Warmarch (SVK) : Bestial Rehearsal (For Master Satan)

Black Metal / Slovakia
(2009 - Suicide Taste Productions)
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Sadistic torment, leather and flames
Laying in chains, dying enslaved
Killing you is my pleasure
Raping your bloody corpse
Satanic slaughter, covered with your blood
Sadistic lust, bleeding from your cunt
The whip tearing your flesh, tortured in chains
The pleasure in your eyes
When strangling you with barbed wire
Your pain is my joy, you scream for more and more
Wictim of my lust, for my pleasure she dies
Fucking her in every hole, die you filthy little whore
In the name of satan I sacrifice your blood
I fuck you with my knife
Sodomized little dead slut


Kráľ gulgalty, ty, čo krvou zalievaš zem
Vládca hrobov, hrôzostrašný smrti tieň
Prvý vrah a prvý hrobár, svätec mŕtvych
Strážca podsvetia brán
Ty, čo v ľavej ruke držíš krvavú kosu
Ťaháš duše do hladnej priepasti hrobu
Tvoje čierne svetlo končí všetky ilúzie života
Neľútostne prelievaš krv každého môjho nepriateľa
Salve qayin messor, mortifer et occisor!
Salve salve letifer, dominor tumulus et falxifer!
Salve salve qayin coronatus!
Salve salve qayin rex mortis!
Salve baaltzelmoth et niantiel!
Salve qayin ben samael!


Satan my master
I slit my wrists to drain me of my blood
Satan my master
Up side down I turn the cross of god

Satan my master
Recieve this sacrifice this blood of mine
Satan my master
I cut into my rotten flesh your signs

Satan my master
Remember me when judgement day is near
Satan my master
Take my hand when armageddon is here

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