Unlight (GER) : Sulphurblooded

Black Metal / Germany
(2010 - Massacre Records)
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I hate everything and everyone
Everything will be broken
Each breath not taken by me
Is one breath too much!

Hate, pure hate!
I'm going to lose!

Absolute denial of mankind
Short twitching impulses
The air seems to burn

Hate, pure hate!
I'm going to lose!

Sulphur! sulphur!
Blood and flesh
I'm sulphurblooded
Sulphur! sulphur!
Blood and flesh
I'm sulphurblooded

Waves of black nausea
Flog me through blurred shapes
Blood-red streaks
Nebulized my view

To mutilate them is by far not enough
I want to kill!
I'm going to lose it!

The stench of their ignorance
Just traces of their life
Insignificant is their existence!

Melodies of death enlighten my mind
The way into my bless is paved
With their corpses


Streams will cease to flow
All wind will cease to blow
The clouds will cease to fleet
All heart will cease to beat

Laid so low, so very slow
Dead all things will be
Dead all things will be

Oh, vanity! Death is waiting
See! Our friends are all forsaking
We are called, so we must go
Laid low, so low

All the things will be dead
Dead all things will be

Death is calling while we speak
Heads are falling, skins are paling
Even strongest limbs are failing
Nine times goes the passing bell

In the dark we must lie
For all things must die
All things must die
Dead all things will be


I soak the world in light and shine
I am the glare of darkness
I soak the world in light and shine
Light bearing I remain

Leading towards a distance
Conducted by seductive forces
Symbolic memories became
False convictions

Epidemic cult of perversion
The essence of man is denies
The quintessence of existence
Is reversed

Sic transit gloria mundi
I shall resurrect
Sic transit gloria mundi
When hope turns into hate

Live silently in devotion
Never raise your voice
Suppress any instinct
Your hope is becoming nothing

This holy counterfeit silence
Broken with no tongue
Leaving the stones unturned
By building fragile castles of sand

Condemned to feed the void
Mundane pleasures are hell
How arrogant to tell
Man is blasphemy


The first to appear is pestilence
Who rides upon a white horse
Revelation has begun
The first seal is opened

Wearing a crown and a bow in his hand
Victory is coming, his hand holds deliverance

Pare rider, pale horse
The horses of disaster plunge in the heavy clay
Pale rider, pale horse
Hear their tossing manes and their tumultuous feet

In the wake of pestilence come war into land
Slaying each other, giving no peace

There will be famine following war
Tremendous famine, so great
He rides silently across the lands carrying the scale
The black horse and hunger are stalking the land

And after them comes death
His horse is stark pale
This is the end
Of the first four seals


With pride I orbit the worlds
My work which I created
Who can resist me?
Who is able to escape from my strength?

Eternity itself to me is subject
I stride on the path of perdition
No one exists who could ever resemble to me
Greater than god and the aim of creation

Unite with the ungod
Turn back!
Become an opponent!

Hear my word! I am the first!
What springs forth from my hand
Cannot be destroyed
It remains free
Born from everlasting world

In chaos I became your creator
Soon rising a new world
My empire in proud form exists
Mankind and their god cannot break it


My eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of the lord
He's trampling the deceit
His truth is marching on

I've seen him in proud fires
Of a thousand burning hearts
An altar built from wisdom
His day is marching on

Sound forth the trumpets! sound them forth!
That shall never call retreat!
Sound forth the trumpets! sound them forth!
Let's die to disinfest men!

I have read a fiery gospel
A writ in burnished rows of steel
As you deal with his opponent
With you all his grace shall fall

He's sounded forth the trumpet
That shall never call retreat
Be jubilant and free
Our lord is marching on

He's born to make men holy
He's born to make men free
A truth is marching on
That enlightens you and me


In diese Nacht der Finsternis
fällt nicht ein Schimmer Gotteslicht
Ich genieß meinen Sieg und seine Niederlage!
Der Erde Völker dienen mir
Verdorben tief in ihrem Sein
Der Glaube abgestumpft, dem rost' gen Schwerte gleich

Wenige entgingen mir
- Sie sind mir verhasst
Zu töten ihre Seelen ist mir Genuss
Mein Reich gewann
Die Herrschaft Gottes schwand
Triumph als Sieger über Gott
Verschlossen jenes Himmelstor

Dem eignen Willen zu gehorchen
Das Schicksal selbst sich zu bereiten
Ein jeder sei sein eig'ner Gott
Sei Herr, willst du nicht Sklave sein
Geht hin Dämonen, lehret dies!
Ich harre aus um meine Lehre siegen zu she'n!

Invictus! invictus!
Invictus! invictus!


This is the hour to fall into a death deep sleep
We're hasting towards death
We do not want to sin any longer
Life is short and shortly it ends
Death comes faster than one believes

Death destroys and spares no one!
Cold and dead all things will be!

Death destroys and spares no one
We're hasting towards death
We do not want to sin any longer
You cannot turn around
And become pure like a child

Oh, dearest brothers, don't be afraid
Bitter is death and the tears you cry
The baleful ones are calling
They will never escape

You will be a worthless cadaver
Why do you protect yourself from sin?
Which honour do you expect?
Why don't you admit your guilt?


As I command it, so shall it be
I seek revenge on thee
The spell will bring the spirits
To serve as I wish
To serve my own aim

By then seventh spell
We're setting the black circles
By the seventh spell
Unbar the guarded door

Sprinkling masses of blood
Of innocent souls
Sprinkling more and more blood
I'll spit it all down on your cold and wooden coffin

Prior to midnight by the dark of the moon
Burning some incense to summon the dark
Invocation by the light of black candles
Anointed with blasphemous oil

By the dim lights and the silence
I summon the quiet of the grave
As the seventh hour will strike
Black ink is scribing your name


Ich breche dich mit harten Worten
Nehm' dir deinen Willen, dein Leben
Nehme mir was in dir lebt
Und alles was einst du gewesen
Stirbt in meinen liebenden Armen

Ich reiß' es an michj, nehm' es mir
Trag' du nur deine Maske
Geschmiedet ganz aus Heuchelei und Scham
Leg' dich nieder, leg' dich hin
Die Waffen mir zu Füßen
Deine infantile Seele verblasst

Sag' mir du bist selig - es ware gelogen
Mach' mich zu deinem Schatten
Ewig an deiner Seite weilend... in Ewigkeit

Lyrics geaddet von tbc85 - Bearbeite die Lyrics