Valkiria (CHL) : La Espada de Fuego

Melodic Power / Chile
(2001 - Self-Released)
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In a far away land, that full of magic it was
There was a deep and mystery cave
Into its darkness contains enormous treasures and objects of magic
But they were protected by a big dragon

Fearless, I decide to enter and look for the portal

I was ready in front of the beast and to the portal I run
The furious beast said to me Die you human insect!
And throwed itself over me
Quickly I entered the portal and said with devotion

Take me to the top
Take me in front of god
I have some things to clear up,
If the creator exists

Then I found myself surrounded by a strange light
And in that very moment I knew it was him
Then I asked him “Why if you are so good and forgive it all
Has the inferno to exist?
And he answered Listen this, kid, what I have to tell:

I am the good and the evil
You are in paradise and in hell
You decide what is good or bad
'Cause I am your voice

Then I understood the action was god
Good or bad don't care about what

And this is the reason why world isn't perfect
'Cause just turn and turn to convenience

Take me to the top
Take me in front of god
I have some things to clear up
If the creator exist


Con mi armadura y la espada sagrada
lucho contra oscuros demonios
Sangre brota de mi cuerpo herido
Caigo en los brazos de la muerte

Yo morí por mi amada
Pero volveré a salvarla Reviviré porque a la muerte
la venceré

Regrese al mundo de los vivos
Tomando mi espada volví a la batalla
Sin darme cuenta mi espada se encendía y yo
ya no era el mismo

Con mucho poder me sentí
y supe que jamás volveré a ser humano Houo...uo

Yo soy el ángel de la espada de fuego
Luchare y destruiré a la maldad

Por revelarme mi amada fue asesinada
Pero me vengaré En un demonio me convertiré
Brujos malditos lo pagarán su magia negra no podrá
brujos malditos los mataré


It was a hidden place
Nobody knew where we were
We thought to live there into the eternal earth

After the arrival of the iron soldiers
We were afraid of them
They were too many and wanted to destroy us

They took our dreamplace
And destroyed everything
But just in time someone appeared
And he taught us how to fight
And he said you get up and say

We'll fight for our land
And never will be destroyed
We will stay up to the end
And we will save our dreamplace

The destiny of the dreamplace was in hands of our saver
And we trust him 'cause he will fight with us
And together we'll destroy them
And we get back our dreamplace

We'll fight for our land
And never will be destroyed
We will stay up to the end
And we will save our dreamplace

We'll fight for our land
And never will be destroyed
We will stay up to the end
And we will save our dreamplace


Quién te dirá como salir
No esperarás mi falsa respuesta
No queda más que esperar
Espiante de un quorum forjada en sus manos

No es la quimera del hombre
Lo que te enseña la fuerza
No comprender no es un pecado
Pero sigo el camino de los que están libres

Vives cayendo en la oscuridad y pensando en quedarte en la tierra...
En la tierra

En la última cumbre volverás a ver
La inocencia que perdimos con la edad

Cuántas vidas para decidir
Aquellos que sintieron tu fuego
Cuántas almas lograrás salvar
Cuántos muros podrás derribar

Tú puedes creer a un hechicero
Cuando ves en sus ojos reflejado el sol
Pedirle clemencia a tus dioses
Muestrame un corazón para sacrificarlo

La tierra está ardiendo

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