the fire
If only he could come and save you now
But he's waiting for your soul to come down and feed
his desires

6. Sundown Over Lavenham

An old crow sat there greeting the looming dawn
That was undressing the atrocity darkness had adorned
By the growls of the hound of god the gallows had been
Three bodies hanging as ugly fruit of unholy guilt

Nobody could forebode
What they would concede
The Witchfinder General
The serum of god to make you speak

And the sun set over Lavenham
(burn, burn, burn)
Pyres fed the righteous desires
Sundown over Lavenham
(burn, burn, burn)
Witches burnt in a holy fire

Little did he know about the powers
That were present yet unseen
The bells of his funeral were already chiming
But blinded was he by his greed
Satan did not abandon his disciples
That for long had sworn to his might
The iron fist of evil was squeezing the town
The legions of Hell would rule the night
Crawl, hound of god, crawl!

The old crow sat there watching the descending night
Witches dragged the wailing General to die
Stultifying the erodicated divine power
The menace to their nocturnal rites was over

He couldn't forebode
Witchcraft was reality
The Witchfinder General
The hound of god down on his knees

And the sun set over Lavenham
(burn, burn, burn)
Only embers remained from the pyres
Sundown over Lavenham
(burn, burn, burn)
Hopkins burning in Hellfire

7. Tormentor (Wimp Reaper)

A brazing fire flies thru the night at the speed of
Thunder roaring Heavy Metal power the only might
Smell of burning flesh and blood
His fists reap wimps like a scythe
His mouth belches insults like a machine gun
The city walls echo his battlecries

There's no escape from his wrath
Say your prayers ‘cos he's coming for you

Tormentor - he's pure Heavy Metal from head to heels
Wimp Reaper - play him disco and see how it feels
Tormentor - he never stays in he's out for you every
Wimp Reaper - wimps leave with a broken nose & a pair
of black eyes

You can see it in his eyes his flammable rage against
disco pufters
Whenever he hears false metal sounds of breaking bones
accompany his laughter
His nose detects a wimp anywhere
You won't have a chance against his might
He's a guerrilla of Metal
Strikes fast and disappears into the night

8. Nacht der Verdammten Seele

Überall sind die Lichter erloschen
die Stadt schläft nun ruhig und tief
Nur eine Seele zieht einsam durch den Regen
der des Nachtens Schwärze und Elend noch betont
Des Nachtens muß die Seele wandern
in ihrer Suche nach ewiger Liebe
Gestorben ist einst ihr Herz
und ließ die Kälte zurück

Des Mörders Hände Fluch
zum Symbol ward der Liebenden Blute
für Unverzeihlichkeit und Hoffnungslosigkeit
und für die Wanderung in ewiger Verdammnis

Von Gott verlassen
Ein endloser Weg in Dunkelheit
Gemeinsam mit den endlosen Schatten
entschwindet sie bei Sonnenaufgang

9. The Left Hand of Eternity

Alison saw them riding along the skyline of fire
Like harbingers of infernal ire
A blitz of decadence into the dormant world
Seraphs seared falling into the murk

Out of the welkins boreal
Devastation to bring
The blight of stability
With blazing ardour
Smiting the serene
The left hand of eternity

Alison kept on ogling the pompous sight
The flame of her reverie ultimately to ignite
To come was the checkmate of her foes
Her rightful place on the right side of the throne

Her summonings evoked the brothers in evil
Had the singular form been false
In the exegeses about the coming of the Antichrist?

10. Harbingers of Metal

The oceans roll over the nocturnal landscape
Drenching the corpse-filled ground
Draining the last sap out of the skyclad earth
Plague and hailstorms abound
The boreal sky burns in the sign of pentacle
The arrival of the Ones
The trumpets celebrate the Apollyon's warriors
The Apocalypse has begun

The four warriors ride on dragons through the eerie
Bringing the True Ones mirth and to christendom blight

The Harbingers of Metal
Heavens burn before their might
The Harbingers of Metal
Resume the ancient Metal pride

The destruction of the ark of covenant
A wormwood to god
The enigma of the fallacious cabal solved
Eden drowning in blood
With the whore of Babylon the four sip
The fierce wine of her fornication
The books of St. Augustine were burned
By the Metal conflagration

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