Tougher Than Nails : Arise Warrior

Grindcore / USA
(2020 - Coleiosis Records)
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To give life our Creator breathed into your lungs his breath
Pierced for our transgression he was obedient unto death
Christ rose, but all other gods shall fall
All other gods are false, but the Lord created it all

Once buried, risen he lives again
Destroyer of hell, death, and sin
Everyone and all else fails
Only Jesus is t-t-tougher than nails, tougher than nails
Tougher than nails

Laid in the grave, the Lord would not stay
Upon arrival they noticed the stone rolled away
Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Christ lives, we are the body, he is the head

He is the Alpha, the Omega is he
The way, truth and light for all to see
To be sinless took unparalleled stronger-than-steel discipline
Blood of the Lamb conquered the power of sin

Once buried, risen he lives again
Destroyer of hell, death, and sin
Everyone and all else fails
Only Jesus is t-t-tougher than nails, tougher than nails
Tougher than nails

Laid in the grave, the Lord would not stay
Upon arrival they noticed the stone rolled away
Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Christ lives, we are the body, he is the head


Christ is risen, and the Devil has fallen
Upon his belly he slithers forth from his den
Evil weapons of lies and deceit he's talking
Seeking prey he's stalking

My soul freed, set a light and saved from darkness
For me it's praise the Lord and God bless
Some willingly enslaved, basking in sin-filled emptiness
The unrepentant shall be cast into outer darkness
Snap, the children of disobedience hopelessly trapped like a dying mouse
Only Jesus can save us from Satan's slaughterhouse

Truth destroys the wicked fantasy
Scales gone, God's warriors see
Repentant, he has created a new heart within thee
Unrepentant hearts, defeat and destruction your future shall be

My soul freed, set a light and saved from darkness
For me it's praise the Lord and God bless
Some willingly enslaved, basking in sin-filled emptiness
The unrepentant shall be cast into outer darkness
Snap, the children of disobedience hopelessly trapped like a dying mouse
Only Jesus can save us from Satan's slaughterhouse

Christ is risen, and the Devil has fallen
Upon his belly he slithers forth from his den
Evil weapons of lies and deceit he's talking
Seeking prey he's stalking

My soul freed, set a light and saved from darkness
For me it's praise the Lord and God bless
Some willingly enslaved, basking in sin-filled emptiness
The unrepentant shall be cast into outer darkness
Snap, the children of disobedience hopelessly trapped like a dying mouse
Only Jesus can save us from Satan's slaughterhouse


Repentant, our lives shall not be a worthless story
We have chosen instead to be redeemed and live in victory
Infuriated our enemy seeks to shake us and make us pay
Lucifer is merciless, for when it comes to spiritual warfare he doesn't play

Battle awaits, mount your steed
Time to fight, let's bleed
Glory for our King, Christ blood all we plead
Time to fight, let's bleed

Pick up your cross daily and die
For soon we shall return with the Lord on clouds in the sky
By Christ the battle has already been won
He defeated death and sin for everyone

No prisoners, just victors and casualties 'cause spiritual warfare is real
The Devil comes like a thief, to kill and steal
The pains of battle overshadowed by the victory we shall soon feel
Our resolve is like hardened steel

Battle awaits, mount your steed
Time to fight, let's bleed
Glory for our King, Christ blood all we plead
Time to fight, let's bleed

Pick up your cross daily and die
For soon we shall return with the Lord on clouds in the sky
By Christ the battle has already been won
He defeated death and sin for everyone

Battle awaits, mount your steed
Time to fight, let's bleed
Glory for our King, Christ blood all we plead
Time to fight, let's bleed


"I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him which after he hath killed hath power to cast you into hell; Yea I say unto you fear Him."

Life is not over after the bodily death
There is more to come after your last breath
Heaven or hell, it's your choice to decide
Between what and chaff, sheep and goats he will divide

Men can destroy the body but can't wreck your soul
Having the Lord as Savior the most important goal
Heed God's call, his voice you must hear
Almighty is God, it's he whom ye shall fear

Lambs and wheat in heaven, goats and chaff consumed in the Lake of Fire
Oh Lord, tear from our hearts every evil desire
God's call for repentance we must hear
Almighty is God, it's he whom ye shall fear

Weapons formed against us can't harm what we have inside
In Christ we shall abide
When death comes let me glorify God, grateful he saved my hide
My soul free, thankful my sinful flesh has died

Men can destroy the body but can't wreck your soul
Having the Lord as Savior the most important goal
Heed God's call, his voice you must hear
Almighty is God, it's he whom ye shall fear

Lambs and wheat in heaven, goats and chaff consumed in the Lake of Fire
Oh Lord, tear from our hearts every evil desire
God's call for repentance we must hear
Almighty is God, it's he whom ye shall fear

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics