Venom : Canadian Assault

Black Heavy / United-Kingdom
(1985 - Banzai Records)
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Satan, Father
Help me from this grave
Demons, Warriors
Ever be my slaves
'Cause I can't reason
With men and mortal fools
They will die hard,
Hear the golden rule

Die Hard
Legions iron and steel
Die Hard
Men of war revealed
Die Hard
Captors of the Brave
Die Hard
Die Hard

Sinner, liar
Guard your crown of thorns
Priestess, Parson
Live your life of scorn
I can ride the fires
Of Hell and blasphemy
We can grow strong
Satanic royalty

Evil, angels
Vultures of the night
Ride the wings of Hades
Death is on our side
Furnace burnin' bright
'Cause we ain't getting tired


Fight, we will fight right,
Living low in a world of our own,
Destined to live right fight,
We're taking hell as our home,
Burning lives burning,
Asking me for the mercy of god,
Ancient cries crying,
Acting fast upon the way of the dog,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell

Kill we will kill death,
Masturbating on the deeds we have done,
Hell commands death kill,
Argue not of feel the death of sun,
Burning lives burning,
Asking me for the mercy of god,
Ancient cries crying,
Acting fast upon the way of the dog,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell

Leave your souls at his feet,
Kiss the flames
Scorn defeat

Die we won't die live,
Our choice of difference is what you'll never know,
Mortal voids live die,
Buried deep beneath the fall of the snow,
Burning lives burning,
Asking me for the mercy of god,
Ancient cries crying,
Acting fast upon the way of the dog,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell,
Welcome to hell.


In the name of Satan
We'll achieve our goal
With the blessings of Hades
We'll outlive our role
Through the power of Hellfire
We will gather our strength
With the blood of mere mortals
Our thirst will be quenched

In the name of Satan
Great things can be done
Through the lore of the demons
Satan's song can be sung
Gather around my Legions
For in time you'll see
Mortals screaming for mercy
At the king for world war three

Hail Satanas
In nomine Dei nostri Satanas
Luciferi excelsi

In the name of Satan
We'll take what we need
Rock and roll damnation
Let your heart bleed
Sensing the disaster
So we'll blame our hate
Hell bore Satan's child
To use you as our bait

Hear infernal legions plead
As Satan sings his songs of war
As I see mortal corpses rise
Up from the depths
I care not for the whore
I shall destroy the priests
Bound in chains and damned in Hell
I shall never release their souls
For the internal torment always reigns
Summon legions of the night
For we are now as one


Warhead - hear the thunder roar
Warhead - unite the lightning whore

Power burning - Hell & man
Raging torment - Take my hand
Frenzied motions - Reach your soul
Dance the warhead - Fast of slow

Born of thunder
Raised by fire
Call the heavens
By desire

Screaming furnace - Death of life
Demons calling - Chosen wives
Sabbats charming - Out in lust
Chance the warhead - Win or bust

Warhead - hear the thunder roar
Warhead - unite the lightning whore
Warhead - engraved on flesh & bone
Warhead - born of mortal stone


Sorceress of old love potions
Brew an orgy strong
Priestess of the highest order
Light the fires of song
Chime the bell
Raising hell
Nothing can go wrong
Transcend in motion make
The wheels of life revolve


Wicked witch of yesterlands
Bring your spirit here
Tell us of your day of judgement
Reinact your fear
Dance in the flame
Nude without shame
For all to see
I'll take a trip with you
To make your innocence clear

Whore of leisure whore of sin
Name your hourly price
Take me home & give me pleasure
Treat me oh so nice
Legs open wide
Take me inside
I won't throw your dice
I wanna taste the caves of flesh
Within your face


In a dream or a nightmare
When love gives way to hate
The quest begins
For the keys to the seven gates
Ride the wings of a locust
See the wizard cast his spell
Search for the keys to
The seven gates of Hell

In Heavens Hell
Where all evil dwells
And man and beast are one
Conceiled to all
Revealed to none
Lie those infernal gates
Those damned infernal gates

The seven gates of Hell

Hear the cry of the zombie
Raid the body of its soul
The quest for the sacred keys
Has become its goal
Steal the wings of a hydra
Take the sword from the sacred shrine
The strength of the beast
Take the sinners mind

Unveiled in death to the sinner
Written in the ancient book of lies
Hear the demons call
From the crimson waterfall
As the blood rains from the skies

When realities a dream
And every lie is true
In the day when you are me
And the night when I am you

When the flame of life grows cold
We chime the silent bell
And the unborn child is old
The seven gates of Hell

Going through the gates of Hell!

Oh, in Heavens Hell
So many died in vein
They never lived, their tales to tell
None shall find the keys
To set their spirits free
From the seven gates of Hell
The seven gates
The seven gates
The seven gates...

The seven gates of Hell

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