Void Paradigm : Void Paradigm

Black Metal / France
(2012 - Totalrust Music)
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Silence and coldness submerging the earth, erasing your brain, your hair, your teeth and your eyes. Brightness and darkness swirling in the air, swallowing everything that once bore the seal of life. Religious edifices blown up like buildings of cards, sacred writings vanishing in a raging storm, terror and disorder now rule all over the earth. Keepers of the moral order are all running away, deserting sullied altars falling to pieces, wooden crosses burnt down to ashes. Prayers echoing in ruins of stones, laments and prayers where the sand is burning, endless wait for the messiah to come. Dancing creator trampling on men’s fright, souls are melted in a great harmony. Life is bliss when hope is in sight : to die as a slave, resurrect as a king. Collected idols colorful and shining reflecting false hopes and wrong stories told :

From chaos you come to chaos you’re going, here’s a new god for us to kneel before.

Thousand years of fear

Thousand years of pain

Thousand years of war

Thousand years of deception

Thousand years of mistakes

Ignoring the wisdom of the stars

Heretics forced to kiss icons on the pyre, so much blasphemy running through those veins. Holy flames will purge the quintessence of sins : only martyrs are able to get a well deserved redemption. All unorthodox men have to be warned : follow religious ambassadors or become a traitor forevermore. Damnation can be yours at every single moment, shakeable men will be allowed to join the promised world above. Faith and knowledge written in gold letters can unleash the tide of war. Neither good nor evil hidden in the heart of earth : truth and answers belong together in the gap. Bombs are now launched, swords were once shining, innocent men have been brought to the gallows to defend false hopes and wrong stories told. Father forgive them not for they know what they do !

From chaos you come to chaos you’re going, here’s a new god for us to kneel before.


A primal scream erupts, emitting periodic distorted waves in the air… The fear of silence keeps our ears open wide. Creating worlds at the tip of our tongues and fingers, we are just a vulgar bunch of false gods. Procreating vibes to fight the silence, we have managed to make ourselves deaf, so as to ignore our own inner voices.

Silence, impalpable emissary of the void

Silence, by destroyed lives, by sublimated deaths

We chose not to follow the sharp voice of reason, it could have ruined our coward souls. Reigning over our own little world, we fear the blackout at every single moment : it can gnaw our limbs until we fall over, so we keep on spreading noises like a pestilence… Yes we all crawl with maggots

Silence, impalpable emissary of the void

Silence, by destroyed lives, by sublimated deaths

Before the raging thunder, before the whispers of the wind… After life, after death, after the blow that will sweep us all… Sitting on its dark throne, swallowing our laments, erasing your laughs… From the depth of time : here comes the silence, it will bring the eternal void, ruling over and over again

Silence, impalpable emissary of the void

Silence, by destroyed lives, by sublimated deaths

Beating skins, pulling guts, fragile wooden weapons… Daily war. Billions of people ready to fight against a single enemy. We know we can’t win, that battle is meaningless… Yet, we are still fighting the silence.


Cosmic dust pretending to be true

Astral glow enlighting death

Thousand of pages concealing no clue

Glorification of ignorance and faith

Force-fed silence screaming its wisdom

Shivers whispering the breath of our dead

Almighty silence claiming its kingdom

We owe it our lives, we owe it our end

Dazzling darkness, deafening silence… Life is in the air weak as a candle under a raging storm. No graves, no memories, no death for our cursed realm : just the unavoidable dissolution in the infinite structure of nothingness

Spirals dancing in the cosmos… no goal to reach for the unliving stones… unseen nebulas… hidden essence of beauty… beginningless and endless show… no audience to witness the perfection, the pointless art of stars… thousand of eyes fading without the experience of sight… billions of eyes belonging in the watery cradle, in the spherical grave… no ink, no wax, no paper, no screen can bear the truth… condemn to ignore, mankind is celebrating its fall…

Dazzling darkness, deafening silence… Life is in the air weak as a candle under a raging storm. No graves, no memories, no death for our cursed realm : just the unavoidable dissolution in the infinite structure of nothingness

New spirals taking shape in the cosmos, made of recent moulded matter, aimlessly created once again… gravity fields waiting patiently the best moment to trap them… motion is the key… stellar hunts of stars… billions of minds ignoring, most of them were trephined at birth…

The circle of insignificant life ruling… lie blindly as long as you won’t be dead… never watch from a distant view… the wall is getting closer… our end is near and we won’t avoid it…

We will fall into the void…


Nothingness, then a blast : astral resonnance still ringing. Vortex of matter, expansion, elements melted in confusion. Billions of cells mixed, spread, cut in half, multiplied, scattered, gathered, dying, doubling… From void to chaos, from void emerged life. Electric pulse carrying thoughts, acid spirals carrying the code, limestone, flesh and blood, carbon : make us burn. From void to infinity, from the seed to the top of the tree, from the abyss to nebulas, from death to life… to death again… death again. From the single cell to the brain, from the monkey to the slave, from paganism to God , from the foetus to the corpse, from the abyss to nebulas, from death to life… to death again… death again.

Nothing was planned, nobody to oversee such a mess

Only random chemical reactions

Worship chaos

Men first feared the stars, so many theories in contradiction. Unpredictable, they’re the fruits of the tempter : only an evil being could have designed them and disordered such a threatening sight. So they finally decided to write stories about unseen gods and their chosen ones, universal theories would find a common origin. They would spread the truth over the mass : that’s how men will dictate all the answers. From creation to the world above, they taught them that nothing is random. From the very first primitive cell to the most complex being, gods became gifted lives architects, and that’s how men came to worship ignominy.

Lights made men look again at the stars, so many obscure answers decaying in their minds. Atheist knowledge was used to model cosmos from the lands where they are born. Yet, the figures didn’t answer to everything that exists : some of them remained meaningless, like mocking all these complex calculations.

So men decided to sail to the cosmos, full of questions tormenting their minds, they followed these blazing lights filling their eyes. Exploration will make figures speak… Yet, the stars did answer : “Nothing, nothing… you’re nothing… you’re nothing but a lie… a shameless lie”.

Nothing, nothing… we’re nothing… we’re nothing but a lie.


Geometric ascension, steeples of stone staring at the stars, space built by the hands of men to sing along with shiny astral spheres. Quietness to preserve prayers from the deafening roar of god’s creation. Stone and glass laden with faith, blood shed to rise them higher. Chtonian altars to celebrate the largest creation of man.

A place to raise our children, a place to bury our kings, a place to keep our hopes and not too loose completely our faith in mankind.

To remember one of the fewest things that humanity can be proud of

A fight against the void, with swords and arrows of stone raised to the sky : a defiance to chaos.

Quietness to preserve prayers from the deafening roar of god’s creation

Thick walls to protect the bones of saints, of kings, of holy men : funereal ornaments, Morbid fetishism versus oblivion.

Organs howling melismas : tribal hypnotism versus reflection.

A massive ceiling to shelter the chapels of canonized ones. Glorification of the holiest insanity, paintings to remember, dubious gold as offerings.

Confessionals as humiliation places, unrequited exchanges.

Let god hear our screams
Let god hear our fears
Let us create and think
Let us draw and build
Let us write and sing
To forget we are nothing


(No lyrics available)

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