Waterclime : The Astral Factor

Heavy Rock / Sweden
(2006 - editora desconhecida)
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My inner sea ended at a lonely coast
I couldn't flee, in the mirror I saw a ghost
I screamed to the mountains, as I started to lose my mind
Headed for the summit of madness, peeling its rind

Its like if starving flame ate away
The fruits of the emotinal core
Too long I danced in that fire ballet, lunacy was the cure

At the mountains of madness
I came to my senses
'Cause i had been hypnotised
by peoples sadness
That slowly condenses
In their mission to dramatise
Their lives

Again, my visions got lost and my life began to descend
Like dreams lose their glare, every rainbow has an end....has an end

At the mountains of madness
I came to my senses
'Cause i had been hypnotised
by peoples sadness
That slowly condenses
In their mission to dramatise
Their lives

Their twisted expressions of mirth
Built a daily nightmare
I needed a flashback from birth
To reach the castles in the air


Leaving the earthly room
Without any specific direction
I've let my sensations bloom
In a telepathic connection

With the soul and the waterfields
Keeping my wish unspoken
A wish to conquer the bodily seal
And suddenly the seal was broken

I'm floating across the icy clouds
I'm spinning around in a crystal blue sky

Light as a feather above the trees
Circling among snowflakes
That came with a chilly breez
To dress the land and the lakes

But even if the weather is cold...is cold
I'm swirling around in the skies...in the skies
On wings that my inner forces unhold
Wings made of ice

I'm floating across the icy clouds
I'm spinning around in a crystal blue sky

The Astral Factor

I slip into a state of vibration
Of the mind, body and soul's liberation
The objects reform by a coecistence
The astral factor

I'm leaving the physical world behind
Flying through the galaxies of the mind
With a sensible perception from a distance
The astral factor

Following the guiding light
With conscious rites, to unknown sites
Where my soul ignites
Reborn in new energy
At last like I'm free, now i can see
The outlines of cosmology

Charmed by luminous and timeless waves
That cleanses my mind's secret caves
It feels like i'm moving in liquid air
The astral factor

Drifting in this fluent stellar tide
Towards my own star I glide
As the constellations declare
The astral factor

Following the guiding light
With conscious rites, to unknown sites
Where my soul ignites
Reborn in new energy
At last like I'm free, now i can see
The outlines of cosmology

From soulset to soulrise
My journey is completed
Inhaling the wind from spiritual skies
As my heart is heated

Diamond Moon

In the morning i heard a melody
Beautiful like a piece of jewellery
It came from the sky to embrace my soul
It was sunlightspirits, sining to my console

'Cause I lose my senses
Every moonlit night
My mind slowly tenses
by our glittering satellite

An eerie emotion in the afternoon
Take my senses to the diamond moon
Magic is at work tonight
It clears my cloudy sight

Mysterious voices from a distant place
Powerful words speaking of wisdom and grace
Their aura entrances and illuminates
The dusk, and its gates

An eerie emotion in the afternoon
Take my senses to the diamond moon
Magic is at work tonight
It clears my cloudy sight
And the sunlight spirit's harmonious tune
Echoes all the way to the diamond moon
Where my sense are tonight
To drink the lunar light

Painting Without Colours

I saw a canvas in a dream
It was coloured with an expreesive stream
Of flaming novas and comet's gleam
From an unknown place

Merged inside a golden frame
There were mystic sky-scapes aflame
Heading for stellar fame
In the hole of space

I held a brush in my hand
It glittered like a wizards wand
I stroke the shining canvas abd
The images came to life

Another stroke, another flare
My soul was spellbound by the glare
I was given pictures from a secret lair
In nuances rife

I'm painting without colours
Instead I'm using the flare of stars
and the imagery
becomes fiery
Brighter then the glow of mars
I'm painting without colours
Instead I'm using the flare of stars
Covering my inner wounds and scars
I keep a mystery, in my gallery
A thousand paintings made of stars


Darkness set it sails
Be prepared for a scarytale

"All the souls that once have sinned dance on a cold wind"

From another world, a face of stale
The remains of a restless soul
Leading the haunting shadows gale
From a none human pole

Far away from summer lands
Far away from grass and sand

It's a place where the sun is dark
And the moon is worn and frail
Where creatures wear Devil's mark
"So, beware of their trail"

It's not a fairytale
It's a scarytale
And it makes you pale
From heart to eye
It's not a fairytale
It's a scarytale
And it won't fail
To make you cry

And as you stare towards the shadow's place
It's like watching through broke glass
You're staring at a disfigured face
A reflection of what you amass

It's not a fairytale
It's a scarytale
And it makes you pale
From heart to eye
It's not a fairytale
It's a scarytale
And it won't fail
To make you cry

A sweeping motion
In the lunar ocean
Silently lures,
To change the universe
It's a wind that will last
Transforming presents to past
Life's abounding mysteries
Turn to fading memories

So, forget about your pain and your sorrow
'Cause it might be to late tomorrow

Like a theif it steals time
Your greatest moments fall into oblivion
It dwells on the world like a coat of rime
Tweaking the beams of the sun

It's the face of history
With a star producing mouth
Its eye has seen the mystery
That created north and south

It ends serenity
And builds a disorted reality
Harsh and bright, it glows
Until you can't trow
Birds can no longer fly
Not even the magic butterfly
That lives in the overlapping points
Of time, that now it's out of joint

The future looks like a hurricane
Trying to bend our souls into endless pain

It twist, it turns, and it bends the presents
It swallows places, places that are lucent

So, release your pain and your sorrow
'Cause it might be to late tomorrow

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