To-Mera : To-Mera Demo 2005

Progressive Metal / United-Kingdom
(2005 - Self-Released)
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She's not to be seen today;
Silent in me, doesn't scream
But there's a noise.
You start up, You look around,
but there's no sound.

That's she.
Just careful once again, while you're with me.
She's brave as you leave.
Please stay! Don't go;
You love me! Shield me!
Save me! Love me bravely!

From the soul's core she descends
Screamingly blames, feverish madness.
She works as poison in me, and falls asleep... rarely.

She lives inside and out
And when the moonlit night is white
She's delving into my mother's grave.
Was it worth it? Rudely she awakens "You gave birth and died!"

She looks at me sometimes,
Tears the days away from my calendar.
It's up to her forever after, ever.
How far and where...forever, never...

Her words have fallen in my heart
In the evening's sour, sickest light
Like stones in the water, in her dreadful hour
Rippling, swinging, spinning, yelling...

You were sleeping when she arrived.
I stood naked in the night...
Strange fragrance drifted,
Cold breath touched my ears...
No one was here to save me from tears.

Flay yourself! Don't be defended by your skin
You're only raw meat; naked nerves! Flay yourself!
Foolish are all the ones who pride their skin;
The lying jail, raw meat of sins! Vision. Illusion.

Take the knife
It doesn't hurt...
Just a moment...
Just a hiss...
The knife woke up,
Glittering on the table.


So strong is the silence
So harsh is the touch of the air
Can you not see the rays of the light
Shining through my eyes
My love
Is free for your heart

Do you care if it bleeds me
Do you care if it drowns me
In a cloud blood red
I cut my wings
My strength
Oh save yourself
I need a moment
To feel your care

Save yourself
Don't let me drown into
This life

Away from the dark, afraid of the light
Shadows around...
The Emptiness cries out
Into the darkness of senses to try and forget
The morning waits outside the night

Cut my skin and hurt me
Kiss me and comfort me
I want to feel reality struggle through my brain... my veins...
Wondering dreaming illusions of life throughout our days
And wake up with empty eyes to pretend another day
Will bring something to life for... to live for today

Wish I'd stayed there in the dark
Wish I never crawled into the light
Wish there was enough light to fill my heart

Away from the dark, afraid of the light
Shadows around...
The Emptiness cries out
Into the darkness of senses to try and forget
The morning waits outside the night

Lyrics geaddet von tiluz - Bearbeite die Lyrics