Vampire Squid : Reinventing the Eel

Technical Death / USA
(2020 - Self-Released)
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I am the oppressor of hope

The tormentor of dreams
I am the bigot in the bubbles
And I’m not as confident
As I have made myself out to be

Roaming through the reef below
In the house of unrecognized talent
Rage, fury, irritation
And humiliation

I am only filling with hate
The life of a worm you’ll soon know

A lack of self-confidence fuels me
Push you down to feel better about myself
I am a man so small
But I look at you like I’m tall

These simple truths fill me with hate
The life of Squidworm You’ll soon know
These simple truths fill me with hate
The life of Squidworm You’ll soon know

For I shall bring you to salvation
I am the omniscient being of the sea
Come forth, and bow down to me
Come forth, and bow down to me

For I shall bring you to salvation
I am the omniscient being of the sea
Come forth, and bow down to me
Come forth, and bow down to me

You’re just a worm and a maggot to us
Simply nothing more than the antagonist
Your crude behavior will be forgotten
Lost in the wake, opportunity in the mist

You’re just a worm and a maggot to us
Simply nothing more than the antagonist
Your crude behavior will be forgotten
Lost in the wake, opportunity in the mist

Parade of empty words, breeding your mindless herd
Torrential wave of agony
Shower us all with fallacy
Nothing you do or say can take the truth away
Nothing you do or say can take the truth away

Sad being all in all
A little dream world to uphold
You don’t think anyone else knows
That you’re a reeking, sopping, failure

For I shall bring you to salvation
I am the omniscient being of the sea
Come forth, and bow down to me
Come forth, and bow down to me


The seas of mystery lie at the gates
The swampy waters where gators dwell
Lost in time and drift away
Spinning faster into oblivion

Can't get a reading on your compass
Your demise will bring me a smile
Forgotten in transparency
Drifting away it seems

Disoriented cries of distress
Unexplainable question of the creatures below
Lurking in the shadows
To feed and prey on you

Hide away
In these ship-wrecked graves
Ocean Floor— Sanctuary for the dead
All is sunken and misguided
Filled with lead

Between the three points lie
The Judas in the mist

Death from the abyss
All the deafening and helpless cries
Stuck in the Barracuda Triangle
Broken, beaten, and mangled

Help me I’m lost in this sea
I can’t find a way home
All I see is infinite blue for miles
Falling into a pit of denial
This can’t be all life has in store for me

Hide away
In these ship-wrecked graves
Ocean Floor— Sanctuary for the dead
All is sunken and misguided
Filled with lead

Peel back your scalp to reveal your head
Pulsating brains, you’re already dead

The clouds of blood ring like a dinner bell
An undeniable fate
Swarms of barracuda tear at your blood and veins

Barracuda Triangle- Broken, defeated, hope is lost
Barracuda Triangle- Broken, defeated, hope is lost

Barracuda Triangle- Broken, defeated, hope is lost
Barracuda Triangle- Broken, defeated, all hope is lost

Between the three points lie
The judas in the mist
Death to all in the abyss
The loud and helpless cries

Barracuda Triangle- Broken, defeated, hope is lost
Barracuda Triangle- Broken, defeated, all hope is lost


Pollen pollution spreads
And its aquaborne
Particles of pain floating in the air

Through the nasal passage it will bring carnage
Nasal cavities brought to tarnish

Squeezing esophagus and choke
Choke upon it
Gag for life

It's in the air, there's no chance to escape
The death spreads as the infection grows
Smear it around to at least a third of the population

Clouds of toxins are hovering above
There’s a good chance that you'll go quickly
Was an immunity for the parasite
Now’s the point in which it strikes

Demented minds suffer multiple chemical sensitivities
Hopeless sensations overwhelm the minds of the deranged

Hermit in your own personal shell
Become the pod and carry the clone
Common bacteria multiplies by the fucking billions

It's in the air, there's no chance to escape
The death spreads as the infection grows
Smear it around to at least a third of the population

It's in the air, there's no chance to escape
The death spreads as the infection grows
Smear it around to at least a third of the population

Eyes forced shut not to see death’s arrival
Frantically sweating and feeling faint
Mucus fills walls like paint

The sea spreads disease
Closing throats begin to choke
It will make your nose bleed
Algae season will bring you to your knees


Slide in the bowl for the mammals
You’ve got to survive, You’ve got to survive
The enemy is a beta fish
So I’ll become the alpha

Circle the bowl and expose the masculinity
Intimidation is key to victory
A fight to the death

For the amusement of the spectator
Some call it animal cruelty, but I call it a love for the sport

Battle of the betas to prove dominance to all
Vibrant fins flail of pretty colors and cloud with blood

Inferior life form
Puff up your chest and spread those fins
Become the alpha and destroy the beta

The ever seeing eye watches in amusement
Ripped, mangled, and torn again
maybe for the last time

There can only be one alpha
Humans have amused themselves with death
Since the dawn of time
Hunger for their bloodsport

Sink or swim
Black and blue

Sink or swim
Black and blue

Sink or swim
Black and blue

Sink or swim
Black and blue

Body, lifeless floating
Amphibious bloodbath
Crunching, on fins like bratwurst
Carved out, and left for dead

Battle of the Beta
Becoming the Alpha


Contaminate and decimate
the ocean of the life that dwells in
the deep kill and suffocate
the fish beneath the deep blue sea

The black cloud of death is stalking its prey
Oil intoxicates all
Flooding the ocean gates
Like soldiers of death

I harbor a grudge for this
And I thirst for your blood
I Hold a grudge
Float in a desolate sea
Of oil and blood

Harbor your hatred for this
Creeping monstrosity
Never forgive, never forget
Just eradicate the culprit

Marching upon the innocent
Pollution of a population
And dismantling all we've known to settle a score
Drag you down to the ocean floor
You chose your fate and we shall never forget

Scarlet-filled waters
Mixes with all the black
A dark, creeping cloak
You’ll never come back

Engulf and consume all the people
Actions brought upon by yourselves
Hide in the harbor and meet your fate
It won't take long till you take up the bait

Come meet me along the rock jetty
I'll smash your face into brain jelly
You killed for profit
You killed for profit

Engulf and consume all the people
actions brought upon by yourselves
Hide in the harbor and meet your fate
It won't take long till you take up the bait

Pain you could not anticipate
We are your truest enemy
Enter a place of fear you’ve never felt
Polar opposites lead to disarray
What’s left now is to hope and pray
That you won’t be alive for long

Now it's time to take it all in
A final a taste of this terror
Taken by the black apparition
Ribboning through the water and into your veins

Bodies barricade the port
Stacking more, and more, and more
Death and destruction floating in the gore

Human corpse island
Sets afloat to sea
Masses of bodies
This was meant to be

I harbor a grudge for this
And I thirst for your blood
I Hold a grudge
Float in a desolate sea
Of oil and blood

Harbor your hatred for this
Creeping monstrosity
Never forgive, never forget
Just eradicate the culprit


This story starts at the beginning
Of Cannibalistic nature
Humboldt Lector, feast upon your own neuter

A brawl 'til death
And dinner's done
With intelligence beyond the usual creature
You are so fundamentally fucked in head
But somehow always a few steps ahead

Feast upon the calamari of your comrades
With a grin on your beak,
You bring your own personal experience of hell
With a sense of being bound and gagged
In a room covered in soft pads
This is where you will stay

Infiltrate the minds of those at work
(With a fishing hook)
Desecrate their minds with one big bite

Infiltrate the minds of those at work
(With a fishing hook)
Desecrate their minds with one big bite

Clams as they are herded to slaughter
The salty screams of bloody gore
Hope that you rise from your slumber
As a faint distant memory
That lives no more
The sounds that echo for eternity
It would be s(h)e(l)lfish to deny the agony

Scream in silence
Bred through violence
Scream in Silence
Released from iron chains

Scream in silence
Bred through violence
Scream in Silence
Released from iron chains

Roam the oceans ready to attack
Watch the fuck out you tasty snack
For Humboldt Lector is on the run
Watch your back, stalking is half the fun

Buffalo Gill--if you will
A confused Batfish with a twist of lipstick
Once a friend of Humboldt, lost sight of gender orientation
A disturbance in the natural flow of the ocean
Psychopathic notion
Carve your new flesh to fit
Fill the shoes of your multiple personalities

Tuck it back and switch up the roles
Your filet knife is sharpened and awaiting instruction
An altered mind so easy to manipulate

Scream in silence
Bred through violence
Scream in silence
Released from iron chains

Hide away before I smash open your shell
Be ready to meet me at the gates of Hell
Hide away

7. C.C.C.C.C.C.C.

Led to a place that has never before been found
Terror and fear surge within me
Nothing around me just sand and endless ocean
How will I ever escape?

Washed up upon the shore that seems foreign to me
Glimpse into the hopeless end I seem to undergo
Battered and bruised, I can’t seem to lift my body

Finally stand onto my feet, only to see wilderness
Limping to a place where I can try to collect my thoughts and devise a plan

Trees seem endless to me
There’s no telling what they might be bearing
Limbs are beckoning me
Trunks are fleshy and seemingly glaring

Trees grown upon rotting skin and limbs
Divulging arms, and legs, and eyes
A terrible nightmare
A horrible, wearable, leather mask upon the bushes and trees
The stench intoxicating
Is this what’s left for me?

Creatures appear from the fleshwork
Teeth gnashing
Claws scratching
Wanting to add more decorations

They’re going to make me lifeless and empty
Tear me apart
And my chest will reappear wide open

They’re going to take me
A certain ending
Use me for mulch in the dirt
Grind my body away

Heart racing as I stand
Crippled with fear, I turn away
Running as fast as I can
Into the ocean
Swallowing water and foam
Out to the depths again
Body gyrating about
Fighting the waves

The Seven Seas are here to save
Just please take my body away

The Seven Seas are here to save
Just please take my body away

The Seven Seas are here to save
Just please take my body away

The Seven Seas are here to save
Just please take my body away

The Seven Seas are here to save
Just please take my body away


A new era of strategized destruction
Where the sand meets the sea
Beginning of pandemonium

What will come forward for a tasty bite to eat
Knowing so little about what lies beneath

This wharf will be claimed mine
This is the rightful home bestowed upon me
Those in the line of fire will be soaked in their own blood
I am Duke of the Docks, king of the ocean rocks
Tentacle turrets ripping through the mortal enemies stronger than ocean currents

Throw you off the edge and let the ocean do the rest
Slam your helpless bodies in the pillars beneath
A ragdoll of you flail between the posts
Bouncing off like pin balls, see who can score the most

Salt enters the wounds, infects the survivors
Hoping the tide swallows you whole

A new era of strategized destruction
All of this fear you bear, a means to warfare
All of this fear you bear, a means to warfare

Once mortal enemies set their differences aside
If we lose the wharf, we lose the war
No real separation of good and evil
Just one ruler that will not leave his place

Throw you off the edge and let the ocean do the rest
Slam your helpless bodies in the pillars beneath
A ragdoll of you flail between the posts
Bouncing off like pin balls, see who can score the most

Face us - our final solution
Blame us - for every ounce of blood that you’ve lost

Face us - our final solution
Blame us - for every ounce of blood that you’ve lost

Face us - our final solution
Blame us - for every ounce of blood that you’ve lost

Face us - our final solution
Blame us - for every ounce of blood that you’ve lost


Regurgitation of a pile of crap
Recycled ideas pulled from the trash
Spinning in cycles of repetition
Swimming in schools with no direction

Life your life by my agenda
Fill my pockets with sand dollars
You monsters come crawling
Out from this vast group, all I see
Are the same faces staring all at me
I stand apart for my fucking beliefs
Nobody brave enough to take a stand
Except for me
And I’m the right one to lead

I feel like I’ve done this before
Deja Vu in the deep blue
I swear it’s a similar feeling to a familiar state of mind
It’s nothing new to you
Out-dated technological advancements

Pure failure
Monotonous, Writhing, Vain
Pure Failure
Mindless, empty waste of space
Pure failure
Monotonous, Writhing, Vain
Pure Failure
Mindless, empty waste of space

Individuality will set you apart
Swim free from the school and find your way
Where all mans’ trash is becomes my treasure
Floating in the sea, lies the pile of debris

What’s current on television?
All the people are just empty shells
Made to go along with the flow
Life waves way too fast to be stagnant

Rebranding an image you’ve seen through a screen
We even reused your spleen
Recycling what you have heard before
We are reinventing the eel once more

I feel like I’ve done this before
Deja Vu in the deep blue
I swear it’s a similar feeling to a familiar state of mind
It’s nothing new to you
Out-dated technological advancements

We are reinventing the eel
We bring something new to you
We are reinventing the eel
We bring something new to you


Traveling and I find a gem that I’ve never seen before so now it's mine

Through the darkest water
A gold mine separates
A place of mystery
A place for all to be

Few have ever been here
Bubbles and slime arise
A way of welcome
To this massive goo-filled sphere
There seems to be a way in
School of fish now carry
My body to the opening
The dripping cavern

Inside - the massive globe's alive
Uncertain of my next move

Inside - possible suicide
What if this is a plan devised?

Inside - the massive globe's alive
Uncertain of my next move

Inside - possible germicide
Creation of demonic goo

The anomalous temptation inside of me
To this crystalline cathedral
An innate affinity
Something draws me forth
Can't put my fin on it

Should I fight tooth and claw for this?
The blood boils inside of me
Heart pulsating uncontrollably
An innate affinity
Something draws me forth
I have to go for it

I am the serpent that controls and alleviates you
I slither around the peace you think you live in
I am the one you should fear
I am the one
Soon it will become clear
Once you become chum

Millions of others that resemble me
Appear from all directions
A race to reach and dominate
This beauty of a blob o' goo

But first I must destroy all the others
(one by one)
Sisters and the brothers
(All the same)
Snap in half the bodies
(Razor blade)
Teeth that are strong enough to slice through all in my path

I am the serpent that controls and alleviates you
I slither around the peace you think you live in
I am the one you should fear
I am the one
Soon it will become clear
Once you become chum

Procreation of organisms squirming
for a shot to fertilize the seed
Squishy slimy skeet spreads across your sheets
Bloody mixture thats never been thicker

Should I fight tooth and claw for this?
The blood boils inside of me
Heart pulsating uncontrollably
An innate affinity
Something draws me forth
I have to go for it

I have conquered all, and now it's time for the prize
Oh, sweet gelatinous goo
How I’ve always wanted you
Time to slither in
I am the seed
I am your greatest nightmare
I am the one to make you all plead

Inside - the massive globe's alive
Now certain of my next move

Inside - the beast will come alive
The seed that will reign supreme

Inside - the massive globe's alive
Now certain of my next move

Inside - the beast will come alive
The seed that will reign supreme

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