Unpure : Promotape 1998

Thrash Black / Sweden
(1998 - Self-Released)
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Are you distant?
I crawl for your blood
Don't cry for the forgotten
I have a knife for you

Oh, Beauty...
All around and deep inside
My whore...
Cut me loose and taste my seed

Your lost skin
In my hands to taste
I can feel your lust
Soon I'll find you

Oh, Beauty...
All around and deep inside
My whore...
Force me in and enter your ecstasy

Like a reptile
I follow the trace
Found you in the cave
Your horny mind baths

No turning back
We are trapped
Forever lust
Only within...

Oh, Beauty...
My whore...


We raise our cups
we drink your blood
and swallow with delight
In the evening
almost twilight
waiting for the night

The wolves are howling
moon is full
it's magic in the air
At night
we're beasts with red lips
practising unholy witchcraft

Attacked in sleep
we are the beasts
that haunt you in your dreams
You think you are awake
but it's not
always what it seems

The scalpels rip
we lick your wounds
won't loose a single drop
You scream in pain
you pray to God
you want this torture stopped

We raise our cups
we drink your blood
and swallow with delight
You're drenched with fear
You're bound to die
your body's drained on blood

Your soul is weak
There's no escape
from your eternal rest
Cause tonight
we're beasts with red lips
practising unholy witchcraft


From the eye of the master's sign
I was raised through cold blood
Terror is my life
To regain full control
With the night on my side
And hordes of warriors
We make war and not love
To finally rule the world

World Domination

I will rule the whole world
With a black iron hand
Follow my fucking law
Or else you'll be sorry
Now we're out for the power
Nothing can stop us
So, by all our weapons
We will take the world

World Domination

World Domination - is by my hand
Victory - is by my hand


I enter an enormous garden
on a path of grit
surrounded by majestic bushes

I'm closing in
on a gigantic structure
It almost rises before me

I walk up the stairs
as the gate in front of me opens
with a dreadful, horrible squeak

Inside is a huge hall
with walls in bricks of stones
A loud bang echoes
as the door behind me slams

At the centre of the hall
a table is placed
with candles - giving dancing flames

I grab the candelabra
must see this place, but it's dark
a staircase leading up I start to walk

An awful feeling terrifies me
it's like the eyes of the paintings
on the wall are watching me

I reach the top step
hearing a sudden noise behind me
I turn around to look
but there is nothing there

I turn back again
staring at a screaming pale white face
Horrified I fall backwards
but there's no ground below

It's like a deep, black hole
that I have fallen in to

I'm no longer in the building
but in an endless flat landscape
A dead tree waves in the distance
What is this disgusting place?


Here lies an ancient stream
Of a dying river
My heart in its stones
I'm suffering

Cursed be the new-age man
For burning the roots
My soul drowned in blood
I'm suffering

The blood in pain
The thirst is strong
Gone be the stream
Burnt be the stones

I'm struggling
To the last drop
Of my black blood
Oh, I'm struggling

This is my swansong
The sand has won
I'm passing away
Away to nothing

lyrics added by Marcellus - Modify this lyrics