Wintermoon (FRA) : Autarky

Las palabras


At all times, they existed,
Their greatness crushes us.
They are immortal, unchanged.
We are possessed by their presence.

Gods of the sky,
Lands and seas,
See our eternal beliefs.

At the bottom of consciences, they return.
As snow and ice on the peaks,
They make of our mind their kingdom.
Horizon of the Old coming.

Gods of the sky,
Lands and seas,
See our eternal beliefs.

The shadow of great mountains,
Mark their true return.
Let us be faithful and honor the Immortals.


Under the fire of reality, autarkic Black Metal...

This world is not ours,
Far from our thoughts.
This world is not ours,
Far of the true Kingdom.

Under the size of these giants, we'll be there,
Besides the true Gods we'll live.
Among their worshipers, we will idolize them.
In harmony, we'll survive.

These places unknown and hostile,
This expanses so vast and majestic,
Their ghosts call us, guide us.

We must to leave !

Of your greatness and your beauty,
Our hearts are filled...
Ô holy nature...
Autarky we want...


Behind the curtain pale and disgusting of our world,
Hides a land of cold and ice,
Where forgotten legends still carve its ramparts.

The immensity of these white and frozen Gods,
Reminds us those old battles full of courage and beauty.

All their tracks have disappeared, but their spirit remains.
These sleeping giants dream of bygone days...
But they will always be the guardians of the temple.

One day, these gods will wake up...
They will deliver their message...
And they will expand their rage too long forgotten...

A huge wind caresses the autarkic crests of these Icebergs...
Allowing their eternity,
They contain the ancestral knowledge

The gates of the white kingdom will open
To spread the icy mist of the past on the world.
The time of our land of cold and ice arrives.


Again from above gate we stride at hand
Leading the charge into battle
Ravaging the lands

Shadows flow on the windrippled steps
Our black sparkling eyes
Celebrating death

Again from beyond our realm we come forth
The moon is setting on a grim world
Swallowing the sun
Shades gather on the thundra
Ascend from the gods
Who once walked the earth

Before the might of our wrath
Hear the mighty sound of damnation
Of dust all lands will lay in a savage of chaos

Before the menace
Strike you all by the blaze of glorious victories
Before batallions storm you all
Hear the mighty sound of damnation



Again from above gate we stride at hand
Leading the charge into battle
Ravaging the lands
Shadows flow on the windrippled steps
Our black sparkling eyes
Celebrating death

Palabras añadidas por Antonin_Martin - Modificar estas palabras