To Resist Fatality : Called to Create

Melodic Death / Germany
(2006 - Self-Released)
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1. Corporate Breed
Born into liberty they could splendidly bloom
Yet, growing up, a predominant wave rolls over them
Empty, passive, puppets they become
The windows of freedom are being closed
Enslaving a sector of society
Under control is the corporate breed

Ripping hearts
From the bodies of societies
All ideas of solidarity
With those in need
Breeding the next generation of sheep
That will guarantee the continuation of their domination

Greedy by nature they conquer the world
While disabling the alternative
Enslaving huge parts of humanity
Under control is the corporate breed
“All liberation depends on the consciousness of servitude,
and the emergence of this consciousness is always hampered
by the predominance of needs and satisfactions
which, to a great extent, have become the individual's own.”
[Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man]

What could be better than a flock to command
That will even fill their wallets?
Ridding themselves of waste nobody has asked for,
Expanding corporate tyranny…

2. Called to Create
We are inexhaustible sources of change
In a determined world, called to create – life from life!

Withstanding the lullabies and pacifiers that surround us
Resisting the inertia that keeps us from fulfilling freedom

Stupidity has numerous gravitational centers,
A few manage to fly
Called to create / Rising from lethargy and passivity
From Nothingness / Fighting forces that try to keep us down and kill our lives
Into the world / Gripping tightly the precious time that is now

The claims of live and love that urge us on
The infinite universes unleashed by will and dedication
This is the chance to alter conditions that repress us
We are called to create

Withstanding the lullabies and pacifiers that surround us
Resisting the inertia intending to keep us from fulfilling freedom

As mirrors of the mysteries of this world we roam
Shaking off the burdens that pull us back from humanity
Inspired, on fire, lest we forget our inquisitive instincts
Fighting forces that try to keep us down and kill our lives
Gripping tightly the precious time that is now

3. Confessions
Turned away my ears for far too long
Dead encounter in my hands

All the mockery and arrogance are served to my table on a platter
As I face myself, years of pride and falsehood are reflected,
And a poverty of love at the most
Purge my soul, deliver my, please!

Too numerous are those I want to ask for forgiveness and their homes are scattered
Where can I rest this weary head from all the struggles?
Paradoxes seem to be a way to clear my thoughts

Hush my child, worry not
(„Purge my soul deliver me!“)
Surrender all your load

Stormwinds tear at our branches and our trunks, trying to eradicate us
Our very souls are at stake; torn between our innermost urges and external claims we are

Suns re-rise as I stare in deeply moved gratitude...

4. Hateful Challenges
Soul-drumming from the inside of the eggshell
Beating to alert a corresponding ear

Leaving the dead to the dead
Calmly facing what lies ahead

Make no mistake about: the soul will take back what we have taken from it, unduly
Confusion and distraction everywhere, we look for integrity, while demanding systems tear our attention asunder

Running used to be my prayer
I sought the natural pace of my heart

Trying to let go and find serenity
Focussing exclusively on things that confront me,
Thus the suffering and ecstacies yield to joy
With a seeing heart I want to live
Have the freedom and the strength to be the one who gives
With refreshing eyes that dig for something good

5. Barriers
Creating a sense of isolation,
They seek to crush all communities
Directing people along parallel lines
Diminishing the threat of solidarity

We need to fight desensitizing
There are still so many things to learn
Defeat these walls of fear
They have been abiding us for far too long

Barriers – breaking the barriers

Providing the public with fears of the absurd
To legitimize measures of control
Against the enemy number 1
Who is now to passively observe the rulers

We need to fight desensitizing
There are still so many things to fight for
Defeat these walls of fear
They have been abiding us for far too long

Walls vigorously built, a monstrous masonry around territories

Barriers – breaking the barriers
Barriers – breaking the barriers

6. Lessons in Nationalism

At the heart of the “nation”
Hate sits broadly, yet hidden
and venomously kisses undernourished hearts
A lap allures, sweet with pride and protection,
and hoists a veil of fear between familiar minds

Thus a powerful line is drawn
The enemy of rationality – the prerequisite of control

Arbitrary borders of abstract entities
Senseless evaluations of countries

Hate venomously kisses undernourished hearts
A lap allures, sweet with pride and protection,
and hoists a veil of fear between familiar minds

Thus a powerful line is drawn
The end of rationality – the beginning of control

Which “nation” shall comfort us at the hour of our death?
Which border shall stand?

“Der Mensch ist ein politisches Geschöpf, das am liebsten zu Klumpen geballt sein Leben verbringt.
Jeder Klumpen haßt die andern Klumpen, weil sie die andern sind, und haßt die eignen, weil sie die eignen sind.
Den letzteren Haß nennt man Patriotismus.” Kurt Tucholsky, Der Mensch

7. Dispelled Imaginations
„Lost ones who don't know what you truly wish,
Let yourselves be distracted by stuff carried along by ephemeral winds;
all hopes now stagger and perish.
No dreams drop traces of your lives...“

Dark void pays me a visit
All efforts are absorbed
Circular is what we initiate
My reward is no reward

My life evaporates like smoke
My body is shaken by fever
My strength, dry like mown grass
Even my hunger has vanished

Wasted imagination, so much precious lifetime burnt to illusions

My life evaporates like smoke
My body is shaken by fever
My strength, dry like mown grass
My cries.... die away unheard

Wasted imagination, so much precious lifetime burnt to illusions

Chained to morbid systems that raise their harmlessly grinning faces to bid the species farewell

8. Abgesang
Die Hüter des Morgen sind verpestet,
Verkauft noch ehe ein Preis geboten.
Die Gegenwart entgleitet dem Gewissen;
Die Zukunft – nur ein Kind des Glücks.

Wohin das Auge sieht: Bauernfängerei
Die Kraft zum eignen Wunsch erodiert im Malstrom unsrer Zeit…
Doch freut Euch nicht zu früh, Teufel der Seele!
Die lautere Wut ist noch nicht ausgeglüht!
Es wirkt noch Leben und noch Hoffnung
„Der Instinkt schöpferisch zu sein, bleibt so lange wie man atmet.“[Isaak Bashevis Singer, Advice]

Die Fühler abgestumpft im Raum der Furcht
Isoliert schreien wir nach Geborgenheit
Der Fluss treibt uns hinab, schneller und schneller
Verstümmelt und gelähmt suchen wir nach Halt

Des Baumes Früchte ausgedörrt
Der junge Mut im Keim zerstört
Die frischen Triebe alle müde
Am Morgen endet dieser Tag

Die toten Dinge um uns herum
Verraten unsre lahmen Herzen
Vergraben und vergaben, unsre Pläne
In kargen Höhlen Höhlen von Traurigkeit
Kein Rest von Freude sich mehr versteckt
Verhallt das mutige, wahre Wort ungehört?

„Wird unsere innere Widerstandskraft gegen das uns Aufgezwungene stark genug
und unsere Aufrichtigkeit gegen uns selbst schonungslos genug geblieben sein,
daß wir den Weg zur Schlichtheit und Geradheit wieder finden?“
(Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Widerstand und Ergebung)

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