Warhawk (USA) : Death from Above

Thrash Metal / USA
(2008 - Self-Released)
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Trapped in a vacant place
With only scraps and water
Freezing cold and hunger
Devours sanity
The crisis is apparent
Help may not arrive
Abandoned with one choice
Eat human flesh or starve

Shards of broken glass
Pierce the frozen corpse
This body once your friend
Will now become your meal
Slice into their remains
Swallow all your pride
Digest the meat you carve
How does it sit with you?

With Fortune's bitter smile
Your deeds are not in vain
You'll live another day
While others merely rot
Yes, you know the table's turned
As you find you can't subdue
The crippling guilt and shame
That now is eating you


The energy is raw
And the music is fast
Screeching and pounding
And earsplitting fast
Lyrics of torment
Scream through the p.a.
We go to eleven
We'll blow your ass away

There are too many people
Just standing like squares
They don’t know us
And they don’t care
Keeping up appearances
They are here to be “cool”
Throw ‘em in the pit
To show we can’t be fooled

Thrashing - In the crowd
Shouting - So damn loud
Bashing - With your head
Counting - On bloodshed

After tonight
You will be sore
But we won’t let you down
That’s for sure
We will return again
To make your ears bleed
To deliver our metal
So remember this creed


The time of distress draws near
One by one the seven seals will open
But we will be armed and prepared
So that our lives will be spared

Among us is one sent to spy
Find him and remove him from our premises
They plan to invade and seize
We will not be taken on our knees

Peacefully we have come
To take away your father
Peacefully we have come
For the unholy martyr

A crusade of mayhem and defiance
Subsequent failures to comply
Now their souls are charred by the flames
Forever with them the shame


Walking to the door the noise muffled through the walls
Broken glass and lit cigars lying on the floor
Lingering in the air the smoke fills your lungs, braindead
Shotgun passed to your hands the barrel's in your head

Jack and Coke mix it well, MGD and Crown Royal
Drink it fast, it'll last, knock you on your ass
Rumcrook, moonshine, Swisher Sweet, Lucky Strike
Take your pick, don't get sick, smoke it to the butt


Drunken dudes with endless booze, saying stupid shit
Tell him "take it easy, man" but head to glass he hits
The grass is orange, the snow is white, our pockets lined with lint
Eat those caps, don't puke them up or eat them where they sit


Time flys by when you're always high to quick to realize
Good time had, shit times bad, this place just has to die
The man is here, have no fear, take a footstep out the door
We party on forever that's what living life is for

lyrics added by King_Sathanas - Modify this lyrics