Ursa Minor : The Perfect Sin

Deathcore / USA
(2014 - Self-Produced)
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Thou shall not hate thy brother in thine heart.
Thou shall not avenge,
nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people.
I truly possess more anger,
more hatred towards so much more than I have ever imagined.
So much more I can hardly fathom.
I never thought this would happen.
And I swear if only my loved ones were to have a reaction,
I know very fucking well that they would be truly saddened.
Hate truly is the perfect sin.
No heart and no compassion.


This is my revenge.
The deceiver left crouching on the floor.
Always tried running for the door.
Begging with more, begging with more.
This is why we are here in the first place.
More fucking lies right to my face.
But I’ve known for so long, and you have too.
You spread disease like I have no clue.
One simple lie.
A simple lie you can’t deny, why do you even try ?
Stabbed in the back and left to die.
You see it’s all in your head.
You believe the lies that you speak.
Sometimes I wish you were dead,
or does that just sound too bleak?
You like to play these games.
You may have won the war,
but now you are burning in fucking flames
taking back everything you swore.
You like to play these games.
You may have won the war,
but now you are burning in fucking flames
taking back everything you swore.
I don’t need you, you don’t know who I am.
You are a liar, a cheater, a scam.
Fuck you.
Vengeance is mine.
Vengeance is mine.
Deceitful con artist, you waste my time.
Your blood will run.
Vengeance is mine.


I am the person I choose to be.
There is a difference between you and me.
You and I see things differently,
But no one will tell me what to believe.
I would respect you and your beliefs,
But you don’t accept me for the way that I see.
You are no better,
I do not envy.
No fucking time for bigotry.
Death to your humanity.
I really don’t regret feeling this way.
Save it, save all that you have to say.
Save it, save all that you have to say.
Save it, save all that you have to say.
Save it.
Save it for later, have some courtesy.
I want to tell you about modesty.
There is nothing wrong with feeling so strong,
About a life that you feel you belong.
But there is a line to draw,
Where you need to save it all.
Who are you to be making the call ?
It’s not your life; not your decision.
You need to let us find ourselves;
Our own envisions.
I am the person I choose to be.
There is a difference between you and me.
You and I see things differently,
But no one will tell me what to believe.
I would respect you and your beliefs,
But you don’t accept me for the way that I see.
You are no better, I do not envy.
No fucking time for bigotry.
Death to your humanity.


You've been wasting all of the oxygen in your fucking lungs;
Opening your lips letting the lies roll off your tongue.
You're a loudmouth.
And I just can't get you to say it to my face.
Your time is a waste.
You will find your place.
You are loud spoken. You will never know silence.
You are loud spoken. You will never know silence.
I hate the way that you play these games,
You’re a two-faced creature
feeding off of what makes you seem clean.
Anything and everything,
Just the fact that you always have someones name
In your fucking mouth, your like the gutters spilling out.
I hate the fact that you feel the need to make a scene,
Watch them bleed, you brought them to their knees.
I continue to remember how it felt to be the center
Of adventure in your self indulgent nightmare.
Now comes the time, we'll draw the line,
We bring the hate; create silence.
All these times you've got by telling your lies,
Left me blind, now you'll get what you deserve.
It's coming back.
Full circle.
Now you wear the blindfold, and I wield the gun.
Now you wear the blindfold, and I wield the gun.
It wasn’t us.
It wasn’t us.
He was the loudmouth.
It wasn't us.
It wasn’t us.
He was the loudmouth.




Completely fake, completely blind.
A beating heart with a fractured spine.
You have lost everything thing
But you think you have it all.
You can pretend all day,
You'll be left to crawl.
Waiting to hear everything that you want.
No one will save you, I will haunt you.
You’re the person that wants it all.
But you force everyone to make the call.
You will never quit.
You will never quit.
You may never admit
To the shit that makes you a fucking hypocrite.
Worthless, bottom feeder.
Soon you'll be a begging pleader.
So I have started a mission,
I don’t need to petition or to get permission,
I just have a demented vision.
A fucking nightmare.
That you’ll be living.
I saw an apparition,
A gun and ammunition,
A diabolical decision,
Ending with hate and the mortician.
You’re the person that wants it all.
But you force everyone to make the call.
You will never quit.
You will never quit.
You may never admit
To the shit that makes you a fucking hypocrite.
I don’t want to do this.
But nothing else has got me through this.
So much hate, so much anger, malevolence.
I guess I’ve just become too ruthless.
I’ve never felt so much fucking fury.
My vision has just gone a little blurry.
I’ve let you take control
And you made it look way too easy.
So now I’m lying here
Dreaming of your bloodless beauty.
You are nothing to me but worthless,
And you're the reason I became so ruthless.


I am full of hatred,
While others are aided and sacred.
Malice, abhorrence, scorn;
I wish I could have seen this before I was born.
My life, simply overrated constantly debated,
Waiting for the moment to take whats left, erase it.
Never seems to seize, there’s a reason to be angry.
A demon that is lurking on the inside.
Filled with enmity, filled with fucking spite.
Dream of desolation, no commiseration,
Just waiting for the moment to take whats left, erase it.
Set aside religion, because no one is truly perfect.
The reasons we have hate are just as raw as the earth is.
This devil will haunt you for a lifetime,
Trying to get to your mind like it has mine.
A demon that is lurking on the inside,
Filled with hatred, full of fucking spite.
Its almost as if I have left the world.
Its almost as if I have left the world.
Its almost as if I have left the world.
I host a black beast, I refuse to let it out.
This devil will haunt you for a lifetime,
Trying to get to your mind like it has mine.
A demon that is lurking on the inside,
Filled with hatred, full of fucking spite.
There is no need for you to repent.
Hate is truly the perfect sin.
There is no need for you to repent.
Hate is truly the perfect sin.

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