Vampire Squid : Nautilus World

Technical Death / USA
(2014 - Self-Released)
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The clock has stopped ticking
There's a new face of a deity
The abolishment of religion
To end the war of a species
To fight for your cod that does not exist
With visual proof in the endless voids of black
20,000 light years above the sea
Unexplainable life forms wage war in the sky
Invading a planet and plundering all its life

One by one planets implode
Earth shall remain a desolate wasteland
A winter home when the waters of Neptune get too cold
Sound is sucked away so no one can hear you scream

Cry for help and keep waiting on your savior
Watching the fear in your eyes as they pop from your misshapen skull
Killing humans became cliche
Watch me rip out your alien vertebrae
Blue blood floats in the vacuum of space as I annihilate the alien race
If you have a pulse I will end it

Your ray guns have proven to be ineffective
This is different from earth
Killing brings a whole new thrill
We are nautilus world in a different place
A new enemy has emerged from space

This will be more than a genocide
A war on the universe
Gather the army of sea creatures
Cover more ground and kill more than before

The final mission is to destroy what remains
There is life out here but not for long
A new enemy has emerged from space
This will be more than a genocide

The final mission is to destroy what remains
There is life out here but not for long


Weapons of mass destruction
Consuming planets with the push of a button
Wiping out the masses before brunch
One at a time every sign of life is gone

With the weapon complete and set to destroy
Watch the aliens cry like a lost little boy
This is no ride through fantasy land
It's a nightmare straight from the ocean depths

When we rain fire upon your planet
All transmissions turn to static
When I get to kill I go erratic
Look out, they are coming for you

I'll tear you a new space time continuum
There is a revelation taking place
Nothing will exist when we reach final judgment
The odds are not in favor for your prevail

There is a revelation taking place
Nothing will exist when we reach the final judgment
There is a revelation taking place
Nothing will exist when we reach the final judgment
Salvation by death ray
Mutation by gamma ray
Salvation by death ray
Mutation by gamma ray


Searching through the debris
For anything left that mocks me
Finding survivors and snap their necks
Floating apart from their planet

Cast away to find a new home
Free floating forever
Few can survive
It’s chilling to the bone
In the oxygen minimum zone

Left to die alone
Stuck in zero gravity
Oh the ironic Clamity
Uncontrollable decent
Floating in Blackness

Immortality is the key to success
You sit there and squirm, I'll take care of the rest
Feeling Weightless feels terrible I must confess
Destruction of all life forms’ destiny
Evolution has taken place
Left to die alone

Comb all of the wreckage and bring me what remains

No constriction in the freedom of space
Until I get my hands you
Wring you out— all of your goo
Preservation is a laughing matter
Throw you into the gravitational pull

Do you hear the splatter?
Enslaved— Locked in the cosmos
If I find you— I’ll rearrange your body
Into a horrid mutation
Beyond the point of return
There will be no retaliation
I will kill you

Free floating forever
Free floating forever

Floating in blackness
Like a damsel in distress
Uncontrollable decent in to any direction
Unaware of a final destination
They end lies at the end of my tentacle
Obliteration of all life is historical
I am the only oracle
Free floating for so long you collect more barnacle
Sink deeper into space
You're free floating through the oxygen minimum zone
Left to die all alone
You're like a message in a bottle
But the cap wasn't tight enough so it sank right off shore
Stuck in zero gravity
Oh the ironic Clamity
No constriction in the freedom of space
Until I get my hands you
Wring you out of all your goo
Preservation is a laughing matter
Throw you in to the gravitational pull and listen for the splatter
Dawn of a new age
Enslaved and locked in a shark cage
Feel the itch for an entertainment show
Rig up your family with explosives and watch them blow
So keep floating and hope you die of starvation
If I find you, I'll rearrange your body into a horrid mutation
Beyond the point of return
There will be no retaliation


Brethren come with me
To reign dominance along side
Accept this alliance
Uncertain demise
The top of the food chain is a mighty prize
We can rule together

Take what’s rightfully yours
These alien scum don't know what's coming
Grab them and watch them choke
I propose you with this ring
Come with me, I'll provide a safe haven
There’s enough hearts of the fallen to fill your bellies

An alliance that would be impenetrable
We are one of the same
Step forward, the universal is yours to claim
Let's burn the solar systems and implode the stars

Look what I've already done to mars
A planet once like my own
Obliterated to a dried waste

This will be an uprising of our entire race
Refuse and I'll blast you to smithereens

An alliance that would be impenetrable
We are one of the same
Step forward, the universal is yours to claim
Let's burn the solar systems and implode the stars

I've laid down the path to righteousness
This is the answer and the key to eternity
Come with me and be set free
Come with me and be set free


Falling into orbit and raiding a new planet
Wage war with all dominant beings
Destroy the ozone and let the global warming take over
With squids from our solar system

We come to cause destruction
Inferior alien species— your life is mine
Taking down your planets natural shield
Watch your home temperature rise

Fire rains from the skies
This is a slower way to die
Heat the planet thousands of degrees
Watching your eyes boil and melt out of their sockets

Your green alien skin begins to bubble and warp
Your blue blood is boiling in your veins
Stay away from salvation because there is none to be found
Bend over and hand me the crown
I'm the emperor of the universe

The tyrant of all of skies alike
Spontaneous combustion of the land
Like a modern day pilgrim
Trails of tears between the planets
An easy trial to follow
Don't look back because I'm right here
Disassemble your limbs
Rip out the unfamiliar organs

Create jewelry from your body parts as a trophy
A prize for every race that has fallen
A jar filled with what was once your land

A pit stop between earth and my next destination
Stabbing stratospheres is the easiest way for mass murder
A pit stop between earth and my next destination
Stabbing stratospheres

Fire rains from the skies
This is a slower way to die
Heat the planet thousands of degrees
Watching your eyes boil


Spinning, spiraling and sliding into another dimension
Welcome to the fourth dimension
Sight and sound are altered
You've never been sucked harder
Into the unknown
Where you come out

I squirt my stuff into the sky
Fly around at warp speed
Until the whirl pool forms
It smells of no other gunk

The rotten flesh from my last meal
Slippery like a banana peel

Over whelming pressure in the vacuum of space
From weightless to space less
Crammed tighter than a can of sardines

Claustrophobia setting in
Cleaning up my messes from erupted planets
Any life making a break for it

Once you're close enough the ink sucks you in
Helpless in the mouse trap
With the knees snapped in half
I find it humorous to see the femur piercing through the skin
I ejaculate destruction

My slime creates an empty void of light
Eating the stars to reveal the dark

What a feeling of relief to see any stragglers finish
I'll take a nap while the hole takes it all in
A good time to rest

This is the final test of survival
Unfortunately there is no way out
Step forward

And accept it
I will rise above you and you will be masticated


Incognito disguise
Landing on a planet to scope out another home
With malicious intent

Greatest upon landing with a magnificent feast
Hospitality is welcomed
But there's a hook
You are for dessert
There's always a catch
And the fish of the day is alien sautéed
IF you thought this would be a joy ride
brace yourself for gut shed
This planet seems to be the place to be

Sending my fleet in to wage war
Butchering your bodies is my gift to you

Reenforcement's from Saturn is a must
A place to start new beginnings
use the power of your suction cups
to swallow them whole

Where there is life there will always be death
Bodies everywhere, oh what a mess
splattered membranes of the blue blooded
bodies turned inside out
We don't come in peace you foolish creatures

Carbon based life forms have been diminished
Photosynthesis has been reversed and applied upon you
Silent serenity when death is embraced
We don't come in peace
But to leave you in pieces

Dragged to the depths of your sea
Watching you suffocate in the sulfur
But while I'm here I'll take the self guided tour
New species lie in these waters
All of which seem to be pleased with my work
Alter your ego to this moment
We are dominant and make that clear
These aliens need to feel the fear

Treated as a king
Creatures of the sea
I call upon your masses


Chomp down at the beginning of time
We were constructed to deconstruct
Reverse the order and implode the universe
Everything and all forms of life are gone

The chosen few are here to see this magnificent event
Everything that has not been selected is now dead
Only those who are worthy are on this arc
I am Moses from the sea
Conquering all the frontiers
Leaving everything in a wake of chaos

Never shed a single tear
This time when the Big Bang occurs
I will be the one to construct all new life
Restoring all species is my gift to you
Rearranging the order of evolution for humanity

Just the way it was meant to be
With me on top
Vampire squid is the rightful heir to the throne

Rebuild society how it was meant to be
Becoming a god among mortals
Perfected images of life

A new world order specialized to answer to me
Humans beneath the bottom feeders
The true scum of the earth
And perceived as one in the life prior
Explosions like you never seen before

The beginning of a new dawn Theories about
what is to come
Finally everything is mine
See the world through my sapphire eye
Everything must answer to its creator
Rebellion is an act of treason

Prepare to meet your maker
For those who waited patiently come forth
I will regenerate what was lost


Travel to the edge of all this goo
Space has been torn
Absent of any opposing life form

Only those who fought along side shall be spared
Such happiness and joy floods my body
Bringing a tear to my eye

My heart swells
This is the end of the line
Mission complete and it is time to plan my next step
The universe was reborn by the cunning cups of my tentacle
Choosing the unnatural order of progression to improve my reality

Following the simple rules of evolution
But this race was rigged and all bets are off
Welcome to the new design
Never before seen
And it's one of a kind
There was a ripple in time
And now this is where we are
we’ve reached the end

Here, at the edge of what once was our universe I center it all
Earth is the center and all shall revolve around me
The blue print is set

For once it's time to construct and do the unexpected
Create the life I’ve taken
With nothing left to kill life would be boring
This distance is unbearable
Humans may not have a fighting chance

But they won't be the only predator to roam the land
Follow in the foot steps of your predecessor
Reclaim what you believe is yours

What's the meaning of life without meaningless wars?
We've reached the end of this horrid place
Time to recreate

What's the meaning of life without meaningless wars?
We've reached the end of this horrid place
Time to recreate

Everything left will be desolate
The fight will never be over
You'll never have a chance
So rebuild and prepare for another battle
With years of development
You were given the time
So get ready for the new galaxy’s formation
Let's dance to the new creation


The lights in the sky shine bright tonight
All the new human faces are born with a distinct fright
Looking up to see this magnificent creation
Stars seem brighter than before

The sky looks like an extension of the ocean
With multiple shades of blue
An intergalactic road for sea creatures to roam free
Between any planet of their choosing
The bioluminescent skies are home to the vagabond that has no planet to settle on

Selling treasures of what comes and goes
A well lit path to a new land
The path is long and lasts what seems to be a life time
So grab a neck and squeeze

For one to thrive within this new life style
Run away from intimate danger and hope for a sanctuary
Millions of years have passed since the spawn of life
Please tell me you're ready
I'm not one to appreciate someone who is fashionably late
I gave you life just to take it away

Follow the northern star in the sky
It will lead you to me
The stars in the sky illuminate
The sign of life that is falling away
propelling into the next transition of time
The light twinkles
until the flame dwindles

Until the flame dies
There are billions of stars I set free
Everything that exists is now in my dominion
You're welcome for giving back what I had taken
Mass extinction

This time the game will change
Humans will undergo a new threat
Falling beneath the chain of the apex
Straight to those in dire need of survival

This is emerging the hope from the bowels
Of the that I have hidden away
So stare into the stars for hope
Find every constellation of me in the sky
Works of art of the great conquest
Acquires the squid
A symbol of the first coming in the sea
The crab cancer for the disease I spread on land

Pisces for the creatures of the sea that fought along with me
Aries the ram to symbolize my deed of colliding the planets
The Gemini, the symbol for the twins
the pair of flying fish hooks
And finally Virgo the virgin
For this new universe

that has not yet seen the wrath
For the skies are filled with hope, knowledge, and life
One step out of line, I'll take it all away
I'll take it all away again


A watchful protector
A coerced sacrifice
With the power to surveil
You better watch your tail

The engine of cognizance is here
All actions exposed through the looking glass
I could never let my creation fall away

Rebellion is futile
Revel in this utopia sensation

Carcasses carousel in the night sky
Mutilated entail lead the way up above
I have done what was best for this place
And if that’s not enough, kill yourself

I have no time for foolish ruffians
Distracting me from my aspirations

Roll you up into a sushi roll
Dip you in the fermented blood of the gored
Munch, much on the slivers of your skin
I’ll make you sit and stare

Infinite possibilities of painful endings
Just let me get a napkin
My utensils will be made of your legs and your skin

Knocking on the door of mercy
But no one answers
Mercy died with the planets and ecosystems
That it inhabited

That was a righteous sacrifice
The greater good has taken charge
I will be remembered forever
From quasar to white dwarf
I echo through the vacuum
The sound shatters the molten rock to dust
A true victory

Suction cups and space a striking resemblance
We are one in the same
It was only right that I enforce my dominion here
I hold these moments sacred
To think that my rule began in the ocean

Suction cups and space a striking resemblance
We are one in the same
It was only right that I enforce my dominion here
I hold these moments sacred
To think that my rule began in the ocean

That was a righteous sacrifice
The greater good has taken charge
I will be remembered forever
From quasar to white dwarf
I echo through the vacuum
The sound shatters the molten rock to dust
A true victory

I laid down the path to righteousness
This is the answer and the key to eternity
I have set you free
I have set you free

Palabras añadidas por czeski21 - Modificar estas palabras