Traitor (GER) : M.A.I.K.

Thrash Metal / Germany
(2008 - Fistfuck Records)
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[No lyrics available]


Cold september morning
Sitting in my cell
Waiting for the hour
Where i meet satan in hell

Hour after hour
Waiting for the priest
God´s raping servent
To satisfy the beast

The temprature is rising
My blood starts to boil
The hellfire is calling
The air smells like oil

Now the time has come
Outside there is my wife
She´s crying for her husband
He´s getting buried alive


Buried Alive ...{8x}

Heaven´s getting dark
I feel so alone
Chains around my neck
A dog is frazzling a bone

The agony has started
My final destination
They put me in a casket
Cruelty desperation

The casketlid is closed
Elevator ride with thunder
The ground is coming near
Now i´m six feet under

The oxygen disappears
Taking my last breath
Scraping, bleeding, choking
My meeting with the death


Buried Alive ...{8x}

Buried Alive


Lobotomy, a cruel way to die.
You can´t feel pain, in your deep inside.
Whatch out for doc, he comes to annoy.
He wants to play, a sick game with you.

All what he said, was just a joke.
He lied to you, more than you can cope.
He promised you health, in a good way.
All what you´ve got, was to be fey.


Lobotomy (4x)

Cracking my skull, blood´s tasting good
Dismember my brain like carving some wood
Raping my soul without any sorrow
Shredding my mind before it´s tomorrow

Now i´m nothing without a way back
Slavering, moaning chains in my head
I cant break out of my rotting cell
My profoundly desire is to feel well


Lobotomy (4x)


Its warm in here
The heartbeat is near
Dark and wet
Blurred sillhuette

Thumb sounds around
My live is bound
Nothing to eat
Living in meat

Felling asleep
Peacefull an deep
Awakened by uproar
What happened before

My mother cries
No more disguice
A sudden bash
Buried in flesh


Still - Born - Child (4x)

My mother cries
No more disguice
A sudden bash
Buried in flesh


Once in the time there was a man, he run with his chainsaw around.
He just killed some people, because of the pleasure, that he feels when they die.

A product of incest no sympathy for mercy, he kills just for fun.
He only can adept satisfaction with tasting the spilled blood of his victims.

Bloody extremity, what a nice breakfast, he eat his favourite meal.
No matter if its a man or a woman, the best part of the body is the brain

The preparation of brain, important for the taste, is one of his specialties
The original recipe, he learned from his mother, is a part of his favourites.

Chainsaw Disembowelment

Under his house, in the cellar of horror, he collects the best parts in a room.
When you open the door, you won´t see anything, in exception brutaly violence.

The cause for his immortality is the consumption of a special part.
Only eating the sexual organs of the tormented women is making him strong.

The manner which he killed his victims, is not from this planet we know.
This can´t be human being so far, this shit is too fucked up.

More than fucked up is the realation to his mother, his only incest mistress.
This family is not human, not even animal, they´re just the breed of hell.


Be carefull what you believe
Be carefull what you do
Be carefull what you say
Or be a victim of the in-qui-si-tion

Believe in jesus and god
Then you have nothing to fear
No cursing no transgression
Or you get hunted by the in-qui-si-tor

Dont offend against god
In no case heresy
Or you will feel the pain
Burning flesh in the flames of justice

Your skin begins to fry
Your hair is burning down
Your blood begins to boil
You´re dying on the funeral pile



Out of the dark, he exits his grave
Possessed by the lust for human flesh

His thirst is endless, he can´t satisfy
He can´t satisfy his need to rape

Teenage virgins, is what he prefer
He brings them torture and pain

He´s hunting his victims, without any grace
His bloodlust is reigning his brain

He stuns the virgins, to slave their mind
To do with them all what he´s pleased

Rape them
The undead violator

Rape them
The undead violator

Rape them
Kill them
Eat them
The undead violator



I ask myself
Is there a god?
Is there a hope?
Is there a sense?

I hate everything that
Is coming out of my cunt
No matter if it´s alive
My brain tells me to hunt
When i see the scum
Coming out of my scrotch
I ´ll take a knife to kill
That´s what makes the thrill

I think there
Is no god!
Is no hope!
Is no sense!

Now the bastard comes
I feel the pain
I feel the agony

There is the spawn
In my hands
I feel like killing it

I take a cloth
To suffocate
That vile scum

I open the fridge
To freeze in
The body parts

Body Parts
Frozen Corpse

Now the bastard comes
I feel the pain
I feel the agony

There is the spawn
In my hands
I feel like killing it

I take a cloth
To suffocate
That vile scum

I open the fridge
To freeze in
The body parts

I know there
Is no god
Is no hope
Is a sense

I hate everything that
Is coming out of my cunt
No matter if it´s alive
My brain tells me to hunt
When i see the scum
Coming out of my scrotch
I ´ll take a knife to kill
That´s what makes the thrill


[No lyrics available]

10. H.M.C.´98

Nineteen ninety-eight, the year of our birth,
Founded to bring metal to the earth,
Our gods are slayer, maiden and priest,
Without heavy metal there is no feast,
Were bangin´ our heads and we´re raising our fists,
Leather and metal around our wrists,
United we´re standing, divided we´re fall,
Our message is heavy metal for all!


Turn all to ashes and turn all to dust,
We are the ones that you can trust,
Before you see the light, -you must die,
We´re raise our fists in the air up high,
Nineteen ninety-eight the number of the beast,
Hell and fire was spawned to be released
Now bang your heads and shout the chorus out loud
Being a member is makin´ me proud!


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