Web Of Wyrd : By an Image Graven an Offering Burnt

Folk Metal / Sweden
(2007 - Self-Released)
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Affluent and noble by wedlock, by blood
- Widow'd to loneliness still
From gloominess rural is sprung the desire
At yule, for a renaissance thrill

The jaded chatelaine's christmas delight

Winter-white december night,
Frore the birch and fir
At stony cold a courtyard tho'
Some and somethings stir
Madam hath her men assembled
Urge and want to state
Thro' crust and snow fresh
Rumours grow to investigate

Widow gyldenstierne:
As well as a new suit
To him who will ride
I promise my best mount
If yon he hath spied
To come back and can
Tell if at 'magle stone'
This eve there is mirth and
Much joy as hath been known

I take on the challenge,
Betake me I shall there
Saddle the steed, mine next when I ride,
Soignée, return’d from where...

Those with home in the stone dance merrily
To drums of thunder and a hundred fires
Ogreish in guise and figure, eerie their sight
Moribund yet with immortal magic might

Widow gyldenstierne:
Ride over mere and meadow
Not roads but wood-edges,
Thou find their homestead
Riding, riding
Hillock up, hillock down,
Those being small, hiding
Know not thou comest
Hunting, hunting
Clap spurs to thy horse I advise

Arrival at the magle stone

Thus he rode thro' the night,
The prize in his sight
- Obeying his mistress command
The stone on pillars was raised
When its owners he faced
- Obeying his mistress command

We are those with home in the stone,
Thou hast tread ground ye know we own
Unless thou comest here to bother
Thou hast best feast as all other

With good intentions only
Do I come to thee

Horn vessel and crooked pipe
-From this our vessel then one tiff or twain
Have to the mountain, its king and his reign
May be it crooked, mayhap without note
Yet here be a whistle, a tune blow if thou mote

Enter: a young girl

Young girl once abduct'd:
I prithee to hesitate,
pray ye haste mon frère
I toast’d not but fled, could I so
Ne’er returning to where...
Those with home in the stone dance merrily
To drums of thunder and a hundred fires
Ogreish in guise and figure, eerie their sight
Moribund yet with immortal magic might

Young girl once abduct'd:
Flee over field and furrow,
Not roads but plough-ridges
Head for homestead
Riding, Riding
Furrow up, furrow down,
These be to small runnig
None the less they’re coming
Hunting, hunting
Clap spurs to thy horse I advise

Escape from the magle-stone

Thus he rode back that morn,
With pipe and crooked horn
- He stole on his mistress account
Back home the drawbridge was raised
Thwarting owners that chased
- Whom stole on his mistress account

We are those with home in the stone,
Give us back that ye stole, we own
Lest one loss shalt trade another,
Give us back and we shan't bother

Widow gyldenstierne:
Nothing have we here for thee
So go to hell!

Trollmarch and curse


By the moore and moon
- Cautious, askance
Cast at sombre silhouettes a glance
Robb'd of treasures, dignity and glee
Marching home pondering their decree

May that artifacts shan't be return',
Mankind's lesson's never to be learn'd
Yet before the moon hath risen thrice
Retaliation will have been doled out twice
And right from wrong discern'd

Deeds done and deserts deserved
Hence pass’d forty hours
‘Fore pass’d his horse away
Well dress’d our groom fared well in his suit
For the rest of his one more day


What gloat in cloak eclipsed on high
From falcate moon at me
Could there in nook and cranny closer
Fingers crooked be
Was that not the clattering of hooves
Behind the clock?
Which trotteth me to segnitude
Tick - tock, tick - tock

To poppy fields my schesis
In morpeus' arms held dear
Whilst his lullaby eases
'The devil's trill' I hear

Old hag:
Hogwash and laystall!
Mine is the wicked hunt
Thro' thy darksome house
Maggoty vapors herald my coming...

The hagridden:
Avaunt, witch be thou gone!
Return thither back yon!
Menacing thy presence as it nears
An evil cackle scolding to ones ears
(Very scolding to one's ears)

The devil's daughters, haggard and twist'd 'peer to befoul in wickedest
Manners and thus as little girls
Old hag:
Be it by hymn, shriek or whisper
The hagridden:
In turn mock me thy retinues
Little girls:
Frighten thee our cloven hooves?
The hagridden:
Bestridden virtue is of despair
Little girls:
Aghast the sleeper!
Aghast! aghast!

A waking dream (is atonia the hag?)
Allayeth me thro' the night still
one by name of atonia
Slackening at its height her skill
But should she linger legion come to company her

Higamus - as many wives david had
Hogamus - so tamburlaine's were nine
Higamus - I own not nymph nor meanad
Hogamus - these succubi are mine!

At grewsome realms my dreaming
In conscious sleep I've slipp'd
Dragg'd by a nightmare screaming
Within in its tale I'm whipp'd
Old hag:
Mildew and froth!
Thou greetest me struck dumb, tuck’d
In thy clammy bed
Slight of my iron hand promise I’ll have thee…

The hagridden:
Woe thee, o' demon fell!
Remove this hexed spell!
Leave this paralyzed body be!
Tremendous on my chest the weight of thee!
(The tremendous weight of thee)

The devil's daughters, have me in their laudanum evil to hurt my decorum with Malicious content and
Thus as little girls haunt...
Old hag:
Either 'tis cry, bellow or chant
The hagridden:
Thy ilk 'twixt themselves have me laid
Little girls:
Horniness hath thee afraid?
The hagridden:
Maculate continence - my torment
Little girls:
Uncouth the dormant!

What view not eyes awake
From a point more realistic
The schollar scoffeth at ignorance
But figments somnambulistic
Await him within his own soon
Waning diligence

An auld dance cast in new runs
Leaping quanta at a time
Subliminal are wrought events
To manifest sublime
The spinstress on her stool hath sat there
Ne'er beheld for aye
Whether real, tempestuous dream,
A novelty or fray

Higamus - As many wives david had
Hogamus - so tamburlaine's were nine
Higamus - I own not nymph nor meanad
Hogamus - these succubi are mine!

Harridan most disturbing
An advent worth to fear
Know when daughters of hers sing
A sombrous sojourn is here
'Not again shall I slumber'-
My vow as darkness grows
I watch the hours lumber
And then my eyelids I close


'Where dreams meet dawn we'll see thee'


The climbers sit and laugh at me
Upon their pedestals
For wasting precious time on pious hopes
A puerile, timid slouth
Who seized not moment, chance nor day
Thus never learn'd to use
Or know the ropes

I wish I'd last at least thro' a millenia
That I may come of age before grown old
Or live thousand lives, thousand ways
To find the 'philosopher's stone' amidst fools gold
Misunderstood I have stripp'd and desert'd
From uniformed soldiers I don't understand
The jack-of-all-trades hath no jill to trade with
A pinion robb'd robin from lochs, leas’s bann'd

When I be fain to toil in tears and sweat
Jaunty and willing
To pay the baillif my collection-debt
With every shilling
When but a ruskcrumb is left in the larder
Still I have to say grace
And gain in my bedpost a notch seems harder
Than wrinkles in my face

Fetch me a map from science to fiction,
Preternatural compass to guide me

Will o' the wisp come light my way
I've been lost and gone astray
Fed on shewbread, philtre starv'd
- A labyrinth I roam
Light me a lantern spark'd and fann'd,
A stranger in a stranger land
I'm without purpose, tool and faith,
Come show me my way home

Any simpleton would grasp the nettle
Tho' he's surely stung
But then again all hell is full of fools
A lonely shepherd come home shorn
Since gone for that he lost
Thus left his sheep, stay'd home
And gather'd wool

I yearn'd to make the most of
Youth and childhood,
Now dying, trying to catch up with time
One day I'll be gone, this I still cannot figure
With such a sentence is life my crime?
Unappreachiated I've search'd for my Judy
Only to find one to many a punch
A dove in a battle makes like fish a nice kettle
With olives as first course
They'll have fowl for lunch

I'm the exception that proves the rule
- 'Sui generis'
The prodgigal son of a different school,
The blackest sheep there is
The pagan 'mongst christians,
To fillies a dark horse
(Before the storm I flee...)
A settler 'midst migrants,
Thy rebel without cause
(...When others have their tea)

Fetch me a map from science to fiction,
Preternatural compass to guide me

Tapster come bring me an ale
It be my 'holy grail'
To soothe my thespian wail

I've court'd with venus
Till'd pastures for pan
Drunk health bacchanalian
Time and again
To tired to hunt for a faith that is fit
'Acedia' mine 'idol' hath not help'd a wit

In my darkest closet
My closet hath no skeletons to upbring,
Yet plenty of other mysterious a thing
Conspiciuous by absent tho' narnia be,
When lock'd in with ease the harder to flee
To find peace of mind I hide from the war
That rageth outside the door

Will o' the wisp come light my way
I've been lost and gone astray
Fed on shewbread, philtre starv'd
- A labyrinth I roam

Will o' the wisp come light my way
I've been lost and gone astray
Fed on shewbread, philtre starv'd
- A labyrinth I roam
Light me a lantern spark'd and fann'd,
A stranger in a stranger land
I'm without purpose, tool and faith,
Come show me my way home

I'm without purpose, tool and faith,
Will o' the Wisp show me home!


Woden - allfather:
Mine's the might o'er all the mighty,
Friend to friends, foe to foes be I known
Slouch-hat and greybeard; names
Among many as the shapes that I own
One eye lone adorn my features
Thus limited be I in sight
Therefor fly my 'thought and memory'
Fly the worlds - dark wings, dark night

Soaring in ethereal heavens,
Sailing on the welkin high
Cast by omnipotent wingspans,
Silhouettes against the sky
Travellers on threads transcendental,
Ebon, avian scouts, ravens fly!
Tho' born on high, airborne still higher
Yet this journey's far to fare
Cease thus flight, rest as quills tire,
Pause a moment when wings wear
'Neath caws and clamour his cause to fail;
A wide-eyed scarecrow stands
Dumbfounded there

A guarding, tattered meadow man
How can he ever scare
Birds of a celestial clan

What are these which chase the air
In raven-black, with eyes that glare,
Who cloak in shape same midnights wear
Tell ye twain whence thee came
Whom with dark play hide and seek,
Appear with feather, wing and beak
I know as such should not, yet speak
Come ye twae reveal thy names

Thought and memory:
Eke many a word from what have
Straw 'neath his hatbrims
Much like those in whose coat standeth clad
That which we are thou can't imagine
What beest thou tell instead

- Tatterdemalion!

To guard this field, white crops to yield
From birds like thee that fly,
Of man I'm made, for man I work;
The scarecrow am I!

So spoke the scarecrow, pride-dyed
Each word of his task momentous
And of the laudable man he served
Thus much virtuos

Thought and memory:
Little thou knowest o' simpleton
Tho' perhaps much for such mind
We'll get thee of thy high horses, still
That a 'mare's nest' thou shalt find
This metewand with wich the midgardians
Thou measure we severly gainsay
For they're worth but a farthing on our
Tounges as thou art when speak they

Intelligent indeed they're growing,
Faith blind on their brains they pin
Yet thinking be their undoing,
Insanity is wisdoms kin
The one the other will devour,
(When the weaker lose the stronger win)
Sword and shield may suit their kind true,
Gone beserk they wear a fit vest
But thought and thinking will dight undue,
Up-hung that garb arrays the best
This naked ape's supremacy
Be impertinent when undress'd

The animal within them all
Upon their 'high-brow' quest
Will finally be their fall

Be this fact these woeful words,
That thou speak, of which I've heard,
Or falderal to taunt and gird?
The last I woo to be true
The man I serve, servant to be
That serves as model in turn to me,
Be as claimed most impossibly
This too I pray shalleth be true

Thought and memory:
Take our words and know their value
On the day when they show true
Remember then the wise whom skies flew
Who thou art and serve speak anew

- Tatterdemalion!

To guard this field, white crops to yield
From birds like thee that fly,
Of man I'm made, for man I work;
The scarecrow am I!

As he hath spoken again will he speak
For as far as he e'er see;
Silly or stupid or narrow-minded
Man can ne're be

Woden - allfather:
A day will come yt augurs ill,
In this have I saying nor will
When wefts within the 'web of wyrd'
Of twilight tell, long hath it near'd
Thou seest I'm sure by midgard hand
Will be undone the midgard land
As ours and others furthermore
'Till nothing be yt was before

Down at these meadows yet these day
Stands our scarecrow ever so tall
Still in man is his faith tho' suspicion
Is farish within him withall
Foolish or erudite is not for him
To decide yet he must agree
That as wise as the 'skywise'
Man can never be
(He can never be)



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