With Faith Or Flames : Beneath the Heel of Oppression

Melodic Death / USA
(2005 - Self-Released)
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A beast considered slain
Now rests within the realm of reason
No longer confident
That legends speak in fragmented lore


The dragons rise from the land of lost beginnings
Into a world that's long since looked and turned away
Yet hope remains that we may find these phantoms
And show this world what they are still afraid to say

Do not accept the answers given by those with evil bias
Do not accept the truth they've come to in their delusions

Tomorrow's time is doomed to be forsaken
As each day passes when we are forced to live in fear
For here we stand, our truth is our only shelter
From the hatred that spews forth from what they dread to Hear

Rise. We will arise. we will regroup. we will arise for this is not the end.

We will arise to fight the air of ignorance around us
We will not stray from battle, we will not fall victim
Should we succumb to those forces that seek to destroy us
All hope will be forgotten, all truth will not be seen

And so we ride into the fray
On backs of dragons we will soar
We shall not fall, not on this day
We shall receive our great reward

The fight begins, the weapons clash
The enemy is falling fast
With mighty steeds of creatures past
Our day of hope will come at last

The sun has set, the war is gone
Our dead lay numbered on the ground
Yet still we fight what can't be seen
Our enemy cannot be found

No truth can stop the depth of misguidance
We're far too gone to ever overcome

The dragons fall beneath the heel of oppression
Despite the power, the truth is a pill that will not be Swallowed


When truth is relative the lies all seem to bleed together
And all becomes nothing for the heart of us has been let Down

The war has risen as the enemy approaches
And he has made his methods clear
The heart of us is broken as we step into the flame
That he has deemed our final home

Judge for youself the actions of those we wrongly call Father

As the enemy forces his plans upon us
We must rise up and show our true allegiance
Tolerance for a system of mass revision
Must be extinquished and replaced with the heart of us

The key to your heart is the end of darkness
As it opens the door to another world

Heaven is crying. look at what you've done

The fury of the fight is what needs to be instilled upon us All
Reworded and abused, subjected and removed from what we Should be today
Resistance is all that we have left
The hope must never die as the heart of us will try to live On

Heaven sheds a tear all for what you've done


Time will pass before us and before the sun is gone
We shall sing in victory as if it were our only song
For the wicked here are brewing and a dark day we shall name
As we surround ourselves in pleasure we subject ourselves to Pain

The life of a sinner is a song you've yet to sing
But the tune is surely ringing in your ear
Inside you admire what the truth has come to be
A false security to numb your deepest fear

Your hopeless bliss, your dreamless nightmare
Their endless bliss, their perfect nightmare

A warrior i must become
If i'm to see the morning sun
Some heartbeats fade, still mine beats on
And still i strive to be reborn
A warrior i must become
If i'm to see the morning sun
Some heartbeats fade, still mine beats on
And I must be reborn

With the sword of belief at hand
I still endure this wicked sorrow
Tempted by my quest for power
And by my own selfish remains

Time will pass before us and before the sun is gone
We shall sing in victory as if it were our only song

Now the time is gone and i pray to be forgiven
I fear the day will come when my prayers will be too late


As night turns into morning, our cries will fill the air
We will not stand for persecution of our true birthright
The swords will clash with thunder, their sheilds will bend And break
They have no right to cast us into the realm of idols

You are the ones who claim to bow to no outside influence
And yet you are the first to wear your precious uniform
You banish all who fail to fall within your certain limits
All while you declare you will absolutely not conform

But you do conform

As brothers we ride into to realm of despair
Come stand by my side and you will surely be spared

Attacks are closing in
We are surrounded now
The battle rages on
Our spirits will not foul

Alright! we can use their own weapons against them
C'mon! they don't know what we are capable of

As day turns into darkness, the fight continues on
It seems as though they won't accept us for what we are
And so our sheilds are mounted, our hearts stand in defense
As we seek not to conquer but only to live in peace

As brothers we ride into the realm of despair
Come stand by my side and you will surely be spared

Despite our true convictions, this is not our crusade
Enlightenment is our means, you fear we will enslave

To those who stand against us
Lend me your ear
I bring a word of hope
Not a display of fear

We will never surrender our sacred vows
We will never resign, we will never be forced to bow

To those who stand against us
Lend me your ear
I bring a word of hope
Not a display of fear


We wait in line, standing still
This seems like forever
This mess will never clear
These hearts are beating here
Will these people ever go
Or will i wait forever?
This mess will never clear
These hearts are beating near...

Near each other, forced apart

The day that we all lived together in infamy

The end of the live will never see true freedom once again
And will always be the end of the line

So many lives impacted, so many lives destroyed
So take your false sympathies and drive on by

I'm front in line, standing still
I'm not all together
Living mess on the road
Changes everything i know
Horns blazing, heart fading
My vision's blacking out
Living mess on the road
Changes everything i know

I will cherish the day you bled my solace away
And i will bleed for you tonight

I will bleed for you, i will always bleed for you
I will bleed for you, i will always die for you
I will bleed for you, i will die for you


Behold the power of the righteous as we march
Into the battlefield with shields of metal mightier than Steel

Their spears of destiny will never strike us down
As we defend His holy kingdom and His crown
These are the final days so we shall make them last
Our greatest weapon is our wisdom of the past

Ignorance is fatal bliss
Deadlier than satan's kiss

Open your heart and search for the truth
Open your heart to the notion that love is power

Ignore the flood and you'll always have errors
For knowledge is golden and knowing is half the battle

Remember the flood

A thousand declarations does not prove a single thing
Only evidence will bring us truth and meaning

Look closely at what you've been told for all these years
And you will find nothing more than bias and ego spawning

There is no truth in modern science
It is nothing but a new religion...

...Whose spears of destiny will never strike us down
As we defend His holy kingdom and His crown
These are the final days so we shall make them last
Our greatest weapon is our wisdom of the past

Behold the power of the righteous as we march
Into the battlefield with shields of metal mightier than Steel


These dreams they taste like sugar but the poison still sets In
And before too long i'm choking on the floor
The reflection of your eyes still lingers deep within my own
Along with memories that never seemed to be

My heart, it does not exist in this place
Your heart, it does not exist in this place

A false embrace to please the masses
Serenaded by destiny
The dream has died, my will awakened
To find myself alone again

The fantasy is over but how will i see the world
Now that i feel i know you more than yesterday
But this bliss is purely fiction, only real while i'm at Rest
And you'll know nothing of the times we've had

My heart, it does not exist in this place
Your heart, it does not exist in this place

A false embrace to please the masses
Serenaded by destiny
The dream has died, my will awakened
To find myself alone again

For these dreams, they felt like sugar
And the poison washed away
So here i find myself just as i was before
But the reflection of your eyes
Still lingers deep within my own


We shall not retreat as long as the five of us stand
United in truth, we shall not submit to demands
We've suffered no loss despite the amount of our wounds
Our weapons are strong, we shall be victorious soon

Our forces grow in number
Our spirits rise in valor
Regardless of their fury
They cannot destroy our message
Our hearts now beat in sequence
The rhythm of the conquest
Regardless of their data
They cannot dethrone His message

They'll know my justice in the sword
It is the means to end the war
But if you summon your will to fight
Know just what it is you're fighting for

The darkness spreads around us
Infects our every impulse
Despite an impure action
We will not throw down our weapons
Our allies call us traitors
Judgements and accusations
In spite of their betrayal
We will not give up the fight

The heart is a window
That cannot be opened
They seek to destroy us all
We're still fighting on your side

We'll die for your cause
Do not cast our weapons aside
All men live in shadow
But on wings of valor we ride

The forces of evil will use our turmoil
To spread resentment within ourselves
It's not on the shoulders of any one man
To pass any judgement so learn to forgive

Don't fear the enemy
Just fight the hate within yourself
Don't fear the enemy
Just fight the hate within

They'll know my justice in the sword
It is the means to end the war
But if you summon your will to fight
Know just what it is you're fighting for

I fight for truth, i fight for love, i fight for strength, i Fight to rise above

I fight for truth that lies beneath the shroud of insecurity
I fight for love that's lost but not forgotten deep inside Of me
I fight for strength to fight the darkness closing in with Every step
I fight to rise above to stress and to let go of my regrets

And we shall win this fight
Before the sun can set tonight

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