With Honor : Heart Means Everything

Hardcore / USA
(2004 - brak wydawcy)
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One last time
And then we will make the choice to change our ways
Man's greatest excuse has gotten hold of us.
It eats away at decisions and promises we made,
Stealing our success and taking our triumphs for another day.
Don't let go, it's not too late to rethink and return
To the hour when our desire freely ran.
It's the greatest shame, carved out on the ones who've turned away,
Giving up their dreams for mediocrity.
Never knowing, never thinking they've signed their lives away.
But what's to be said for us who take life by the hand?
We will prove wrong all of our critics and smash our greatest doubts.
We will see heights... See heights we never thought we'd reach.
I know the pain that keeps us down.
Somehow self doubt keeps us from breaking ground.
We need to reclaim control and get ourselves on track.
Forget our mistakes, we've made so many but there's no going back.
Don't let go, it's not too late to rethink and to return
To the hour when our desire freely ran.
Rethink return
There's no looking back
We can be free
Through this struggle
Decide to find
Strength in your beliefs
There's no looking back
We will be free.


All this pain closing in, pressure from every side has
Got me running,
Advice comes to cloud my plight and opinions breed my confusion,
I will admit I haven't been this scared in so long,
A friend lost without explanation strikes me as wrong,
Family should not disappear when they disagree,
Just goes to show your love was faked.
Not once did I think...
You would abandon me (NO) in my time of need,
There's NO SENSE in trying to be someone i'll never be,
So save your spite and walk away.
Just walk away.


No. This has gone far enough.
When mouths run fast, fists attack,
Walls may crash but we're not...WE'RE NOT MOVING.
These nights mean too much to let them fall without a
And now a time's at hand where we must defend what's
So clear, so right,
It's time to choose our sides.
So who will rise to this call?
Who will empower the weak and catch friends when they fall?
It's time to choose our sides.
And if they want a war, they'll see a war.
There's power in our desperation,
There's strength in a mind that does not rest, always
Ready always holding on.
These times they are our tests and through hard work,
Dedication justice will come to pass.
Here tonight everything changes...
We'll lay siege to closed minds,
Tonight everything changes,
These ties that bind will not be broken.
We'll lay siege to closed minds and tightened fists.
Staying close to the truth we know, moving past
Whatever's IN OUR WAY.
This has gone FAR ENOUGH, This has gone FAR ENOUGH.
When we can stand together in one mind, one heart,
We'll see everything will change...everything will change.
If we could stand together.
When we can stand together, (ONE MIND, ONE HEART)
They will know, it will be clear, we are more, we are
More than heroes.


Winding roads, AND WRONG TURNS,
With the flip of a coin your hope comes crashing down.
It's easy to be bitter, when clarity becomes a cloud,
Plans have turned into pieces your friends have let
You down,
By your side when things are shining,
But when it's dark they're nowhere to be found,
It's easy to be bitter, when you've been left behind,
Soon your hand will place the blame, To begin this cycle once again.
Winding roads, AND WRONG TURNS,
With the flip of a coin your hope comes crashing down.
But there will come a day when our hands are open,
Holding one another's worries, dry your eyes you're not alone.
YOU'RE NOT ALONE Cut the loss, keep moving on,
Life has its share OF HARD TIMES,
It's better to take a risk than to try to calculate
Its chances.
Keep pushing on, you're not alone.


Yesterday is gone
My heart is singing a new day's song
With the good days the bad days will come,
But I'm ready to move on
To move on

All my worries and all my fears i've pushed aside in a
Swift stream of tears

Times have changed, minds have changed
Hope for help was lost
We'll find it real not when we get there
But here... Now!

In this decision, in the resolve to look around with open eyes
And see that circumstance can't take control,
Our lives our in our hands

Looking back on my faint memories
There was a heart that burned to be true...
And i will get there
When i realize that...

Life lies in this moment

Times have changed
Minds have changed
Yesterday is gone
But today is in my hands.


Time flies, and it's flown away with me this time,
All my good intentions taken out by my absent mind.
Apologies are far too small, when in them arrogance Stands tall,
So let me throw away my pride, because I have nothing to hide.
This is our fight, side by side,
Reaching out to make this right!
No matter how small the chance or how great the task I Will try,
No matter how long the fall or what's at stake i'll Aim to fly.
(Because) You've shown me what it's like to live,
Nowhere to look but up, nothing to hold back,
Everything to give...
Your friendship MEANS THE WORLD TO ME.
Maybe we'll never lose this, Maybe time will make us
Into memories,
But one thing is true, in the end we'll be glad WE
Gave all we had.




Hollowed OUT, empty, we've watched months erase the
Memories of years,
It's not tradition, not meaningless ideals,
It's a fire, FIRE, that draws us near.
So come close, let your eyes meet mine,
Try hard to deny this burning inside,
Grab hold to status quo to justify,
Keep telling yourself there's nothing more to life.
But there's so much more than killing,
Than preying on insecurity,
Then getting what you want no matter who's at cost...
WAKE UP realize your virtue is dead.
YOUR LIFE conviction for vanity.
But we'll take this stage,
Never forgetting the days when heart meant everything.
We will take the stage, holding onto the days,
When heart meant everything!
This time is soon to end,
And all your clothes and cliques will go with it,
When the dust clears we'll see that love still stands.
The love that has no shame, no fronts, no fruitless Games...
The love that lays life down for a friend.
Your time is up.


Are you happy with the way you're living?
Alone in the dark.
In the dark...
Turned your back on the ones who waited for you when
You had gone awry,
Always chasing the one who won't ever run you dry,
If you've got money, he's got the time...
Cast aside everything you held dear,
And now it's been so long it seems it never was at All.
Breaking bottles, ALL IS LOST, Your addictions,
Have a cost, no excuses,
I won't buy in, They're nothing but lies...
Years past, every day a new face to try on,
Discourse as cheap as the highs you ride on,
Believe me i've tried to wait patiently, but it's Getting hard,
So hard for me not to speak, Here's what I think!
You're everything I NEVER WANT TO BE.
I hate to see, a life so compromised, potential sold
Just for a selfish drive,
Every waking moment when we fail to change,
There are choices made, we must search out life for
Strength to live life for today.


It's all the same, putting others down to take their place,
Wasting away, strung high on attitude.
Did we forget, we all came from the same start,
It's all the same, dissent in the name of unity.
We hear your words but where are the actions
To merit the glory you say you deserve?
It's just a claim.
It's all the same,
Putting others down to take their place,
WASTING AWAY, strung high on attitude.
Did we forget, we all came from the same start,
It's all the same, dissent in the name of unity.
We hear your words but where are the actions
To merit the glory you say you deserve?
It's just a claim.
Eyes blink, and we grow older,
Why not wiser?
Differences that once decorated now divide.
Hands throwing hatred only wasted their time,
Time that could build us up, instead of keeping us atbay.
Instead of building walls, brick by brick they've
Gotten tall enough
To block our minds but now it's time they fall.
Looks like we need to step back,
And learn to value the person inside when we stare
Across a crowded room,
Release all of the preconceived notions that haunt us,
It's sad to see so many entertained at their own
Talking such good game, casting off every shred of
When will we learn we're all the same.

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