Tortured Conscience : Every Knee Shall Bow



The destiny of death
Befalls the ones who walk
On left-handed roads to destruction

Secularist or Satanist
It's all the same it leads to one place

Follower of the Advisory
Whether you heed the Fallen One
Or the philosophies of the lost
Death will still await you

"Do what thou wilt"
"Be your own god"
Cheap slogans
For self-serving fools

Their words spew out
Like cries from the goat
Feasting on droppings
Of their unseen master

You say that faith
Is for the weak
For the blind
To reality
But your misconceptions
Of the faith
Blind you

Unschooled on the Word
Are many of you
And your kind
"The Bible is a lie"
Are the words you repeat
Like a marionette
On a puppet master's string
You repeat things
You know nothing about

How have you come
To your way of thinking
Have you studied
The Word for yourself?
You go on feasting
On their words
Like a slave to mankind
Never questioning

Has there ever been
A moment in your life
When you asked yourself
"Why am I here?"
The voice inside of you
Talking to your soul
Is the Holy Spirit
Convicting you

Feeling His presence
Taking away your pride
Chipping at resistance
To the truth
In Him

Hear the god
You so reject
In surmounting lies
Engulf your life
Won't you take this step?
Embrace the Father

Do not fall
Into the trap
Of believing
The world's ways

Hear the god
You so reject
In surmounting lies
Engulf your life
Won't you take this step?
Embrace the Father


There was a time
I looked up to you
I heard you testify
You encouraged me

You did not know me
But I knew of you
Hearing your words
Of praise and worship

But you turned away
From the faith
When dancing on glass
Became more important
You turned your back
On the father
After all you've learned
After all you've seen

Return to
The Christ that died for you

Once were
You mighty
In the faith that saves you

You walked
Away from
The God that loves you

Please rethink
Your position
And come back

Come let us reason together
And look at the facts
Is based in evidence

Norman Geisler
Josh McDowell
William Lane Craig
Hank Hanegraaff

These men have dedicated
Their lives to show us
That the evidence shows
The Bible to be true

To hear
You say those words
"I don't believe"
Cuts me
Like a knife
Can't you feel
The tears of God?
You turn your back
On your faith
To live worldly

Read the works of the giants
The apologists through time
Test the Scriptures for the facts
See for yourself the truth

The truth that lies
Inside those pages
Of Holy Scripture
Apostate return


You stand across the street
Of the funeral home as they lay to rest
Their son who died at the hands
Of a violent bunch, hatred in their hearts

You add to their pain
With your signs of judgment
You have no right
To tell them
That "God hates gays"
When you yourself are no less a sinner

Self-righteous hypocrisy
Flows through
Your lips, foul stench of inquisitional hate
Hardening the hearts of those who hear
Solidifying their belief that religion is hate

You rekindle the choke of religion
Smothering out any spark of faith
Christ came to save me, not judge
Who are you to think you're less than of a sinner?

God does hate all sin
But He loves all sinners,
He died for them

Tell the lost of His love
Show them His saving grace

Instead of telling them that God
Hates their particular sin
Tell them that you'll
Pray for them
And that salvation
Can be theirs, too

You were called to be
The salt and light of the world
Not to be a vessel of
Anger and hate
What in your actions shows the
Love of our Lord?
Look in your self, what do you see?

We are all sinners and we
Are all lost
We have all come short
Of the glory of God
We are no better than anyone else
The log is still in our eyes

It's the blood of Christ
That saves us all
From the fiery pits of Hell
Not your signs, not your slogans
And not your finger pointing

There is a place for accountment
But only after one trusts you
And only after you've
Shown them that any discipline
Comes from love

Is the way
The truth, and the life

Can you
The sin in you
Is no better, no worse

We cannot forget
That we were once
Lost and now are found


They say that He is a prophet
And that He is the one

They say that He
Is the Son of God
To bring us all our salvation

He is calling us hypocrites,
Stirring the people to riot
We cannot kill Him ourselves.
So let us pawn him off
To Pontius Pilate

The people love
This man called Christ
A riot He
Could certainly entice

That what we say
May He be dead
Before the end of day

Blasphemy filled
Within His words
The things He says
Are so absurd

We are holy,
We are just
We have to do
What we must

Price him that He
Be delivered
Pay Judas
30 pieces of silver

Betrayal supreme,
Forgiveness divine
A kiss upon the cheek
Will be the sign

The trial of Christ
May now commence
I know Herod
Will be convinced
That the words of Jesus
Shall be our downfall
This Man is dangerous
To Caesar and us all

Only a few will weep
And fewer will sorrow
But these peasants
Will forget Him by tomorrow

Gone will be He
And all His prophecies
To this mere man
They will never fall to their knees

We beg of you,
To find Him guilty
Let Him be crucified
Among the filthy

So let it be written
So let it be done
Let this Man's name
Be spoken by no one

"The people have chosen
The Nazarene to die
I cannot understand
Where your reasons lie
Jesus has done nothing
To deserve this fate
Barabas is the one
Who is filled with hate
My conscience is cleansed
Swept away like a flood
I wash my hands
Of this Man's blood"

It is finished


There's a plague among us
Tainting the truth of Christ
Taking the Word of God
Dissected and diced

They will tell you of paths
Other beliefs embraced
"It doesn't matter what,
In all truth is laced."

But what does our Lord say?
What do His words decree?
"No one sees the Father,
No one except through Me."

How would you interpret?
These words of our Christ Lord?
What way would you see them?
How would you have them whored?

New Age philosophy
With every diseased breath,
Is infesting the Truth
And will only bring death
Watering down the Word
So as not to offend

This way of deceiving,
The way of the new trend
Spreading the truth of God
Is "politically incorrect"

Realizing ourselves
And sin is the effect
The Deceiver lives within
The world we have today

When God is forgotten
Death, destruction the way

False teachers among us
Claiming to spread the truth
But on our judgment day
Christ will say, "I never knew you."

There's a plague among us
Tainting the truth of Christ
Taking the Word of God
Dissected and diced

They will tell you of paths
Other beliefs embraced
"It doesn't matter what,
In all truth is laced."


Prince of peace
God is with us
The Door
To eternal life
The Way
To the everlasting Father

The chosen one
King of kings
Like no other

Son of God
Ruler of all nations

Jesus is God
Jesus is God
Jesus is God
Jesus is God
Long live the King

Born of a virgin
In the town of Bethlehem
Prophesied Messiah
Sacrificial Lamb

God in the flesh
Through time and space

In the beginning there was the Word,
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
And the Word became flesh
The Law was a shadow of things to come
Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law

The Alpha and the Omega
The beginning and the end
Before Abraham was,
I Am

The truth, the way, the life
The only one whose name saves
No religion, no opinion
Nothing but the blood of Christ

Jesus is God
Jesus is God
Jesus is God
Jesus is God
Long live the King


I knew that I was saved
But I constantly felt
A disconnection; a hollow hole
A sinner's life that I embraced

Walking on my own path
Instead of the Way of God
Weakened state of being I fell
Into the abyss of sex and porn

The cyber net and all its trappings
Pictures danced on the screen
But the light of God shone through
Exposing my hypocrisy

Hiding behind "Once saved, always saved."
Satisfying my selfish urges
Perverse sexual acts I played out
Abomination of all that is holy

Christ will never forsake me
It was I who forsook Him
Shall now envelops me

Forgive me oh Lord forgive
My conscience is tortured

All the guilt
Wears me down
Throughout me
Self hatred
Will I see
God's glory
Will I fall
Into Hell

All the guilt
Wears me down
Throughout me
Self hatred
Calling on
God's mercy
Save this lost
Soul I beg

Fighting myself I loose
Battle within
Paging inside my soul
Begging to be set free

My conscience is tortured


I prayed for you
Night and day
For you to come
To Christ and His way

You told me that
My words were in vain
To stop wasting time
There was nothing to gain

I stayed your friend
And never left you
But now I must go
To be with God who is true

Why didn't you listen
To the voice inside
And strip away
All humanistic pride?

Fear this day
The day of the Lord
Run and hide
In your accord
Read His word
It will tell you how
Every knee shall bow

You mocked His name
And call Christians fools
Taking your liberties
And take God out of schools

You change the pledge
Your atheistic ways
Feel the fear
And the end of days

God has waited
For all to come to Him
But you hardened your hearts
And made His light in you dim

Denying the essentials
Of Christian doctrine
Choosing your own path
And staying in sin

Fear this day
The day of the Lord
Run and hide
In your accord
Read His word
It will tell you how
Every knee shall bow

A world will come
A new Heaven and earth
The pains you feel
Are the pangs of birth

Cast aside
Into the pit of Hell
Destroyed with the devil
And the angels that fell

Momentary pleasures
Are a thing of the past
Moth and rust destroy
Those things couldn't last

The joys you felt
Are long since gone
You realize now
Your choices were wrong

Fear this day
The day of the Lord
Run and hide
In your accord
Read His word
It will tell you how
Every knee shall bow


No ambiguity
Blatant words I use
No hidden messages
No flower poetry

You were not ashamed
Of me while on the cross
I praise your name
From the hilltops I say

I am yours, my Lord
Do with me what you will
The Lord of my life
You died for me, I live for you
These words I say
I praise you

Tell all the world
Spread the good news you said
While others may hide their faith
Locked away in their hearts

I sing your praises, oh God
And tell you that I love you
Purge me from all sin
Sanctify me, Christ my God

I am yours, my Lord
Do with me what you will
I accept you as my Saviour
The Lord of my life
You died for me, I live for you
These words I say
I praise you

You are the one I call
God above all others
I have no other gods before you
God I love you

In closing, I'd like to tell you all
That Christ is the way
No one sees the Father
Except through His blood

Freedom of volition
To choose or to choose otherwise
Make the choice now, my friend
Is it Heaven or is it Hell?

I am yours, my Lord
Do with me what you will
I accept you as my Saviour
The Lord of my life
You died for me, I live for you
These words I say
I praise you


Here is your king
You bring Him to me
I say set Him free
You say you want Him to die
He has done nothing, nothing, nothing
But you say crucify, crucify, crucify!

You act as though this man is inciting a rebellion
No one here can prove that to be true

I have examined Him in your presence
And have found no basis for your charges
Neither has Herod, so he sent Him back to us
As you can see He's done nothing, nothing, nothing
To deserve the things you ask
I wash my hands of this man's blood

Hail king of the Jews
Prophesy, who hit you?
Here's your crown

You act as though this man is inciting a rebellion
No one here can prove that to be true

Crucify! crucify! crucify!
He's your King!
I have the power to free Him
I wash my hands
He's done nothing
He's your King, not mine

Kill Him
All right
You've washed your hands, just kill Him Pilate
All right
I wash my hands of this man's blood
Oh, take Him

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