Toxic Carnage : Violence and Beer

Thrash Metal / Brazil
(2017 - Self-Released)
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Thrash metal in the night
Banger's gathered here to fight
A lot of bottles to the ground
We came to hear a heavy sound

Guitars ripping off your ears
Inviting you to circle pit
Drums are sounding even faster
Give us fabulous disaster

Violence and beer

If you don't have ability
Beer will give you insanity
Slam till your arms drop
This is the way of life we love

Posers will be not allowed
Beat that fucking poser down
Head bangers are all around
Fighting for the underground

Violence and beer

Raise your beer,
Thrash with rage
Violent mosh
Against the stage

If you jump
into the crowd
Your insane brothers
Won't let you fall


The night is cold
And the sky is without light
Only a darkned moon
Will be the witness in this night

First hymnes are heard
The invocation starts
With love they call
Lord's presence is the harvest

The sacrifice is done
A innocent virgin is dead
Bodies start to fuck
Total orgasm is consumed

The dead virgin
Now is fucked
Sodomy in this night
Necromancy is complete

Pleasure and delight
Satanic lust

lyrics added by tbc85 - Modify this lyrics