Uncover : Hatefriend

Metalcore / Germany
(2004 - Self-Released)
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Once I dreamed – Once I loved
Once I knew – I’m into you
Once I cried– Once I suffered
Once I tried – To treat you right

May be I’d lied to you
It feels like hate
I turn my back on you
I tried to hold you
Dispairs from you
Now I’m forsaken you

Now I’m awake – Now I hate
Now I try – To make you cry
Now I strike – Now I live
Now I see – You paralize me

May be I’d lied to you
And everything is different now
I turn my back on you
Cause everything was going wrong
I tried to hold you
But in the end there’s no return
Now I’m forsaken you
So you better forget me, too

No more us – No more we
No more you – Only me
Only me


I know its time to stop
But I can't fix the hole
You leave within my soul

But I can't go on
The way it is like now
I have to show you how

Finding out whats right or wrong
Expecting all the things that are gone
Except the fact that makes it hard
The fact that breaks us almost apart
Tryin' to forget
Tryin' to hold on
Tryin' to give up
Tryin' to go on

I am tryin' to complain
That I suffer deep inside
That I think it isn't right

I know its time to stop this now
But I can't fix the hole
You would leave within my soul

Every step hurts more
I don’t know how to stand
The time that we spend

And I can't go on
The way it is like now
I have to show you how

My days won't be yours
These days I share no more
I really know what I hope for

I hope you'll regret
And we can fix the hole
That starts to grow within my soul


Like I’m on fire
Burning down
Burning your senses
Comin’ around

One flame
One soul
One heart

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Wake the fuck up
Fight fire with fire

Broken hearted
My soul pitchblack
Leaving the dark
Coming back

One flame
One soul
One heart

Ligths around me
No name face
Carry the fire
Far from grace

One flame
One soul
One heart


Turn off the lights when I come around
Come a little closer to me
I’ll make you move when I hit the floor
Right here is the place to be
The spots will guide us through the night
No matter if it isn’t right
It feels so good make you feel fine
To give you what you really like
You enjoy the steps I make
What you want is what you take
This night I’ll give you everything
Listen up and start to sing

Trust in me tonight
Trust in me tonight
Tonight its allright
I’m your delight

Blood is pumping through your veins
Skin on skin we start to sweat
I’ll rock you ‘til the break of dawn
Move yourself and bang your head
When I speak out I start to hurt
You’re addicted to my words
What we love is what we make
The energy that we create
It’s a new game that we play
Nowhere limits if you stay
Even if you don’t know why
Listen up and start to cry

I can read it from your lips
I can see it in your eyes
I can hear it when you scream
I can feel it when you move
I read it from your lips
I see it in your eyes
I hear it when you scream
I feel it when you move
I can read, I can see
I can hear, I can feel


Everything that is said and done
Is a gift to everyone
We gonna bring it to you
Our kingdom will come

From the front to the back
From the left to the right
From here to the other side
Raise your fists to the sky
Light the fire of might
Watch the crusade go by

What can we tell you that you don’t already know
We have that new stuff that we play at this show
We came along with this golden melodies
You can stop counting the days If you believe
That we are the kings
And we have the might
To reach our goals
To win every fight
From the front to the back
From the left to the right
From here to the other side

A new age is coming, we’re coming for you
Sing and hail the kings, in glory we’ll rule
Watch out and stand up if you want some more
Of the power and the strength and the fabulous four
We start that crusade
You can be part of the reign
The empire is here
We’re the priests of fear


From the day when it all begins
Until the night when it all will end
This is the way we have to go
The way that no one really knows
We look back the road we’ve passed
Remember the scars that last
We look ahead when we move on
We give up when hope is gone

A freaking mind that wants to hate
A beautiful story that turns to fate
A collapsed body got weak and wreck
A burning sun turning into black
This is the life, my world, the earth
The place, my taste, the pain, the love
The hate, the sin, give in, go on
The peace, the crowd, the sound

A dying heart that breaks apart
A growing love right from the start
A little smile when there’s no lough
A sparkling light that shines above


As never before
And never again
I ever move on
Forever and then
I will go on and on and on
I start to build my own tomorrow

And now I open up the door
To see things I’m searching for
Step by step I’m movin on
Until my fear and doubts are gone

Another day another chance
To make things happen as they come
Another time to make it clear
I run away, I disappear

Don’t wake me up before I sleep
I try to hold what I can’t keep
I see the world with different eyes
Every day a new surprise

I’m a stranger to this place
In this room I’m lost in space
No one else can hold me here
I dream away, I disappear


I’m sitting there all alone
In front of the candle’s light this night
I can not sleep cause nothing seems alright
Pictures passing by
Sometimes it’s overwhelming me
And I look back and I can see
That everything for me
Is like a boxed memory

And day by day
My life is driting away
I can’t go on cause everyhting is going wrong
I want to scream out loud
And shout what I think about
About the things that I need
About the things that I miss
About the things that I’ve lost
About me and my way
Cause everyday
I’m drifting away

I’m down again fuckin damn
Life was never so hard
For me
I try to figure out
What my dreams want me to tell
This night


I know its growing up from deep inside
There’s no chance for me to run and hide
It breaks me and fucks with my mind
Covers my eyes, I see I’m blind

It’s all about the art of control
To manipulate your mind
To infest yourself again
Heal the body then
It’s crawling up from inside out
Don’t try to fix me once again
I taste the death when I collapse
It’s filling me

I feel more more than ever before
The medicine doesn’t work
But keeps me going on
When the pain is gone

What a pleasure to feel the pain
To know you’re still alive
To fall down to the floor
And stand up for more
It’s crawling up from inside out
Don’t try to fix me once again
I taste the death when I collapse
It’s killing me


And if tonight everything dies
I’ll be the one that rises
Turn down your inferior lifes

I’m so scared of the known, prefer to be on my own
I’m calling for a better friend than you
Tired of all that I love seems that I have enough
Would someone give me something new

What I’ve already got is not so kind
So the anger grows up in my mind
I’ve got enough of this got enough of that
I’ll take whatever I can get

I am fine all alone, all alone I feel home
I don’t need no one fuckin else
What you needed so much and what you love
Destroys you soon as you can see

To spread hate is my desire
So I start to rise up in the fire
I am sick of this and sick of that
Nothing happens that I regret


You make me sick
You make me sick
I can see what time can not erase
When I look into your lying face
No one faked me the way you do
Time for me to change my point of view

You eject my words and I insert some new
You turn me on and when you had enough
You switch me off
You steal my pride you take it from me
You stole everything and threw it away
You threw it away
You’re not allowed to change the way
My life has been everyday

You used to use me
You used to abuse me
You looked inside
You reached my mind
You touched my soul
You had my trust
You gave me shame
You stole everything
You threw it away
You just fucked up with me

Once you made the mistake
That you played with my faith
It’s the thing that I can not forgive
Cause you disappointed me so much
I don’t care for you when I think of you
It makes me sick


I’m diving into the ocean of blue
The waves are getting so high
And the wind is blowing around
I’m sinking down to the ground
So deep down below

I am setting the sail
And start my journey
I am leaving it all behind
There is nothing that can hold me here
The anchor is pulled up
I’m looking up into the sky
The clouds are moving fast
And the birds are flying by

I’m watching out for the coast
But I’m not really longing for land
For a long time I’m lying low
No one can find me here
I’m trying hard to survive
Here on the deep blue sea
Right here is the place
I always wanted to be


This happens in my head
No one can take it away
Cause its all in my head
I close my eyes and I sway
It’s just a fantasy
Living inside of me

The mornings light will shine upon me
Because the dust of the day went away with sorrow
I have to see the beauty in every little piece
In the moment of time I got stuck and I freeze

What should not happen to me that will not be
Because the shade of my life went away with the sun
I won’t cry anymore in this infinity
I’m blessed with this dream inside of me

Palabras añadidas por xavier74 - Modificar estas palabras