Voluptas : Towards the Great White Nothing

Doom Black / Czechia
(2020 - Metalgate)
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I tried to dissect your dreams
To confirm their dicisignal qualities

And yet I strive for their ability to thrive
On the verge of your glimmering eyes
On the part of your soul that was not yet mine
Before it embodied your fear

I tried to dissect your dreams
…And left your skull open wide

I can't defy the urge to rape and categorize
Every single cell of your body
Every single cell of your body

May I offer you my crystalline key
To remove the poison from your veins?
May I cure you of my disease
And relieve you of my pain?

Because I strive for you to thrive
On the verge of your glimmering eyes
On the part of your soul that was not yet mine
Before it embodied me


Oh! Father of Light!
Thou shalt be used
As long as we don't fill
All the missing spaces

Then we shall burn thy flesh
To rejuvenate
The original splendour
Of Thy pristine glory

And we, the pharmakoi
That used to gaze into the abyss
Of Thargelia's proximity
Shall grant Gestell's new divinity

Oh! Father of Light!
Glorious Deus nihil
Bestow upon us
The rule

Let lesser gods
Have their way
Let lesser gods have their way


The choking dust
Of bridges torn and scourged

The screaming code
Searing the skin and the eye

Twining and slithering
Through the rites of the Demiurge,
Obscuring and dousing the Light,
It ascends 'bove the waves and the fractals,
The walls of the enclosing tomb –

Descending thus back to the womb

And pyres consumed all the ashes
As Sekhmet purred
Under the sway of the coiling Sun
Her cheeks and temples burned


My bodies adrift
My thoughts afloat
Setting off into the wide blue yonder
towards the great white nothing

Ice in fractal patterns the stars entwined
Echoes of cracks and shrieks oddly rhymed
The book of nature is synchronized
With my decline

Signals well received, yet ignored
The voices building a dissonant chord
Atop mt. Erebus they are to be heard

Disengaged from the source
They can linger in veins

Get inside there is a calm place
Glowing cinderlike
As my occipital lobe burns away


Three times I waved my hand
For silence, darkness and dust

Standing on the pedestal
In a desolate land
In the city of pillars

Like flapping of unfeathered wings
Spitting the words unintelligible
Through the dense air of my aeon

Yet vultures gathered
And carved the signs
Into the living flesh
Of my headstone:

"Proud man,
Dress'd in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assur'd—
His glassy essence"

lyrics added by Antonin_Martin - Modify this lyrics