Von Drakus : The End

Hardcore / Germany
(2012 - Dark Omen Records)
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Deep rooted within ourselves, in our senses,
The way we act...
Like a fool
Like a tool
We keep trying to make the best of this mess
For which only we ourselves have to be blamed for

Can't you see it all drifted
In directions we can't bend anymore
In directions that will swallow us whole,
Once and for all

Still we reach out for what seems to be left for us
All in terms of our so-called destiny...
This helplessness...

Don't you see we're stuck, crumbling
Hoping and failing again, crumbling away

Hoping and failing, day after day
Why don't we see there could be
So much more than this ?
We're beyond help

Get me out of here


Now that we've always been patronised for so long
-- Of course only for our welfare...
Didn't you know they've meant it good with us ? --
We need something new

Something that breaks with all rules and habits
That is entirely made for us, by us
Something that finally brings us a life
Without these restraints, without these constraints
Without these morals that were dictated ourselves
Just to confine ourselves (even more)

We need to be free

Every thing has to have an end
This far and no further
We have to bring this to an end
Enforce a whole new beginning

This will never be given back to us if we only ask for it
They will laugh and they will trample all over us
Just like they've always done before

But we need to be free
So we need to strike back


Belief in our being, belief in our selves, our way to live,
With each other, with all these things around (us),
With all these things we use to treat how we want
And how we like;
As if we were the definition of this whole something
That we keep sucking and sucking and sucking so deeply...

...No that can't be right to me

If we'd only spend one thought
About the mischief that we cause
Swallow it whole, let it fully unfold in our mindless brains
At least that would make us understand

Still we deny to see, we walk with our eyes shut
What can't be seen can't be real

I can't take this anymore
I despise us all, I despise this whole mankind


We are prisoners
We're stuck, nothing moves
We cannot break out of these circumstances
That strangle and entangle us
That were made to keep us down,
To keep us in a silent place all alone with our selves
That were made to keep our mouths shut and our hands tied, Incapable of acting right --
After our heart, after our mind, out of pure reason
Because we have to take back control of ourselves,
Take back control of this world,
Of what belongs to us in the first place
All that we let slip away so mindlessly

Was it because we couldn't have cared less
Because we thought this will all turn out well for us
Things come to a good end,
In this world that just can't be good

Now that it just got worse and worse
And worse and worse and much more worse,
There's nothing more left to say than this

Save yourself... resist as long as you can
Or this will swallow you as a whole
Save yourself... let the darkness fall,
Let it go once and for all

Now that it just got worse and worse
And worse and worse and much more worse,
We've finally come to an end

We're prisoners
We're stuck, nothing moves
We cannot break out of this
It strangles and entangles us
Save yourself


Best friends, yet strangers
I feel us separating more and more
So close, still unreachable
Fade away like the rest of them

I remember when we swore ourselves
Not to let something come between us
-- At least I swore that to myself --
But we lost it someday, yet I can't understand
Just as if it was the most natural thing
That could have happened

Do you see our self-imposed ideals, in the distance,
Slowly floating away, irretrievably ?
Wipe it out of our heads, that will make it easier for us,
Now, that we've come this far

Of course we could just start from scratch
But I feel we already drifted so apart
That it would never be the same (as it was)
And after all how would I know
At which point to start over
When I can't even recall
Where it all stopped

Now we cover in silence.....
I never wanted to let it all come this far

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics