Withered Dreams : Disobedience

Melodic Death / USA
(2008 - Self-Released)
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A blinding light is enveloping all that I see
Throbbing emanates from my skull
Try as I might I can't focus my sight
Moving is an impossibility
No muscles respond to commands from me
Within, I'm encaged
My horror turns into rage

Shadows coalesce around me
Revealing nightmares given form
An unyielding promise of grim devastation
'tween dementia and grief I'm torn

Apperception with force invades my mentality
That harsh and unlit world shrouding reality
Devils advance excited by the prospect of death
Proceeding towards me wielding horrid instruments
Assaying my strength, I try to break free
Utter abhorrence fueling my vitality


My muscles ache from the strain
Choking back tears, I swallow the pain

Fighting my bonds
I know in my heart
If I don't break free
They'll tear me apart

Slithering beasts
Of unstable shape
With one last violent surge
I make my escape

Shackles that were once binding me lie at my feet
Hellbeasts keep drawing near
The longer I wait, the more that appear
Asserting an all too clear dominance
I turn and flee with no hesitance
Through realistic dreams
Nothing can be what it seems

Shadows coalesce around me
Revealing nightmares given form
An unyielding promise of grim devastation
'Tween dementia and grief I'm torn

It can't have been too long though it seems like an eternity
Once more my head begins throbbing mercilessly
Illusions flicker in and out of solidity
Laughing spirits of malicious substantiality
Their mocking voices ensconced in my brain
Freedom from their torments I long to attain

But there's no rest for the despondent progeny
Of the maligned, nor is there shelter from profound tragedy
My mind begins to recede
Locking itself away in a place of safety
Protecting myself from the evil that dwells in me


Lying awake, a chilling sweat breaks
Out, born, of this sudden daze
The alarm is screaming
Bringin an end to my dreaming
My mind is teaming
With thoughts gone awry
I push them out and they are gone
By memory descried
Replaying that scene on and on

From my bed arise
To vanquish sleep from weary eyes
As my vision clears
I tremble there, shivering in fear
Eyes darting back and forth
So that I might ascertain
If this notion of danger
Is real or am I insane ?

I creep to the open doorway nigh
Searching for the horror in my mind's eye
Emotions beneath the surface rage
Thoughts become a grim presage

If evil resides here
Then make your presence known
A tangled web of fear
Imprisons me in my own home

Slowly through the door
I walk into whatever is in store
Fresh snow is falling
In the distance a voice is calling
I can't determine
Where it's coming from though it seems human
As I near the road
I see a feminine figure buried below the snow

Headlights in the distance materialize
As they grow closer I realize
There's no indication of the vehicle slowing down
Scrambling to safety before I'm ran into the ground


I rise to my feet and make sure I'm still intact
The snow does not reveal any tire tracks
Fluids stain the street a crimson red
It dawns on me she must be dead

Her skull is shattered
Fragments scattered everywhere
The impact ripped her in half
Rising bile chokes off my air
As I grow closer
The hair on my neck begins to stand
Something is very wrong
I notice the ring on her left hand

A thousand thoughts invade my mind
As I gaze upon my fiancee's insides
Strewn throughout the road like a chthonic design
While I stand their horrified
She begins to move I gasp inside
Standing face to face with the dead is a memory I can't erase

I back away in disbelief
Crying out unconsciously
Overwhelmed I fall to my knees
And let exhaustion overtake me...


Silently drifting into an unconscious state
Casting off my weariness and the world's weight
Random thoughts cascade by, too quickly to appreciate
It's growing cold, and fading out... unknowingly it shall devastate
Sleep you have come for me...

Suddenly I'm standing
With my neck inclined towards the sky
A sickening light filters through the grey clouds
The only progeny of two decrepit suns

I can sense I'm not alone here

The air is thick and viscous
Affliction stains my lungs with every acrid breath I take
A mist is mounting seemingly formed from the gloom
Grim foresight prognosticating doom

An ill-favored gale is howling
The desert whipped into a frenzy
Coarse sand is stinging my throat
I must find shelter before I die

Where have I gone, where have I been, what paths travelled ?
I can not see them
No count of time, sense consumed, I've wandered near
And far besides
As if by will, the sand has stilled, my eyes fly wide
Much to my dismay
A witness now, before my gaze, a black construct
Of bygone days

I espied to my surprise a citadel I could not surmise
A beacon glowing with anti-light
It shimmered there, pulsating, is it growing closer to me ?
Enveloping my sight

The desert's gone replaced with darkness
That accursed tower must have reached out and swallowed me
A prisoner in a cold and lonely room
My terrifying journey has hastily resumed

Onward through the utter blackness

Far off in the murk I can see a light
An incandescent savior risen to save me from this hell
Crawling hands and knees through this intransigent tomb
The nature of this place was worse than I assumed

The stench at once hits me
But I feel too weak to vomit
Force myself to continue forward
My mind is overwhelmed with horror

Now I am, nearing, the source
Of the light
It's intensity, is strengthening, though it's size
Has little changed
How could this be ? I was so sure, that this would lead
To some way out of this place
Does this tunnel, ever end, will I die here ?
Flesh to surrend

The darkness fades I'm in a room completely formed from rotting tissue
Shifting and pulsating violently
Grotesque forms come into view the rotting flesh they greedily consume
I can't bear the sight of them

One inaudible syllable, I allow, to escape
A silent scream that would seem to be my last mistake
The creatures take no notice, right away, they feed away
Then suddenly they are all surrounding me...

With a cry of great alarm my eyes fly wide I await the swarm
I see that now I'm back at home it was a dream relief now flows
But what is this? How can it be ?
Across the hall the forms grinning at me
Gleaming teeth waiting to feed...

I blink and then they are gone...


I've always been afraid of the nothing
Feeling the presence of something
Lurking out from the corner of my eye
Feeling always that someone is watching
The rhythm of my heart is stopping
Falling prey to the demons of my mind

I try to remind myself that it was just a dream
But everything seems out of the ordinary
My mind continues focusing on what it could mean
Conjuring visions of realms so extraordinary

Wishing now that I could discuss
What has befallen me
But who could I trust ?
Paranoia's taking ahold of me
Will they laugh behind my back
Have I become the target of mockery ?

Living my life always has been a
Struggle with composure to maintain
Some sense of self worth yet in vain
I can't seem to cast off these chains
Essentially restrained

Fearful, frightened, losing control
Aneuryms seem to be taking hold
All limbs grow numb with a sudden cold
Tranquility Dawns what a sight to behold

My body's not mine
It feels so strange
I'm certain I'll find

That spirit and body have become estranged
A fitting sentence for the recently deranged
I'm crying out in pain
Within tragedies contained

Have you ever known the feeling
Gazing down at yourself from the ceiling
Wondering if you've just died
Desperate to recover control of my body
The stress of being disembodied
I wish fervently would subside

Have the demons finally won our game ?
Evicting my ever wayward soul from it's lair
Now my body is rising yet by my force unsustained
None of my psyche still survives there

Aghast I'm struggling hurriedly
Somehow I know it's a certainty
Trying to regain control frantically
Paranoia's taking ahold of me
Everything that I am
Lost in delusional fantasies

Living my life always has been a
Struggle with composure to maintain
Some sense of self worth yet in vain
I can't seem to cast off these chains
Essentially restrained

Longing, grasping for some token of sanity
Unknowingly I've mastered inanity
Trying, failing to understand what it could be
Gradually descending into malady

I've shut myself out
From the rest of the world
Drowning in doubt

Questioning everything that I believe
Beyond my capacity to conceive
Can my innocence yet be retrieved?
Alone for it I grieve

5. TBA

(No lyrics available)

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