Unfurl : Ascension

Post Hardcore / USA
(2023 - Self-Released)
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Wading through ashes of ages
Reciting verses from moon painted pages
Rewriting history with the blood of the last living sage
Our coiled path unravels and the way is revealed
Dwelling on the threshold
This is when I let go
Speaking in riddles
Beyond all shadows
Wincing at the naked truth while your mind plays tricks on you
Clawing for the key to the door
Flickering in and out of existence
Rung after rung
Kicking out the way behind me
Rung after rung
I can’t take you with me
As I inch closer to the sun it’s just beyond my reach
From these staggering heights you can see everything
but there’s nothing you can do
Except sit and stare and watch as it all unravels
Paying for the privilege
Instant gratification
Singing songs of freedom to celebrate our chains
The cracking whip echoes through generations
Untouched by the fears or cares of mortals
I shuffle from this wretched coil
Tipping karmic scales out of balance
Careening into the soil


Light as a feather
Stiff as a board
We shall by morning inherit the earth
Can’t you hear them calling your name from beyond the gates?
Where there is a will, there is a way.
You’ve spent a lifetime digging your own grave
The only thing left to lose are your chains
I am not this body
I am not even this mind
I am the will
I am the way


Mining mournful depths
Returning with the jewel
A relic of jubilation
Obscene radiance burning unbearably bright
The burden of reflection
You can’t take this with you
What lies beyond this trembling threshold?
Be not afraid
This is the way of all flesh
Fissures spread across fractured firmament
Clouds congeal into concrete
The sun sputters weeping scarlet shades
Ruptile rubescent
Cherished impermanence
When did the aching begin?
When will this aching end?
Your jaw hangs open as heaven descends
Your jaw hangs open as we begin our ascent


Forever toiling unseen gardens
Drinking nectar
The juice runs down your chin
and the fleeting memory as it turns to ash on your tongue
Shadows cradle me, for I know not relief
Deeper yet into pitch I plunge
Stretching shadows guide me
Crawling onto the muddy banks
at peace with the worms caught in the treads
Crossing the threshold
The great conjunction
Nothing short of perfection
Abyssal expectations
Coveted relic of jubilation
Holotropic shepard take my hand
Leading me rung after rung
Stirring inside
Shimmering obsidian
Fractal corridors
A cosmic duality
Taking shape
Ever forthright
Spasmodic apparatus
Taking shape
Being reborn
(Curving back within myself. I create again and again.)
The burning question is not if but when?
Mangled white hot iron clenched in my hand
Casting the first stone again
Aching sockets long for light
Nourished on scraps of serotonin
The burning question is not if but when?
(A sea of treachery, the wave crashes through.)


Innumerable tears falling like a hale storm of crow corpses
Fragile frames kissing fallow fields
As the last drop fell, this empty planet rang like a funeral bell


Will the hammer ever fall?
Will the iron ever be hot enough?
Clinging to the illusion of freedom
It’s not what you think that makes you who you’ll become in this life
Pitch black skies spare no stars for guidance
It’s what you do with your time that makes you who you are
Empty shrines provide no providence
Sweating bullets
White knuckled waiting for this fever to break
Fingers laced
Free falling hammers kiss the clean slate
Too little too late
You have been staying on your own, in a hyperviolet estuary
I can’t seem to find out where we went wrong
Our collective past bleeds into the future
Where angels reveal their true nature
Circling overhead just like vultures
Before the beginning
Without end


Behind the curtain, a broken window barred with wrought iron
Standing on the shoulders of giants
A column of light pours in
I’ve seen this place before in a vision
I know it like the back of my hand
Much like salvation
I know that it does not exist
Forged in the fires of indifference
Empty sockets survey an orchard of broken glass
Behind the curtain, a broken window barred with wrought iron
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Look towards the sky and take it all into your soul
(Gravity makes no demands of me)
There is nothing left to hold you to the ground
(Gravity makes no demands of me)
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it one thousand times
The best place to hide the truth is between two lies
Sun rays become black bars of wrought iron
Now I’m learning to read between the lines
As they blur before my sun starved eyes
Endless shadows stretching over
And now I’m learning to read between the lines
As they blur before my sun starved eyes
We clean the bones to starve the crows
Your silence won’t save you
Walking between worlds
Clutching the memory of stability
Like clouds caught in a dream
Poised for disintegration
Gravity makes no demands of me
Sightless witness


Retracing our steps back to the beginning
Grasping at nothing
Did you hear the name sounded out by clanging chains?
Tasting patterns
Hearing colors
Skin crawling revelations
Burning at both ends again
My remnants scattered into the wind
Transmuting this lead into gold
Tangle my spirit into bliss of the soil
The passing of ages, makes it hard to believe this body behind
(And mind separates, and soul separates, and heart separates)
Yet like the candle I shed my skin, and the wax grows
I shed my skin and the past feels like yesterday
All mirth and mire forevermore
We’ve been dreaming again, about the space between (our minds)
Our minds are empty without a place to go, in longitudes & leylines
Can you tell me where the circle starts?
Pulling at the thread, watching it fall apart
What is all this sweet work worth?
All time and space flows within you, and around (all you see)
All you see are patterns that bend within you, and around all you see (All you see) Are patterns in your eyes
Can find them in all you see

Lyrics geaddet von czeski21 - Bearbeite die Lyrics