Timoratus : Death

Experimental Metal / USA
(2014 - Self-Released)
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I have become too numb to find
My whole life in a line
There must be a reason for what my God has sent before me

If this is who I am
Nothing but a filthy man
I don't deserve to live

I have nothing in my life to live for
I have nothing in my life to die for
I have nothing in my life to live for
I have nothing in my life to die for

Would it be better to die?
To just douse my soul in fire
Just to take a blade through my own flesh

My mind races with thoughts
But wait, who is that who approaches
I shadow, a figure, a void of emptiness

Fingers extend just to meet with my face
Pulling back with ghastly terror
Maggots crawl from his side

I linger as I try to comprehend
The air is stale and cold
He calls to me I can take your pain away

The meat of his hand is rotting away
Dry and lean he reaches to touch me
Let me help you and you'll see
I try to resist with everything in me

I have become too numb to find
My whole life in a line
There must be a reason for what my God has sent before me

The rats crawl through the naked streets
The stench clouds with festered heat
Could this man really take it all away?

I... must... know

I, Kafla have nothing in this wretched land
All my family has been taken away
Could it really be worth it without my love?

Something deep inside of my heart tells me
This man is something to beware
The light is thin just as the all the air

I just can't move my feet to know
Take the hand of he who wants me to go
To some foreign land away from everything I know

Patiently the man holds out his hand
I start to reach but the voice inside of me
Pulls me away as I fall on my heels
Disappointed he falls back as well
The figure disappearing into the haze


Stumbling throughout the streets
Nothing quite makes sense to me
A child cries in despair
No one left for her anywhere
As I come to approach her I ask her why

Have you come for me o' death?
Like you've taken those close to me
I welcome your sweet release
Please just let me see them again
I can't believe these word come from the mouth of a child

The beat of the heart like an endless drum
Can't soften the heat of this endless sun
But why is this child so lost in despair
What can I do?

Come to me little child
I am not stricken
With this sickness

Fear permeates her face
As she looks at me with unending grace

My mind still in a haze
I've already lost too much
Why should I care for this child?
She has no one to call
Is this a test from God?
Please tell me oh Lord please tell me

Choking back the pain I
Extend my hand she cowers
In fear with great hesitance
I know that loss in her eyes
A voice inside it tells me
She stands up her hand in mine

Why... help me she softly asks with innocence
Because... you are the same as me with no family
I... know the pain and great tragedy that comes with being me

Do not cry, just take comfort and dry your eyes

Down inside
The loss still eats at me

God guide me

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics