Valhom : Despair

Black Metal / USA
(2007 - Ars Magna Recordings)
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Landscapes cut through my soul
In ages of frozen shadows
My heart of the north shining
Through frost and cold
Now I can hear winter's calling horn
I am now alone
Underneath the emptied skies
Forever I shall remain

I see the tears of enthralling silence
I hear its cold soundless
It watches me from reachless mountains
In the dismal gleam of the moon
Deepest mirror lakes reflect
The splashes of constellations
Forsaking their flaming bodies
With the sparkles of burning stars

Within the shrine amidst the forests of mine
In icy slumber comes bleeding from my eyes
An astral passage brings us to the gate of time
Waiting the sound blast of dawn where spirits call

The daggers drew their paths upon my mortal skin
Thus showing triumphant unlight eternities ago
Unfolding fragments to my timeless sacrifice
Majesty of countless crowns of earth vestures of night
Powers from the full moon are buried deep within me
Through the fog and mist I have to follow the ancient wind
The portal to the realm beyond splits the night wide open
I gaze into these eyes, the eyes of deaths burial mask

Landscapes cut through my soul
In ages of frozen shadows
My heart of the northe shining
Thourgh frost and cold
Now I can hear winter's calling horn
I am now alone
Underneath the emptied skies
Forever I shall remain

I see the tears of enthralling silence
I hear its cold soundless
It watches me from reachless mountains
In the disma gleam of the moon
Deepest mirror lakes reflect
The splashes of constellations
Forsaking their flaaming bodies
With the sparkles of burning stars


Thunder falling from the red sky black lightening
Long trip for desire
I am crawling under evil of hell
Heaven upside down
I'm knocking my chains, sound of the night
Lost breath of hope in the burning cry
I cannot accept the right of living
I open my ears to the sound of the night

Mountain of life, under the eternal lie
Fire of light, I am ready to die
Goddess dressed in the flames
Spirit blessed inside me
The wandering old shapes
The empty seeds, the curse of man
Mourning for this given hand
Lonely across the land
Trembling heart in the ocean sand

I break the silence and the long way
Burning inside I am my own pain
This poison which flows in my veins
Brings me to the front of the gates

And the ocean carried me away
The sound of ending world was fading
The waves greeted me with majestic mourn
To the sea I shed my last hope

The plague of cold harvests the land
And only few still wait for the sun
Cities are buried under white curse
Remains of the man lay on the glacial ground

Eternal lie creating a destiny
A new world is growing inside of me
My heart greeds for frozen stars
Deep black universe gathers upon me


A I walk in silence
Along life's path
Torrents of rain
Cry away silent pain

Distant memories flood restless reality
Eyes no longer see that which is the essence of thoughts
I struggle to swallow my sorrow
While carried to a place in my troubled soul

I perceive the darkness eternally deep
My bleeding heart which forever breaths
Making quiet waves of my imprisoned mind
In the vastness of life's demise

Earth and sky breathes fire in my soul
Time stands still frozen in the flow
Thoughts never warms they just develop in cold
They are erased from razor memories of old

The voice of death allures me then fades
An eternal life in pain, take me
I cry my unseen tears, in the dark
I see those deamons gleam, take my soul

In the boundless ocean
I search for yesterday
Only to realize life is all made
From death and pain

I have tried to block out beauty
I have disbanded myself from unity
Follow the black heart raven spell
This mortal existence is exhausted and complete

I perceive the darkness eternally deep
My bleeding heart which forever breaths
Making quiet waves of my imprisoned mind
In the vastness of life's demise


Vanish from my life
Take me, I run to you
Show me your beauty side
And save me with your sacrifice
And dance for my soul
Dance for my eyes
Deceive me again
Kill my other dreams

Eternity is taking my soul I'm frozen alive
In my blackened heart, only emptiness survives
My blood is like red cold ice
I'm in this cage locked for all time

Leafs are falling black and lifeless, carry them away
Wandering with the trees, dancing in night
To the tunes of rivers with song
Visions floating only memories exist

Let the grey clouds cover me
Fill me with fog
Tears fall from my eyes
My heart bleeds
Born in thy mind
Illusions of life
Voices echoing from the walls
Tales lost in time

A fog so black lies over the earth
In this darkness all life has perished
Gates will open, blood will flow
Night ever frozen, ever so cold

Behold the demise of your sheltered lies
Out of the ruins we appear and now shall arise
Take a look and view of this empty cell
Bring us to view where the weak have felt


Follow me into my darkest realms
Hallucinated, lonely sanctuary
A kingdom where only strongest survive
Where all but grief is a lie
These fields of twilight I ride
In the depths of grief I dwell
As my yearning is growing too deep
I find my end in an ice cold stream

With my soul embraced by the fire
I call and summon him to free me
Mighty ones behind the ancient barriers
Lurking behind the astral spheres

Cut my soul in half
Take this gift from me
Spawn of the unlight
You are blessed tonight
My knowledge my sealed lips
Of prayers of doom and delight
Never to unveil this curse
You are the master of unlight

My blood is cold and freezing
Into infinity I shall fall
Disappearing from everything
I am walking into darkness
No light I shall ever see
In this cold night I vanish
There is no longer a difference
Between this dream and reality

Apocalyptic storms beyond
The stars fell to earth
I penetrated reality

I seen through the illusions of light
I have walked the fields of blight
The soil are dying for my step

Feasting this bleeding chaos
Celebrating life's death in garments
Of shadows like

Further against the above
Spawned in chaos
Keeper of hate

With my soul embraced by the fire
I call and summon him to free me
Mighty ones behind the ancient barriers
Lurking behind the astral spheres

Snake eyes burns the night
My arms are raised towards the sky
Into the river of oblivion's wine
The secrets of clandestine lie
Vipers hiss when death hails me
Cold killing rapture is freezing my lips
Walk through the shadows of dusk
The wrath that paints your heart black


The moonlight, cascades from graceful hills
Setting the land, aglow with an eerie painting
A faint tone lingers, and floats from silence
And slowly the shadows, from earth come alive

Vibrations felt deeply, straight to the core
A beauteous vision, a dancing rapport
A distant voice echoes, joining in song
Mists of the evening, a spectral fog

Pulstaing rhythms in passionate thrall
While phantom figure looms over them all
Increasing, decreasing, climbing the heights
Drifting on wings of black-feathered flight
Surrounded in opulent, elegant night
A starry reflection grants nocturnal sight
Melodious opus responding in kind
Reaching the darkest abyss of the mind

The nocturnal reception reclines for a rest
Removing comfort from their beds
The eternal opus continues again
Until the next dusk when spider webs grow

Arising and stretching through soft laden dew
Harmonious whispers, a velvety touch
Ascending and falling, the waves of a dream
A music exquisite, an orchestral stream

Nocturne arises, dusk has come
Moonlight filters, through the corner clouds
The wings of night, enfold for now
With shining star, upon its brow

Begins the world created afresh
Whispering thoughts inspiring haunted breath
The noctuary there it dwells
A gate of sin, a gate of hell
To rise again with the shades
In glory, in wisdom and strength
The black embrace devours the energy
Black soil buries the leaves

The nocturnal reception reclines for a rest
Removing comfort from their beds
The eternal opus continues again
Until the next dusk when spider webs grow


Beneath the chamber they find your hunted soul
Demons gather like ash on blackened coal
Walls rebuild themselves on foundations deep
A screaming void of silence has replaced song

So bringeth the night
Which shall take flight
Upon ravens wings
Thy blood paints the sky
From within
I speak of death
The wind howls
To whisper its sweet words

Care for me oh eternal sorrow
For i shall not wake tomorrow
Carry me to my lasting slumber
And watch over me as I lay under

In this desolate night
I dream of creating death
To conquer all is the way
Staining its white purity


The glimmer of a dying world
It's beauty within itself
How very tragic it may seem
Cleanse the soul from my pain
Gateway to oblivion
All bitter seasons then fade
How could there be a tomorrow
When yesterday was despair

To the void lonely and cold
Your tears created this sad world
This place for one that needs
Where broken hearts bleed

Into the night together we fly
There will be no tomorrow
I'll give you warmth and without, then you wil die
The stars grow dim
And the moon pales before my eyes
A wind has arisen
The dark waters stop



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