Witness (USA-1) : Downcast

Nu Metal / USA
(2015 - Chugcore)
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The demons whisper in my ear : "Nightmares don't just dwell in dreams !"
Every day my mind is flooded with these... images of Hell.
I'd scratch my eyes out if it meant my head would let me rest in peace.
My vices consume me.
I don't recognize my own face, I've put a mask in it's place.
I need saving grace.
The old me has been erased.
Am I cursed to be trapped inside myself forever ?
Victimized by my own mind until my head is severed ?
We'll let the ravens have a taste as we all hang together.
A living carcass left to rot for others viewing pleasure.
Still I try to overcome my bitter consciousness.
Still I fail to overcome my bitter consciousness.
After all, I was always headed straight for a casket.
Life shouldn't be this hard. It shouldn't be a struggle.
But lately it seems I have to keep telling myself to:
Breathe in, look at yourself, and then decide. Is this what you want to live like ?
Maybe it's all inside your mind, maybe the dark is here to stay this time.
Everything is falling apart. I'd trade it all for a chance to restart.
Breathe in.
Breathe in...


Fabricated feelings that have gone unchecked for too long
A man drowning his sorrows in the bottom of a bottle
A girl that wants love any way she can get it
Now the seed has been planted and neither one of them planned it
This home was built on weak foundations and lustful eyes
A competition of display, but what's the prize ?
What were you thinking when you looked into that newborns eyes ?
Did you feel the regret ? The weight of all the lies ?
And did you really pray to God or was that just another selfish act of showmanship ?
You hypocrite.
I pray that God shows you mercy that day. If it was up to me you'd all burn forever.
But I'm no God, just a man who never felt his mothers touch
Never had his fathers guidance... was I asking too much ?
The only feelings I have left in me are feelings of vengeance and envy.
Why couldn't you pull it together for me ?
Was it so hard to accept your responsibility ?
Why couldn't you pull it together ?
You live your life in complete disregard for others and now you have to deal with the repercussions.


I feel like a fucking ghost.
Just a pair of eyes paralyzed by a lust for a standard life
You left me out in the cold; I'll never get back the time you stole.
Holding me back, my worlds starting to crack under the pressure of being the man that I could be
I'll live my life as a ghost in the background
Just a shadow on the walls of your memories
I only wish you could see : a little recognition means everything to me.
What does it take to get noticed by people supposed to be there from the jump ?
I'm choking on all of the shit I've been force fed; I was born in a bottle of rum.
I'm fighting for air, constricted by the cold blooded stares I see everywhere.
I'm fighting for air in my lungs but I'm filling them up.
I'm biding my time, not giving up, not wearing thin.
I feel like a fucking ghost.
Just a pair of eyes paralyzed by a lust for a standard life
You left me out in the cold; I'll never get back the time you stole.
Holding me back, my worlds starting to crack under the pressure of being the man that I could be
Yo, I only wish you could see (what ?) a little recognition means everything to me.
One day you’ll be reaching for a hand in the dark
Only i won’t be there
I wasn’t there from the start
From the sides I’ve always watched
It made me sick through the night
What a pathetic excuse for a husband and wife
And to think all that that it would have taken
Was a little warmth from you both
Or maybe something like taking the hands off my throat
Because at the end of the day
You make me feel like a ghost


Make your assumptions about me
I have tried to change my ways to get rid of this emptiness that I feel so deep.
What have I become.
Just a shell of the man that I was.
I left my heary behind and now I don't recognize my name.
I just want to go back.
Back to when I could still feel at home in my skin.
I lost my heart and I lost my name
I'm nothing more than a nobody (x2)
You took the warmth that ran through my veins and now my blood runs cold (x2)
I wear my thoughts as a necklace and I'm the weakest link that broke this chain of memories.
Every scar was traced in the pattern of your name
Till the end of my days I will never be the same


The mistress of misery beckons at my bedside
Her chilling grip sends shivers through the hip and down the spine
Time after time I've fallen victim to her grayscale shine
Monochromatic vision leaves me with a downcast mind
I only see the dusk
The light of the day is fucking foreign to me
I'm a slave to the sins of my former self and these chains are weighing on me
Consider this my tombstone eulogy; I welcome Death with open arms
Spit in my face, spit on my grave.
I've seen no recompence for all the effort that I gave
And from the outside looking in it seems as though I've given up, but I'm just at the point where I no longer give a fuck
If dead men tell no tales
They'll etch my story into stone with coffin nails
I've been breathing in poison since birth
Here lies a man destined for the center of Earth
I hear the the reaper calling
Every single regret hangs like a noose on my head
Feels like I'm already dead from every time that I've bled
I've sewn my own lips shut with every word that I've said
Damned myself to Hell with every I misread
The space in my chest where my heart should reside is filled with countless disappointments and lies
I give up
How am I supposed to carry on when I'm worth less than carrion ?
Throw my remains to the wolves; send me to He with the hooves.
Every breath is thin, every thought is black, every touch leaves decay in its wake.
Every breath is thin, every thought is black, every wish ends with me in a coffin.
I know I'm breaking down with every day that I'm awake, I'm praying that I'll be gifted with sleep in a box six feet closer to Hell
I'm tired and weary, beaten and bruised from the constant fight inside myself
I need a way out before I reach the point of no return.


Oh reaper, my soul is yours to take.
I pray I die before I wake.
I don't deserve this life I've been given,
I'm on my knees begging for forgiveness.
I've dug myself a hole that's six feet deep; the stone on my head, it reads rest in peace.

We're all spades digging a mass grave.

I've grown accustomed to the dark in this tomb,
I'm finding peace with my doom,
I'm starting to wish I never came out the womb.
I wrote a letter full of "fuck you's" and final goodbyes
And prayed to God I'd get my wish : an early demise.
The diamonds in my eyes blocked the gold in my heart
And this club isn't enough to split the Earth.
A king in his throne until I finally fell
But my ace in the hole will pull me out of this hell.

And I'll make this grave my home.

I'll tie this rope around my neck and kick the chair.
I'm hanging, feet dangling.

I'm living with the roaches and rats, I love the filth as a matter of fact.

I have witnessed too many good souls crushed by the weight of deceit.
I hope I never see the light with my eyes.
Life's a game, I'm a winner, and death is my prize.

And I'll make this grave my home.

I'm at the end of my rope, soon I'll be hanging from it.


I feel the water crashing down on my neck... I'm drowning.
My vision starts to fade and I know I'm dying
The waves of all my sins assault me in one instance.
Maybe my soul will be cleansed.
Blood fills my lungs and for a moment I'm content with the hand I've been dealt.
Maybe this place is a cell to keep me from the pain I would've felt if I faced myself.
I wear this dark as a cloak to hide the fact that I'm broken.
I welcome it with arms wide open.
I think it's time that I turn the page; I refuse to remain in an open grave.
I want to get back to the life I crave.
I think it's time that I turn the page but I'm trapped in the bottom of an open grave.
I'll use the last of my breath to scream for someone to save me.
I'm neck deep in shadowed waters and I can't swim... who's gonna save me now ?
Someone save me now.
A tragic way to go out, funny how things come about.
My path was pure twists and turns, the end was nearly adjourned.
A tragic way to go out, funny how things come about.
I'll spend the end all alone and watch my soul leave my bones.
How deep does blood really run when you're drowning in water ?
I'm neck deep in shadowed waters and I can't swim...who's gonna save me now ?
Someone save me now.
Save me now.

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