Viral Load : Practitioners of Perversion



Standing alone in the shadows, waiting again
Beautiful girl so sweet and pure, enjoy your last breath
Knife in hand I begin surgery
Cut her vocals chords so she can't scream
Defecate all over her body
Ejaculate upon my own faces

Cockroaches are your cumrag
Roaches eat the cum and shit upon her precious flesh
More roaches swarm to feast
The more I cum the more the roaches congregate
The cover her body

The stench is overwhelming making me vomit
A stew of bugs and puke
I grab two handfuls of the snack I have prepared
It's gooey and crunchy
Cockroach cumrag
Semen flies
In her eyes
Roach detects
Knife in had I begin surgery
Cut her vocals chords so she can't scream
Defecate all over her body
Ejaculate upon my own faces
Bugs chew through my muck
Made by this fuck
Of this dead whore
She breathes no more more she is free
Can't stand the smell
Stench is of hell
Terrible mess
Must clean up the evidence
Done now I smile
Stare at the pile
Alone I rehearse
Plan out the curse
Disregard will
Again I kill
Roaches will feed
Fulfilling my fucked up needs
Cockroach is your cumrag


Brutally, Violated
Defiled, Mutilated

Torn to shreds in the sickest form
Societies' mistake worthless worm
Thriving on the weak
Takes them to his shed
Reamed out, guts burst
Soon you will be dead when you're
Anally raped
With a fucking rake
Flesh is tearing as the rake goes in
Screams of terror ripping anal skin
Helpless victim bleeds internally
Three foot handle kills you instantly

Onto a stake
Pain is too great
Onto a stake
You are raped
With a fucking rake

Asshole to navel you're ripped
Now you are raped
Intestines burst and spill
Now you're raped
Killing you such a thrill
Now you're raped
Must dispose of your flesh
Now you're raped

Ejaculate on your face
Crimson flows wood stained red
Banging your ass till' you're dead
Now you're fucked with my rake
All the handle you will take
Swollen Colon
Insides torn
You are fucked
With my rake
Now you die
Anally raped with my rake


The female form shredded alive
Repulsive impulsion driving me
Split her skin to bear her insides
Tear at the giblets prepare for a feast
Suck and chew on fallopian tubes
While fistfucking her cunt
Whore still lives her pain I taste
Her piercing screams I mock
Piercing scream I mock you tasteful whore

I dig so deep
Rewards I reap
You ovulate

Ovaries I shall now feast
(Feast on her ovaries)
OPen meat is tempting me
(Feast on her ovaries)
The dead so fresh, Bear down my teeth
(Feast on her ovaries)
Feast on her ovaries
(Feast on her ovaries)

[Bullistic Arab Vocal Insanity]
Eat ovaries (x4)

Body still warm
I truly snap
Flip over the corpse
I fuck her ass
I fuck her ass
Chew on her guts, Feast on her ovaries
Then fuck her butt, Feast on her ovaries
Piss on her corpse, Feast on her ovaries
Soak in her pours, Feast on her ovaries
Eat Ovaries

Eat Ovaries (x4)

God awful stench
Blood thirsty I quench
Piles of shit
Her ass I split
Feast, feast, feast, on ovaries (x8)


Burned so deep in my subconscious
Observe me and my psychosis
Masking the pain on the surface I trade
Fearing the creature for which you create
(Gargling Glass)
Rebelling the demons that stir from the past
Self mutilation I'm gargling glass
(Gargling Glass)

Burned deep inside
Tear out my throat with no chance to survive
Painful and slow
Sickens the mind but must feed the soul
Glass shreds mute sound
I'm heaving flesh onto the ground
Must question mental state
Self-mutilation seems irate
Disemboweled through throat with glass
Blood is spewing from my ass
Burned deep inside

Tear out my throat with no chance to survive
Painful and slow
Sickens the mind but must feed the soul
Must question mental state
Self-mutilation seems irate
Disemboweled through throat with glass
Blood is spewing from my ass

On with the pain suffer again forcing
The glass fragments down my throat
On with the pain suffer again I'm free
Death's pleasure it holds me
On with the pain suffer again scarring
My own flesh to soothe the pain

Soothe the pain, experiment
I am the guinea pig
You don't feel you fucking kill
Mutilated thrown away
Troubled for I choose this life that I'm taking
Flesh ripped open peacefully I lie in my fucking waste
This is how I choose to die

Gargling glass
can't inhibit my decision
Gargling on glass
Fearing the sickness reality's gone
Hacking away at self worth
Forcing glass down my esophagus
Self-mutilation is driving the curse
Chocking on blood and pieces of meat
Hacking away at my flesh
No blood to my brain
I fall to the floor
Convulsing and twitching
I now greet my death
There is no pain
Scarring my brain
Hemorrhaging eye
Maggots and flies
Flesh in a heap
Vocal chords seep
Blood mixed with bile
Stench is so vile

Soothe the pain, experiment
I am the guinea pig
You don't feel you fucking kill
Mutilated thrown away
Troubled for I choose this life that I'm taking
Flesh ripped open peacefully I lie in my fucking waste
This is how I choose to die

Gargling glass
Suicidal voices calling form beyond
Death has swept across my ears with the sweetest song
On my grave their lies a wreath
Six feet under I lie beneath
Suffer with the pain
Reaching out again
A prisoner in my own hell
Fear engulfs my being
The horrors I am seeing cannot be described


Axe handle
Escape of a mental ward truly sick
His sickness built upon the victims he picked
Axe handle fetishes his choice means of pain
Axe handle,Axe handle enema
Feverishly beat to death
Eyes gnarled fractured skull
Your ass he now reams
Fantasies now fulfilled
Stench of piss and shit
His drugs are your screams
Shattered bones stick through your flesh
Mind numb to carnage immune to feeling
Intestines ripped from the corpse
Axe handle stained with shit your end of being

Living in pools of shit
Your dead ass is split
Bloody psychopath
Blood and puss filled aftermath
Humiliated dead cunt is stained
Axe handle tasted
Now you are wastes

Killing Intensely, Splattered spleen torn away
Killing Intensely, Pumping you full of wood
Killing Intensely, Beaten to a bloody pulp
Killing Intensely, Bowels flow free

Axe handle
Escape of a mental ward truly sick
His sickness built upon the victims he picked
Axe handle fetishes his choice means of pain
Axe handle,Axe handle enema
Gut Fucked!


Your broken life
In search of salvation
Your open wound are fed upon by a monstrous creation
His trusting eyes and his words of peace
Contradictory military styled ways to bring the world down
To its knees
Using god as a weapon
Claiming to be his own son
Reclaim his land
Now go and repent
Brainwash your victims to kill
Suck off their will, you drain their will

Father of sickness you breed
Thoughtlessly planting the seed
To form your own godly race
To kill all others in your way
To strike upon with deadly force
The seven seals now takes its course
Follow him to his grave
For you are nothing more than his slaves
His word of god, Twisted obscure
Fiery winged angels, hell to endure
Fire, Fire, consuming flesh
Scorching heat has laid to rest
Try to run your shot in the head
Your blessed savior is the reason your dead

A pungent stench of burning hair as flesh begins to steam
Elders cut the throats of children as they start to scream
Davidans they are as the expel their final breath
Now awaken in the flames for he has brought your death
There is no escaping the pain of your hellish fate

Thriving on your innocence imprisoned at hell's gate
Your flesh is oh so tender vultures swarm to eat
Charbroiled carcasses rest like mounds of meat
Twisted man he is
(Mad man insane)
Fools follow his lead
(Awaken In Flames)
To perish in the flames
(Mad man insane)
Endure his pain
(Awaken In Flames)


Practitioners of the perverse
Fucking lifeless cunts
Fill them full of cum
Slice and dice them up
Throw them in the dump

One by one I kill them all and fuck their battered corpse
Violating each and every fucking orifice
Every sick thought flowing through my head will be fulfilled
Through these deaths my destiny will finally be revealed
I just want to see your fucking cunt
Legs spread far and wide
Smell of pussy gets me high
Cock erect in hand
Busting nuts on dead cold skin
Stupid fucking whore
Got what she was asking for
She is the one who will live out my sick fantasy


Practitioners of the Perverse



lyrics added by ChainsawMassacre - Modify this lyrics